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Rich & Poor

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Those families who did take the land many centuries ago, own the same land to this day - Monarchy.

This land includes all the mineral rich lands in Africa etc...

When these rotten families took the land from us all, they
selected lords to control the land and resources thereof.

These lords had a family. This family control's that same land to this

So it is clear, the rich enable others to become rich - they select
who controls what.

While the poor suffer.

We can see that world will never change while these monarchs

The monarchy head freemasonry and this freemasonry infiltrates
parliament, institutions / organizations via the directors on the boards, royal society ( science reasearch ) .

In other words, every aspect / element of our sociery has been
infiltrated by these robots of the monarchs ; freemasons.

Hence, low wages for the slaves , pay rise / bonus rise for the directors ( who are masons ).

Hence the banks being run by criminals ( freemasons ).
Hence the politicians who show pure contempt towards us when
claiming expenses at our expense.

Soon, people will see , it is the freemasons who are the master
criminals of this world and they are screwing up our lives.
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