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RelationShip Times Scales

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
For all you guys in a relationship - I'm kinda interested to know how fast your relationship developted (without getting too nosey)

Like form the first time you met how long was it until

a) First Date

b) First Kiss

c) First Nookie

d) First Time you said you loved each other

e) First time you introduced each other to your friends and family

f) First time had kids

you get the picture

g) And if this counts first fight and if past relationship when you broke up or the relationship died out .. a lot fo people say for women there is a 3/4 year itch - but never heard of this for men.

Although I know one girl who fits that perfectly a new boyfriend every 3 years for like the past 9 years.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ok im a girl but it applies to my fella (obviously) so i'll post anyway! (we've been together 2 and a bit years now)

    a) first date: thursday

    b) first kiss: thursday!

    c) first nookie: on our second date - which was Saturday

    d) cant remember! not far into it, i we slept together after three weeks, it was a pretty fast moving thing

    e) erm... he met my mum on our first date, and stayed over on our second date so he knew my lot real soon. i met his about a week after, two weeks after summit like that

    and we're still together over two years later and very very happy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry - I used bad wording - I call everyone Guys!! Guys and Gals!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    with my last relationship we did everything except the 'love' and family introductions on the day we met.

    we broke up about month later :crying:

    oooh and no kids :yuck:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BritJames

    took her for a drink on Tuesday

    we were making love by Wednesday

    and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday

    we chilled on Sunday

    :lol: Someone had to...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *vomits all over craig david*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a) First Date
    Well I'd known her for several years beforehand, but in a friendship way mainly. It was about 6 weeks ago now that we went on our first date.

    b) First Kiss
    First small kiss was that same night and first proper kiss was a few days later at my house.

    c) First Nookie
    That would have been last Friday (after 5 weeks of the first date)

    d) First Time you said you loved each other
    Just after c) ;)
    Had been said/hinted at in texts & emails but that was the first time we said it. Will make sure it's not said too often though as it gets devalued.

    e) First time you introduced each other to your friends and family
    She knew most of my friends for a few years - introduced her to my best friend Tara a couple of weeks after getting together.
    Met my family a few days after the 1st date.

    f) First time had kids:D
    Heh...not yet. But it is exactly 9 months and 2 days until my 21st birthday...so my girl will be getting scared if I start getting horny on Sat night ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: RelationShip Times Scales

    a) First Date

    One Week

    b) First Kiss

    One Week

    c) First Nookie

    Four Weeks (Two weeks after properly going out with each other)

    d) First Time you said you loved each other

    Six Weeks

    e) First time you introduced each other to your friends and family

    Couple of days after first date, both of us met each others entire not just immediate family.

    f) First time had kids

    Maybe in a few years.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a) First Date

    A week

    b) First Kiss

    A week

    c) First Nookie

    3 weeks

    d) First time we said we loved each other

    Shortly afterwards

    e) First time we introduced each others friends and family

    A week, straight after the first date and kiss actually :S

    f) First time we had kids

    Well we talked about it but now we've split up :(

    g) Break up

    8 months
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Been with my boyf for nearly 2 years, i got with him when i was 14.

    First date, well because i was only 14 we didnt really go on a date, but we started going out with eacother on october 7th

    First kiss, um i think about two days later.

    First nookie, we waited ages it was on febuary 2nd last year on my birthday:D so bout 5months.

    First time we said we loved eacother, um prob bout 8/9 months into the realtionship.

    Introducing family and friends, well he already knew my friends and i already knew his, he first met my family on my birthday last year same time we first had sex, and i met his god ages after must of been about 7 months into the realtionship.

    First time we had kids, just had my first one now but wasnt planned.

    And we still havnt broken up and hopefully never will:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a) First Date = ages and ages because we met briefly in clubs but didn't get together for over a year.

    b) First Kiss = Christmas eve and I got two! but didn't actually get together until March

    c) First Nookie = about 14 months after we got together

    d) First Time you said you loved each other = about a year after we got together (He'd already said it ages before)

    e) First time you introduced each other to your friends and family = Immediately - my dad met him when we went on our third date.

    f) First time had kids = Haven't had them yet, been together about 8 years

    g) And if this counts first fight and if past relationship when you broke up or the relationship died out .. a lot fo people say for women there is a 3/4 year itch - but never heard of this for men.

