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hi :)

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
I'm Nina, 16 nearly 17 and just starting to try and deal with my anxiety that i was told i had from a doctor in early December. I was too scared to face the problem then but know i feel ready to do something about it :) I'm new to this site and have never done anything like this before.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Nina, welcome to TheSite boards - you've taken a very brave step so well done *hug*

    Do take a look around and feel free to start a thread regarding your anxiety in the Health & Wellbeing forum whenever you're ready :)
  • HannHann Posts: 3,434 Boards Guru
    Welcome :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Welcome, Nina. :wave:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Welcome to TheSite message boards nina :) :wave:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Nina! :) rookie here too, so welcome to us :)
  • AuroraAurora Posts: 11,722 An Original Mixlorian
    Warm welcomes to TheSite.org message boards Nina :wave:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Welcome to the site. Good for you that you're ready to do something about it. Good luck!
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