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CPN leaving

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

So I've had a CPN for the last two years and she's now leaving in two weeks, I'm also in group therapy which I'm not keen on but willing to give it ago as I've been in DBT and got kicked off and also individual therapy for 6 months and nothing seems to be helping. I feel like I'm losing all my support knowing I had a CPN I could ring and talk to, now I don't really have anyone I don't trust the group leaders yet, and I'd feel stupid going to them and being like 'I feel shit' 'I want to overdose' but I don't really want to have to get to know a new CPN as it takes me a while to open up to them and because of this my CPN said they may discharge me from CPN earlier as they may think I'm wasting time (she didn't say those exact words but that's what it came out like) so how do I go about asking for more support for a while longer after she leaves?

I haven't spoken to my CPN in a few months since she's told me she's leaving as I don't see the point in talking as she'll be leaving.

Tbh I don't really know what I'm asking now just babbling on.

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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Could you try speaking to the CPN leaders as you suggested? I think its better to talk to someone then just keeping things to yourself. They maybe be able to give you advice on when shes leaves.

    What other support are you getting at the moment? Im not sure what kind of other support your receiving as its too hard to tell from when you said nothing seems to be working.

    Have you thought about seeing your GP and asking them to refer you to something like The Mental Health Team or Crisis Team if you feel that you need longer term support? Would be able to help?

    I do think having a paln on what your gonna do will make you feel more prepared and able to cope when your adviser leaves.

    I think the first step is to talk to the team leaders and see what they say.

    I hope that helps x
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks for the reply crazycat.

    I am currently with the mental health team so have access to the crisis team but they're useless :)

    I don't feel able to talk to the group leaders at the moment as I don't really know them well enough to be open with them as it takes me a while to trust them.

    I'm going to try and talk to my CPN next week and discuss when she leaves but I don't know the words to use its all jumbled in my head

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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It doesn't matter how it comes out, you know that your CPN Adviser will understand and can try and help you the best way possible. I know you feel like you have no support there but you do and she will be able to advice you on the best way forward so that you are still with there services and getting help and support.

    You could try speaking to your adviser as you said before as you know what is best for you but in time you will get to know other members of staff and feel a bit more confident talking to them. Hopefully that will come in time.

    I think your doing the right thing by recieving support from the mental health team and crisis team. Your more with the mental health team arnt you? The crisis team only there if you were in danger or at risk. I would carry on with the mental health team. Are they more supportive then the crisis team?

    Keep receiving the help and things will get better x
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You don't really understand what I'm trying to say but thanks for the advice

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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    write her a letter and show her that if you feel as though you can't talk?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    @BlondieLiz I'm sorry if you think that I dont understand and I can't imagine what your going through so I'm sorry if I don't.

    I was just saying that in your own time when you feel like you can open up to more then once person is to tell them ie the CPN Leaders on how you feel. I know this will be difficult at first but in your own time after you have spoken to your adviser to say what you said to her to say to the CPN Leadets. I hope you understand what trying to say? Basicly do it in your own time without feeling pressured and try to talk to the CPN Leaders.

    You might find writing it down on paper might be more helpful to get your words out or writing a letter could be another idea. I think whatever makes you feel comfortable but again no pressure. Just try and be honest and open if you feel like writing how you feel on paper will work better.

    There anyone you could talk to in the mean time? Family or Friends? You might find that The Site has some useful information on confidence building, not saying you have no confidence but ways to improve your confidence and self esteem.

    I hope that helps x
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