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QUIZ - what do you think of...

in General Chat
Sadly as James announced a week or so ago, we're having to delete some old threads for maintenance... I've found some gems, some funny, some sad, some entertaining, some beautiful... The myriad of this community... But I am a sucker for quizzes and there's been quite a few over the years. So here's one for you to answer that I am stealing (but adapting) from a lovely oldie...
The X Factor: Got bored of it about 3 years ago (sorry)
Smartphones: Can't imagine life without one
Heavy Metal music: Give me a bit of Slayer from time to time and I'm happy.
The Royal Family: I like Harry - that's it.
Legal Highs: The same as illegal highs
People who cheat: Insecure with low sense self esteem - and it's not the case that once a cheater always a cheater (imho)
Counselling and therapy: A life saver
Going clubbing: Those days are sadly over
Love at first sight: It's lust, but might last
Football: I'd rather play it than watch it, but am too lazy and too worried about making a fool of myself!
Your turn - just copy the bold parts and put your own answers
The X Factor: Got bored of it about 3 years ago (sorry)
Smartphones: Can't imagine life without one
Heavy Metal music: Give me a bit of Slayer from time to time and I'm happy.
The Royal Family: I like Harry - that's it.
Legal Highs: The same as illegal highs
People who cheat: Insecure with low sense self esteem - and it's not the case that once a cheater always a cheater (imho)
Counselling and therapy: A life saver
Going clubbing: Those days are sadly over
Love at first sight: It's lust, but might last
Football: I'd rather play it than watch it, but am too lazy and too worried about making a fool of myself!
Your turn - just copy the bold parts and put your own answers
Smartphones: I’m way too addicted to mine, my phone dies all the time at work and I act like it’s the end of the world.
Heavy Metal music: I quite like it, as long as its not huge scraming crap, That hurts my ears.
The Royal Family: I like the TV programme…with the old fat guy on his couch
Legal Highs: I think they should be illegal, they’re still dangerous, still causing deaths.
People who cheat: My ex cheated on me with my best-friend, We we’re both secretly gay. And ashamed. I forgive him though…..Kinda.
Counselling and therapy: With the right person its amazing, as long as they’re not patronising and asking you “How does that make you feel” every three seconds. Like IDK LIKE HITTING YOU MAYBE.
Going clubbing: Never appealed to me, Don’t like loud music, Dark rooms, Alcohol and drunk people.
Love at first sight: Never really believed in it, although not saying it doesn’t happen, When I first saw my partner I thought she was weird and didn’t like her.
Football: Sam plays it, does nothing but moan about it when she comes and doesn’t want to go, I get bored of just standing/sitting there watching someone kick a ball around!
Smartphones: What would I do without one? It's not just a phone, it's a time passer. How would I get through those bus journeys w/o it!
Heavy Metal music: Not really my thing.
The Royal Family: not that bothered- just normal people with high status.
Legal Highs: don't agree with it, just as much a illegal highs.
People who cheat: Not true to their partner, it's selfish...... If you want to cheat break up with your partner before pursuing.
Counselling and therapy: Don't know what I'd do without it!
Going clubbing: not a fan of icky seats, drunken creeps and the heaps (big crowds).
Love at first sight: I've never been in love so don't feel I can comment.
Football: As I've always said why watch a bunch of people run about grass kicking a ball! My dad tried to get me into it as a kid and took me to a match......... Never worked, just got bored very quickly. It's a lot more fun attempting to play football (like anything) but definitely not my top sport!
Smartphones: my safety net.
Heavy Metal music: Pass
The Royal Family: Prince George is the cutest lil one known to man!
Legal Highs: So dangerous.
People who cheat: irritate me.. if you're not happy, just leave.
Counselling and therapy: Waiting to see if I can ever survive without it.. wondering if it actually works or I'm just too broken.
Going clubbing: Never really appealed to me.. the odd night at the SU tho? Themed parties? Themed cocktails? I'm a sucker for those!
Love at first sight: I don't believe you can love someone straight away unless you've gotten to know them.
