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The Fainting Challenge

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
You may have heard of this, and think this 'trend' is over. That's what I thought as well until a few days ago, when everybody at my school began purposely hyperventalating to make themselves faint. I heard one of them laughing (yes, laughing) over an instance where somebody hit their head and went through a violent seziure; what they don't know is that that seizure is a sign of irreparable brain damage.
So, I wanted to say this.
No. Please don't do this, whether you've done it once, never or loads of times. It's risky, and though the risk of death is low, it is avoidable and even if you don't killyourself, the side effects are widespread and hidden. In a nutshell, your brain wasn't designed for you to kill off thousands of cells just to get a legal high.

This isn't a game, this isn't a trend. I've seen what it can do and I hate to hear people get pressured into it. For more information, visit GASP (http://www.gaspinfo.com/en/home.html) for a better and more in depth explanation than I ever could give.

I would also like TS to make a page on it, educating those who want to know about the risks of this activity.

Thanks for reading.
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