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Need advice

LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
A few weeks ago when I was walking back from the shop a man was crawling his car by me and when I got just outside the house I live in I told him to f off and he driven off. Walking back today from the bus to the house I live in I saw him again (it was definitely the same man) he stopped his car by me and asked if I wanted a lift and I just kept walking and he drove off. He must drive up and down this road frequently. The problem is I don't know the make of his car I couldn't evan guess nor do I know his registration or what he looks like. Is it worth informing the police on the non emergency number?


  • Former MemberFormer Member The Mix Posts: 292 The Mix Regular
    Hey Steph,

    Hope you're okay! This situation does seem to be making you uncomfortable, and rightfully so! If you feel this man doesn't seem right, it may be worth reporting it to someone or the police just so that they are aware of this individual. It is sometimes worth trusting your gut instinct. If you do see him again it could be worth remembering some details about him to report him, however they may have CCTV!

    Also for your own safety, it may be beneficial to walk with someone just as an extra means of security if this man is dodgy in any way.

    Speak soon!
    Drea :)
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Hey Drea

    I've reported it to the police. I've had to email them though as I didn't know you have to have credit to call 101!

    I always carry a hammer, spray and an alarm in my handbag for my own safety because it is not always possible for someone to be with me.
  • Former MemberFormer Member The Mix Posts: 292 The Mix Regular
    Hey Steph,

    Good idea! Hope he's taken care of! Did you mention that he asked if you wanted a lift? That may be beneficial to mention just so they know there are some potential alarm bells there as it isn't really normal to ask a stranger if they want a lift! As long as you're safe though :)

    Best wishes,
    Drea :heart:
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Yes I did I put..

    Hi I haven't got credit to phone 101. A few weeks ago a man in a black car was creeping his car by the side of me on BEEP BEEP I got just outside the house I live in and he drove off. I saw him again today on the same road. He stopped his car by me and asked if I wanted a lift. I kept walking and he drove off. The problem is I don't know the registration number or the make of the car. He must drive up BEEP BEEP frequently and I couldnt forgive myself if another vunerable girl was walking along this road and he stopped and asked her if she needed a lift and someone actually got into his car and something happened and I didn't inform anyone about him.

    And they've just replied..

    Good evening thank you for your email,

    If you see this male again try and obtain his vehicle registration for further incvestigation.


    That's all🤔
  • Former MemberFormer Member The Mix Posts: 292 The Mix Regular
    That's great Steph! Well done :)

    Drea :heart:
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