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Suicidal thoughts

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Been thinking about it more than ever. There is no recovery. I am so scared and muddled. I can't tell who or what to trust any more. I have a plan but I am scared of upsetting my family. Please help me.


  • DistractionDistraction Posts: 480 Listening Ear

    take a step back and breath, just focus for a minute, you might be right, there might not be any recovery, we might just have to live with it,bit that's what makes us strong, I've been asking my self that question for years and going back and forth with plans, do u want to talk about anything, I'll stay up all night if u need someone
    Just also wanted to say that ur family will really be up set, theres nothing that can bring you back, nothing that they can do and they will never get over it, no one does
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey strixnebulosa,

    It's really good that you felt able to post on here last night about how you were feeling - how are you doing today?

    It sounds like you feel confused and unsure what to do. Do you have any strategies in place for when you feel this way or anywhere/anyone you reach out to? If the feelings become overwhelming, remember that Samaritans or Papyrus can offer that immediate 1-2-1 support.

    We are if you want to talk about anything *hug*
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