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Struggling with studying for exams next week :(

Former MemberFormer Member :)Posts: 2,072 Boards Champion
edited March 2024 in Work & Study
I have been quite mentally unwell recently, it's affected my studies- missed lots of lectures and unable to study it that state of mind effectively. Then on Monday, I decided to try my best for next weeks exams (Monday, Tuesday next week) after a conversation with disability advisor (as my MH so poor, and she asked me about a year out and stuff (but I said that would make things worse, which is the truth, she also said she is very concerned about me, as I am in crisis a lot (uni took me to A&E and this specific lady took me to A&E the second time, last friday).

What my point is, I had a realisation- I am just going to focus on exams and cram stuff in the hope I at least pass (which I don't know if I will due to missing so much study time due to MH issues). Especially as I know if I just don't sit it I wont pass, but if I do I "might" pass.

Never been so unorganised for an exam before :/ and Mondays one I am dreading the most- there are so many pathways and chemicals etc to remember (that's biochemistry exam, which to be honest don't like a lot of biochem course stuff). For immunology I already have 24% and need 40% to pass in total (due to coursework contributing to overall mark) so I think I can maybe pass immunology (plus I like it so not as much a chore as biochem).

I so think I am going to fail biochem. But I would appreciate any last ideas to try to remember at least some of all these complicated names in pathways eg. I am expected to learn the order of stuff with really similar and complicated names: eg.

fructose-1,6-biophosphate, glucose-6-phosphate and much worse things like squalene, phosphofructosekinase AND SO MUCH MORE, and in order of pathways, and like how many molecules of CO2 produced etc etc.

This is like a big chunk or work, any ideas for studying this sort of stuff (with most names I have never heard of until now :( )
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Noob Posts: 2,197 Boards Champion
    The only thing I can think of is either pnemonics or by word association e.g. If you're a visual learner link a picture to that word (hopefully related but maybe not!) which may help.

    On a broader note, you may qualify for extenuating circumstances for these exams, so if you feel up to it submitting evidence might be a good thing to think about so you can resit without issue.
  • Former MemberFormer Member :) Posts: 2,072 Boards Champion
    Yes, uni are aware of my circumstances and said I can apply for extenuitating circumstances. However I want to sit the exam because i "may" pass if I do, but I know if it goes badly , I will apply for extenuitating circumstances, which has to be done within 5 days of exam. You supply it after the exam,although uni are aware I probably will.

    Considering just giving up on learning the stuff thats too complicated , especially with a lack of time and just focusing on other areas, and hope I can at least pass, or if worst case scenario i need a resist I have plenty of time to study.

    Basically if anyone fails first time they can get a resist but if they approve your extenuitating circumstances, you get to sit the "resist" paper as a first paper, so all coursework weightings apply and you get whatever mark you get in exam (whereas for the resit of those without extenuitating circumstances you can only pass or fail, if you get over 40% they only give you 40% or less if you get less, 40% is pass mark, and your coursework doesn't count- we need 40% overall).
  • Former MemberFormer Member :) Posts: 2,072 Boards Champion
    Thanks for tip, I'm trying to do that, but some of stuff so complicated , eg. This is just one of many pathways, need to know names and enzymes .....
  • Former MemberFormer Member The Mix Posts: 292 The Mix Regular
    Hey Amanda,

    I know the struggle of studying for exams so I completely understand how stressed you feel especially with your mental health not being great. If you can apply for extenuating circumstances and you feel like you aren't feeling great at the moment, that may be a good idea :) If you can apply for it after your exam too that sounds quite promising. The most important thing above anything is that you're healthy and that you feel mentally good. Well done for telling the uni that you're struggling as that way they can help you. The best thing for you to do is to try your best, but it isn't the end of the world if you dont do great, and even better if you do well! Uni can be extremely pressuring and it's not the best feeling but your health is just as important as good grades! Look forward to hearing from you :)

    Drea :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member :) Posts: 2,072 Boards Champion
    Thanks for your reply Drea :)

    I had my first exam today, didn't go so well- hoping I pick up answers from multiple choice, and there was one question I was quite confident in , and another I may have got some marks, all the other written questions were awful, I could't even guess the stuff but tried to make an educated guess :/

    going to put in for circumstances,

    got my next and last exam tomorrow, which I feel better about compared to the one I had today!
  • Former MemberFormer Member The Mix Posts: 292 The Mix Regular
    Well done! I'm sure you tried your best and that's the most important thing :) Good luck for your exam next week, I hope you smash it!
    Have a great day :)

    Drea :d
  • Former MemberFormer Member :) Posts: 2,072 Boards Champion
    Thanks Drea :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Moderator Posts: 377 Listening Ear
    Hey apandav! How did the other exam go?
  • Former MemberFormer Member :) Posts: 2,072 Boards Champion
    Other exam went much better, it was multiple choice and problem solving questions. Also I understand that material better and there isn't any complex pathways like in other subject to learn. Plus I've discovered I really like immunology!
  • Former MemberFormer Member The Mix Posts: 292 The Mix Regular
    Hey Amanda,
    Long time no speak! hope you're feeling better! Multiple choice is my favourite haha :) It's so great you've found something you enjoy, that could be something you pursue further after your degree which is cool!

    Speak soon,
    Drea :angel:
  • Former MemberFormer Member :) Posts: 2,072 Boards Champion
    Hi Drea, yeah it is! I can change my degree slightly if I wish, as everyone does the same course the first two years and then they specialise in 3rd year. Most people are doing a joint honours degree, of a combination of 2 of: pharmacology, immunology, biochemistry and microbiology. And then there is people like me who are doing an accredited biomedical science degree (we basically do a mixture of all). Hence people are allowed to change their degree after this year if they wish (as everyone on all those courses do the exact same classes in 1st and 2nd year), I am going to base it on what I like the most, I might change mine actually, and do joint honours with immunology and something else. Probably drop biochemistry (thats the exam I just did) (in second year we are doing a bit of each). Will see how pharmacology and microbiology go in semester 2 :)
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