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citalopram/SSRIs & veganism

exposedexposed Posts: 31 Boards Initiate
hey all,

im currently taking citalopram (20mg) for depression and anxiety issues.

i am also a vegan (no meat, no milk, nothing from an animal).

the citalopram tablets are made with minute amounts of lactose to actually form the tablet together. i was happy to take this as it would hopefully help/eradicate my depression... however one of my vegan friends has slagged me off big time for taking this medication. mainly because at some point a) it was probably tested on animals 40 years ago and b) it still contains minute amounts of lactose (from cows milk?).

after being ear bashed by said friend, who reminded me that they have a similar illness and refuse medication, needless to say i felt like shit.

anyone have any similar issues?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    exposed wrote: »
    hey all,

    im currently taking citalopram (20mg) for depression and anxiety issues.

    i am also a vegan (no meat, no milk, nothing from an animal).

    the citalopram tablets are made with minute amounts of lactose to actually form the tablet together. i was happy to take this as it would hopefully help/eradicate my depression... however one of my vegan friends has slagged me off big time for taking this medication. mainly because at some point a) it was probably tested on animals 40 years ago and b) it still contains minute amounts of lactose (from cows milk?).

    after being ear bashed by said friend, who reminded me that they have a similar illness and refuse medication, needless to say i felt like shit.

    anyone have any similar issues?

    Tell them to get fucked. Your mental health is way more important.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sounds like the problem is with your friend, not your medication!

    If you are ok with the non-vegan thing, and the meds help you, you should tell your friend and their militant veganism to jog on.

    Sacrificing your health for your beliefs is one thing, but trying to guilt trip someone else to do the same is not on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Seconding what the others have said.

    Most medication that's been around a long time will have been tested on animals because that's how things used to work. About the best you can aim for realistically with your useage is that developments aren't any more which you're fine on in this case.

    No vegan is ever going to be 100% perfect, it simply isn't possible.

    What you need to think about is why you are a vegan. Is it because you friend has bullied you into being one and you do what she says? If you, then evidently you should do exactly what she says and sod your health.


    Is it because you feel it's a good thing for you to do, it gives you a healthy life, protects animals and is good for the planet? In which case as part of the looking after you and everything around you, you'll probably categorise taking your medication that helps keep you well and realise your friend is being somewhat millitant and trying to impose herself on others rather than respecting their decision making.
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    exposedexposed Posts: 31 Boards Initiate
    the irony is that I have been vegan for the vast majority of my life. the person/s giving me grief has been vegan for 3 months.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What is important is that you live YOUR life the way YOU want to live it. She should value your friendship and except that you can have different beliefs, despite your beliefs being under the same umbrella term 'vegan'.

    In my opinion its impossible to follow anything 100% anyway, be it being a vegan, following a religion etc etc. So... If its a choice you've made after thinking of the pros and cons (which you clearly have) then no worries

    Just because your friend says she has a similar illness to you doesn't mean that you have to do things her way. Different people need different ways to deal with things... and... I think you're making the right choice. If Citalopram is giving you the opportunity to feel better (I hope it works for you!) then go for it.

    All the best with things.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wonder how far your friends ethics would go if they they were told to have chemotherapy or die from cancer in 3 months ?

    Your friend is a Class A, Grade 1, non-dairy, gluten free twat. If they wish to be vegan, vege (like myself) or whatever fine. But don't go round telling people what they can and can't eat when they're are far more serious issues going on around their over-inflated, patronising head.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi guys,

    Please try to watch some of the use of language used to describe exposed's friend in this thread - some people may find it offensive, and also - despite exposed's friend perhaps being unreasonable, they are still a friend.

    Thanks :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm vegetarian but I depend on a number of medications on a daily basis. I know full well they were developed through animal testing although they no longer are. Most of them are not vegetarian, either. But I've never let that worry me, to be honest. I rely on them and I don't apologise for that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's your decision what you eat/take, people can't go forcing their views on you. I'm not vegan, but my vegan friends don't bollock me for it!

    It sounds like you do everything within your power in your daily diet to avoid products from animals, but with medication it's more difficult to maintain that kind of control as what goes into them is kind of out of your hands. As with anything really you've just got to do what you feel comfortable with. I've been on citalopram by the way, for the past nine months, and after the initial side effects I found it really really helpful. Hope i works as well for you :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Harry23 wrote: »
    a friend.

    exposed wrote: »
    im currently taking citalopram (20mg) for depression and anxiety issues.

    after being ear bashed by said friend, who reminded me that they have a similar illness and refuse medication, needless to say i felt like shit.

    Some friend eh ? :rolleyes:
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    exposedexposed Posts: 31 Boards Initiate
    lol. true, cheers guys. nice to hear some sensible views from some other vegans/vegetarians/non veggies on here.

    needless to say - we aren't really friends anymore. it all exploded and you can kind of predict the bottom line i guess :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nice to hear. Well hope you start feeling better soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    exposed wrote: »
    lol. true, cheers guys. nice to hear some sensible views from some other vegans/vegetarians/non veggies on here.

    needless to say - we aren't really friends anymore. it all exploded and you can kind of predict the bottom line i guess :)

    I am also a vegan and take this med but I get it in sugar free liquid form which is vegan friendly.

    I have a very understanding doctor so am thankful for that. I would suggest telling your doctor you are allergic to dairy as you will get much more understanding.

    I hope that helps.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    or you could tell your friend that to respect his views, you wont piss on him next time he's on fire - it coming from an animal and all :D
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