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Operated area "suddenly" sensitive to pressure

Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,677 Skive's The Limit
I had surgery the other day, to remove a cyst that's near my coccyx. The wound has been left open, as it's supposed to be, and I'm having someone change the bandages every day.

I had the surgery on Thursday, and up until yesterday I felt almost nothing in that area, except the bandage being slipped in or out. Today though I feel a bit of pain when there's pressure (from the bandage, for example, or from the blankets when I'm in bed).

Is that to be expected? I'd have thought I'd be feeling pain in the beginning which would lessen as days pass, not the other way around.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Depends what you mean by the other day.

    I'm pretty sure I know exactly the surgery you had, as had the same......

    Generally when they do it they put anaesthetic into the wound and the draining etc knocks the surrounding nerves out of thinking or feeling for a couple of days, so it gets more tender as they start to wake up again and feel things.

    If it gets worse then make sure it gets properly looked at as that was always the clearest indicator of when I was getting a wound infection. As the dressings are getting changed daily, make sure you tell the nurse who's changing them that its more painful than it was, although whatever the hell you do, don't let them take that as a suggestion you don't want the wound packing as hard, as decent packing is the key to preventing recurrence.

    And if you want to PM me, feel free. I'll be more open on PM on this subject than I will on public boards.
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