    First fight would have been about 18 months into the relationship

    NB - I lived in London he lived in Cardiff
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a) First Date - we havent really been out anywhere properly since we got together cuz ive been ill or things have happend..so really we just go each others houses, into town, or sit in the park...oh an go to a club..spose thas a date? :confused:

    b) First Kiss - Dya know what i cant even remember it was about november time! lol arent i a good gf!

    c) First Nookie - A week after we got together for the second time.

    d) First Time You Said You Loved Eachother - umm he said it to me after we split up the first time cuz he was thinking about his feelings :rolleyes: me i aint said it to his face yet go very shy.

    e) First Time Introduced To Family And Friends - My mates all know him anyway, family havent met yet.

    f) First Time Had Kids - I got pregnant within a week of us being back together...im a twat i know!

    g) And if this counts first fight and if past relationship when you broke up or the relationship died out .. a lot fo people say for women there is a 3/4 year itch - but never heard of this for men. - we havent had a fight yet, broke up when we first got together cuz i got told he was cheating..but it wasnt true so we are back together
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BritJames

    took her for a drink on Tuesday

    we were making love by Wednesday

    and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday

    we chilled on Sunday

    :lol: now why didnt i think to say that when i first read this???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: RelationShip Times Scales

    If I can remember properly with my ex...

    a) First Date - We never really had a first date cos we were mates at uni for a while first.

    b) First Kiss - about 3 months after we first met, he'd told me he fancied me not long after we first met and basically we faffed about for ages before I snogged him when I was quite drunk lol :rolleyes:

    c) First Nookie - about 2 days after the drunken snog ;)

    d) First Time you said you loved each other - no idea, honestly can't even remember! I reckon it must have been around 4months?? :eek2:

    e) First time you introduced each other to your friends and family - He met my parents after about a month cos we came back to mine from Uni for the weekend, but I didn't meet his for about 6months just cos he lived fruther away.

    f) First time had kids - never had any thankgod :p

    g) And if this counts first fight and if past relationship when you broke up or the relationship died out - Well we first split up after about 9months, then after another another 10 months, then after another 4, then after another 5 and then finally after another 7 months :rolleyes: As you can see it was very on and off, the longest we split for was only about 2 weeks in the whole 3 years though!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a) First Date - Jan 11th 2002

    b) First Kiss - Dec 2001

    c) First Nookie - Jan 15th 2002

    d) First Time you said you loved each other - 3weeks after being together (first date)

    e) First time you introduced each other to your friends and family - me to his - 3days after we started goin out! him to mine - about 2-3weeks later.

    f) First time had kids - we havent had any but im hopin2 have 1 soon. im gettin really broody and he does around my friends baby all the time but we're still pretty young n aren't even livin together.

    you get the picture

    g) And if this counts first fight and if past relationship when you broke up or the relationship died out .. a lot fo people say for women there is a 3/4 year itch - but never heard of this for men.

    We split up last year after 10months for about 3months but he came running back after i stopped speakin to him cos he went back to his ex. he realised he loved me n missed me so asked for me back in feb and we've never been happier.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: RelationShip Times Scales

    a) First Date: 27 December if you'l call it a date. First time I suppose we went out any where together was 13 March

    b) First Kiss 27 Decmeber

    c) First Nookie 27 December

    d) First Time you said you loved each other April sometime

    e) First time you introduced each other to your friends and family March/April

    f) First time had kids Not yet but I've been told he'll consider it in a year. ARGH

    g) And if this counts first fight: Never fight, although we did split up in May for 2 days due to silly scared thoughts and one thing and another. But all back on track and better than ever cos of that,
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: RelationShip Times Scales

    lets see...

    first date we never really "dated"...

    first kiss day one

    first nookie probably a week

    first love word 9 months-ish

    friends and family friends, there when we met, family... mine 8 months, his 6 months

    first kids never thank god, those would be some dumbass children :p

    the break up thing after broken engagement #1, didn't speak for a year, after #2, which lasted a couple months, didn't speak for a couple months, and #3 which was about a month, we still communicate. though all it ever is is fights (acutually all it *ever* was was fights...)
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