Football: Meh.. next please.
Smartphones: An extension of my right hand *double taps fingers*
Heavy Metal music: Good memories
The Royal Family: Bog off
Legal Highs: Too dangerous to be 'legal'
People who cheat: Can't understand why
Counselling and therapy: Challenging but good
Going clubbing: grimy, shoes sticking to the floors in clubs
Love at first sight: Goes away as quickly as it came
Football: I'd rather watch the mascot.
Smartphones: Don't like the over reliance on them, but as an IT professional I need onw.
Heavy Metal music: Anything pre 2000 is good.
The Royal Family: They're alright, they do job I suppose.
Legal Highs: Yes please. All Highs should be legal.
People who cheat: dont desrves second chances
Counselling and therapy: More useful and less dangeorus than psycotropic drugs
Going clubbing: still up for clubbing when I find the time. Takes 5 times as lojng to recover nowadays though.
Love at first sight: nah
Football: Play it and watch it. Up the Saints
Smartphones: amazing, what would i do without one
Heavy Metal music: Not my thing
The Royal Family: ummm....they are ok i suppose but i dont feel highly of them
Legal Highs: Wrong and very dangerous
People who cheat: Annoy me, just dont do it
Counselling and therapy: Wouldn't be here without it so yes its lifesaving
Going clubbing: Never been because im only 17 plus doesn't appeal to me
Love at first sight: I dont believe in love at first sight, you have got to get to know them first and be friends with them first.
Football: Hate playing it and i hate watching it
I watched about 10 minutes of it the other day...But besides that i haven't seen it since I think...JLS? maybe before.
Smartphones: I would die without my phone.
Heavy Metal music: Ew, no.
The Royal Family: The hype bores me.
Legal Highs: Don't really have much of an opinion.
People who cheat: I'm in two minds about this because you never really know what's going on in a relationship. Having said that, seeing people sink with heartache because they've been cheated on isn't nice at all so I don't agree.
Counselling and therapy: Absolutely amazing, just a tad too exhausting.
Going clubbing: I'm all about the alcohol but I'd rather do it without the loud music and huge crowds - way too overwhelming.
Love at first sight: It's not complete love but it's something close I reckon.
Football: Don't play it and don't watch it on TV but I absolutely love going to watch the city matches, it's such a buzz.
Smartphones: I don't use my phone an awful lot but i would only ever have an iphone now
Heavy Metal music: sorry but no
The Royal Family: I think they are important for tourists bringing in money but that's about it
Legal Highs: alcohol?
People who cheat: There could be a good reason. But if they just like to go out with everyone and mess everyone around then no
Counselling and therapy: I don't like it. I would prefer to sit back to back.
Going clubbing: Well i love alcohol but erm i'm fat so not exactly going to be my thing
Love at first sight: Yes. When ever i see a cat i immediatly love them and want to take them home.
Football: Used to enjoy playing it. Hate watching it!
Love this idea!
Smartphones: Crucial, legit wouldn't cope without it
Heavy Metal music: Not my thing
The Royal Family: I don't really have an opinion on them
Legal Highs: Misleading, people think bc they're 'legal' highs, they're safe
People who cheat: Cunts, don't fuck someone over bc you want someone else, leave them if you're unhappy/want to bang someone else
Counselling and therapy: Awkward and uncomfortable
Going clubbing: It can be great with the right people
Love at first sight: More like love at first bite
Football: Women's football yes, men's football is overrated
I watched the women's Olympic final at Wembley back in 2012 - great match! Should really watch more...one of my brother's friends has been scouted for Chelsea.
Smartphones: Without it I would not be able to share my sexy face over snapchat! Or the hours I spend in the Library.
Heavy Metal music: Grew out of it
The Royal Family: There all so lovely, pretty and so beautiful, omg, I want to be one of them.
Legal Highs: Why not, eh?
People who cheat: Gotta get over it.
Counselling and therapy: It's okay, I guess
Going clubbing: I could live in Salvo
Love at first sight: Nah
Football: Let's play!