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Govt. steps in - but will it make a difference?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

Is this intervention worth anything?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its all a process of horsetrading. This is how the little people become pawns to be sacrificed or spared at the political whim of the corrupt elite.

    Tony said history would forgive them? well i suggest that history has already indicted them for lies (the extent of which is yet to be known and may never be) and if the prisoners start to be executed by what is essentially a soviet and nazi practice of secret military tribunals with no real defence possible then they will be shown to be all that they condemn and thus the ultimate lie will be revealed.

    It's sickening and im sure its opened alot of wounds in the Japanese community for what they suffered at the hands of mass unquestioning ignorance and a govt with a heavy handed power crazed agenda.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Gotta win the peace before you can claim the kind of victory that you refer to GWST. Its looking more and more every day that they presumed far too much and heeded far too little to be treated any kinder by history than they are being treated right now.

    By continuing to cover their previous lies with even more lies and spin they are only digging deeper the hole into which history will quite happily bury them both!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That may be so girlwithsharpteeth, but things were much more black and white in the past.

    The prospect of war on Iraq saw the biggest public protests in history, both in Britain and elsewhere. They might have not stopped the warmongering imperialistic mad Texan and his poodle from going ahead anyway- nothing short of killing them and their entire governments would have- but this popular uprising will likely cost Blair, even Bush, their posts.

    So even that the military campaign was "won" Blair and Bush will still go down in history as villains who embarked in a imperialistic war of conquest for financial and geopolitical reasons, causing the deaths of tens of thousands and after duping some into supporting their war with false pretenses, and against the wishes of much of the population.

    They will simply be seen as what they are.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So this has turned into another Iraq debate? Thanks! :rolleyes:

    Personally I think the government's involvement is just a formality, I don't think they really give two hoots.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry, I got carried away by the reference about how history will see Blair (the supreme hypocrisy of the man makes me mad :mad: )

    It will all depend on what happens next. The US government will not want to send them back to Britain. There are citizens of many countries in Cuba, including a number of European nations and of course Spain (a country that was a most staunch supporter of the war). If the British prisoners are allowed to be tried at home it will set a precedent and every other country will demand their citizens are sent home too.

    No word yet about the other 7 British prisoners, and considering the speed at which things are being done there is a good chance some prisoners will remain illegally imprisoned there for many years to come. Then probably, after 10 years rotting in jail without being even charged with anything, they'll be let go by another government.

    All in all, this will be remembered in history as one of the most shameful and disgusting acts ever committed by a US government. Its lowest point, and something future American generations will remember in shame.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Given that the recollection of the American public to the shame of what we wrongfully did to Japanese Americans during WWII hasn't prevented this repeat of history, I suspect this miscarriage of justice will also be conveniently forgotten as well.

    Thus will we witness again and again even greater betrayal of all the hallowed principles of freedom and justice which our politicans give lip service to and will receive our due recompense for such betrayal.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think Bush has a problem with sending them back to Britain unless he can guarantee a trial (and a conviction). The main issue seems to be the fear that the Crown Prosecution Service will say that the whole case has become too high profile to try them, not withstanding the seeming lack of evidence on the Americans part.

    Bush did offer to send Australian citizens in Guantanamo back to Oz but John Howard, the Australian PM, said that they could stay in Guantanamo. Also the Pakistani government lodged official diplomatic protests with the Americans and got their citizens back. It seems that being a pain in the arse about it gets your citizens back, and given the meekness of this government on the issue I doubt we'll see them come back which is absolutely shameful of this government but as long as Tony gets applause from Congress who cares that two British citizens will be murdered by a cowboy court?

    As for the "history will forgive us" GWST is right when she says that history is written by the victors - however, I don't think Blair and Bush are the victors. Let's look at the evidence - in the face of huge global and domestic protests Blair and Bush sought their mandate for war through the UN only to ditch it when it became clear that the UN wouldn't back their war. Then they began a war on Iraq which has still not ended which is seeing increasing numbers of Allied troops die in guerilla attacks by the Iraqi people who, pro-Saddam or not, are hostile to being occupied by a foreign power. The Allies have also failed to restore basic services like water, electricity and gas to the Iraqi people which were working before the war and they have failed to produce any significant arrests except a few members of Saddam's cabinet and just like in Afghanistan have failed to catch the main target of Saddam Hussein. Meanwhile the fabled Weapons of Mass Destruction which were the main plank of the case for war, especially in Britain have failed to materialise despite increasing resources for searches while Iraq's resources are now in the hands of American companies who are linked to the administration which began the war in the first place.

    To be honest, I'm surprised the Americans didn't just plant some WMDs there, well there's still time I suppose.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    Its lowest point, and something future American generations will remember in shame.
    You reckon? Using a certain American on this board, who I would say speaks for the majority of them, "shame" isn't in their vocabulary!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think a lot of Americans are deeply ashamed of the disgusting, dangerous, corrupt US government they have. However they do not dare speak out as they should due to the current climate of hysteria and misguided "patriotism" currently engulfing the US.

    This however shall subside as time passes and it becomes apparent that the US public has been scared and brainwash by a government far too keen to use the word 'terrorism' and make apocalyptic predictions unless all those rogue states are dealt with.

    The current wave of ultra-nationalism will eventually die down and all the decent people in the US will be heard loud and clear, specially once the Bush administration is no longer in office.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    I think a lot of Americans are deeply ashamed of the disgusting, dangerous, corrupt US government they have.
    I think you may be right actually. Recently a friend went to California for a wedding of one of our friends, and she was slating Bush and the govt. to the brides American parents. They were arguing with her and telling her how great the administration is and how the war on terror had brought them all together as a nation. Later, they both saw her seperately and said they hated the administration but could she not mention it to their partner, because they didn't want anyone to think they were not patriotic.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As an American (regardless of what pnj's neanderthilic friends wish to think) I am deeply ashamed of the current handling of the country and our national disposition in the world (which I as a longtime expat see more clearly than my insulated countrymen back home).

    Bumblebee> you raise an important point which gives me no end of heartache concerning patriotism and how it is (and has long been) misapplied by the right wing in the US.

    Petriotism is love for one's nation, not one's government. A true Patriot would be the first to deamnd full accountability from our elected leaders rather than pandering unquestioningly to their whims and allowing them to dictate their own agenda, especially when they wish to put American lives other than their own at risk.

    The media is also shamefully compliant in catering to and propagating the misapplication of "patriotism" in acting as the mouthpiece of our leaders rather than a public watchdog meant to continuously scrutinise their actions.

    I have no solution to this quandry but if things continue to slide downward for the administration as I pray fervently they will, the true patriots will emerge to pull down the real evil threatening the country.

    I hope true British patriots will do likewise re: Blair!
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