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Change again

Similar to my last thread, I know, but that seems to be a venting space for me nowadays and I need people.
Went to a meeting with quite a few people today and managed to stick it our for a bit even though it was one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life but then when one of my workers was talking about having another similar meeting in three months time, everyone got their diaries out to plan it, and when worker said the date, my GP was like "I will have left that surgery by then".
I walked out of the meeting and told them to carry on without me, and as soon as I got out I just flopped and sobbed, and that stupid thing happened where I just couldn't stop shivering, even though it's absolutely boiling outside today. And I didn't stop sobbing until a bit after I got back to my home town. So I must have been crying for at least an hour.
My GP is someone who I trust and get along with really well, and he's leaving
what am I supposed to do now? It took me absolutely ages to find a GP that I actually wanted to engage with.
I know I'm probably being extremely stupid and should get a grip - that's life, people leave every now and then. But I've had this GP the whole time. I had him before I got referred to crisis team, I had him when they left, I had him when all of my other workers started working with me. He's been there literally through EVERYTHING. How the hell am I supposed to cope with this? The crisis team stopping was hard enough, this is just way worse. He knows everything there is to know.
I feel so alone. It's one GP but it's like the world has just come to an awful stop. What's going to happen? And because I walked out of the meeting, support worker came out to see if I was okay, then social worker came out for a bit, then support worker came out and took me home. So I've not seen anyone else since I left the meeting, and I'm supposed to see GP tomorrow for the usual weekly appointment but what's the point? I'm bound to be a sobbing mess again so that's one issue, and then there's the fact that I feel it's totally pointless. Isn't going to all of the appointments before he does leave for good just going to make it harder when that time actually comes?
I can't deal with this. I can't. I feel like I've been completely knocked down again. And it's not fucking normal to want to get so wasted and hurt myself just because of this. I'm such a mental, stupid cow.
Went to a meeting with quite a few people today and managed to stick it our for a bit even though it was one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life but then when one of my workers was talking about having another similar meeting in three months time, everyone got their diaries out to plan it, and when worker said the date, my GP was like "I will have left that surgery by then".
I walked out of the meeting and told them to carry on without me, and as soon as I got out I just flopped and sobbed, and that stupid thing happened where I just couldn't stop shivering, even though it's absolutely boiling outside today. And I didn't stop sobbing until a bit after I got back to my home town. So I must have been crying for at least an hour.
My GP is someone who I trust and get along with really well, and he's leaving

I know I'm probably being extremely stupid and should get a grip - that's life, people leave every now and then. But I've had this GP the whole time. I had him before I got referred to crisis team, I had him when they left, I had him when all of my other workers started working with me. He's been there literally through EVERYTHING. How the hell am I supposed to cope with this? The crisis team stopping was hard enough, this is just way worse. He knows everything there is to know.
I feel so alone. It's one GP but it's like the world has just come to an awful stop. What's going to happen? And because I walked out of the meeting, support worker came out to see if I was okay, then social worker came out for a bit, then support worker came out and took me home. So I've not seen anyone else since I left the meeting, and I'm supposed to see GP tomorrow for the usual weekly appointment but what's the point? I'm bound to be a sobbing mess again so that's one issue, and then there's the fact that I feel it's totally pointless. Isn't going to all of the appointments before he does leave for good just going to make it harder when that time actually comes?
I can't deal with this. I can't. I feel like I've been completely knocked down again. And it's not fucking normal to want to get so wasted and hurt myself just because of this. I'm such a mental, stupid cow.
Is your doctor moving to another surgery nearby? Could you move with him?
I wish I had something helpful to say right now. I guess I just wanted to drop in, and offer you *hug*s and let you know I am here
I really hope things work out for you *hug*
It sounds hard to find out suddenly that one of these key people in your journey is going to be leaving and that's totally understandable. It sounds like they have played a really important role in your life lately and sometimes people leaving in general can trigger difficult feelings.
I hope the appointment goes okay and perhaps your GP can recommend a replacement, or as plugitin says, if they are moving nearby there may be a chance to continue with them. You've also shown how important it is to find a GP that you feel you connect with and can talk to - it will take some time and yes, it's tiring but you can do that again, you've shown now that you're capable of it.
Be gentle on yourself, it's okay to feel upset about this *hug*
I didn't see your reply, must have been typing whilst you replied. GP said when the time comes, a woman is taking over from him and they're going to work together for a few weeks in early august to do layovers, so he said he'll be there when I meet her and he'll fill her in etc. I'm just scared because I know what I need now, and what if she is no way near the same? He knows how to deal with me, he knows what to say and when. But yeah, thanks Jojo.
You're not overreacting at all. Change is scary and is so dealing with new people.
Are there any other GPs you sometimes see who you feel comfortable with?
As Melian says, change can be really hard and it sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed. Let yourself have a cry if you need to. It's okay.
There's no rush to make any decisions so take your time - have a good old cup of tea and allow yourself some space to think things through or take a walk to help clear your mind?
From what you have said you have a good relationship with your GP, if you need to, do call them.
P.s - it's great to hear the GP is doing handovers with the new woman, fingers crossed for that!
It's understandable that you feel that way butterfly, it's okay to feel the way you do. The GP that you have gained trust in is leaving- that's a big change!
If it helps you can always post on here! I really hope things work out well for you butterfly!
I am a sobbing mess. Social worker isn't in, support worker has an emergency where she is so can't answer, GP doesn't work on Tuesday's, other worker doesn't really deal with stuff like this. She has been amazing, literally amazing, but I feel so awful putting this shit on her. Met with alcohol worker and literally just sobbed. Cringe. I rang the doctors and said I refuse to talk to anyone else other than my GP or the specific nurse I see sometimes. Because I was sobbing, the receptionist waited on the phone with me and managed to put me through to said nurse. She spoke to me for a bit and then asked if I could go in and see her at half one. So that's good, I guess, but I literally cannot stop crying. I feel so alone.
Hopefully with time you will adjust to this massive change, but as I said before it's okay to feel the way you do!
It's good that your other worker offered to support you at your GP appointment.
Best of luck for meeting your new GP on Wednesday(correct me if I'm wrong).
It's always a bit of a hard one to deal with when we get used to someone, and they move on. I know change can be very difficult - it is for lots of people. :yes:
Perhaps your GP could recommend who you could speak to while he is away? That might make you feel a little bit more reassured.
It sounds like you're not too keen on his replacement, can you tell us a little bit more about that?