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Bush: Saddam bought geraniums, not uraniums.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

White House Defends War Decision Based on Typo

In an extraordinary retraction of key elements in his last State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush revealed today that Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein did not attempt to buy uranium in Africa, as earlier alleged, but merely geraniums.

“As I was reading the speech to the nation, I should have caught that typo,” the President told reporters today. “My bad.”

While the news about the uranium/geranium goof stunned diplomatic circles, Mr. Bush remained resolute about his decision to go to war, arguing that buying geraniums, while not as potentially dangerous as buying uranium, still represented a “suspicious” activity on the part of the Iraqi madman.

“The question we have to ask is, who was he buying these geraniums for?” Mr. Bush said. “Was he buying them for Osama bin Laden or Kim Jung-Il or some other evildoer? Luckily, we’ll never find out.”

Mr. Bush said that, thanks to Operation Iraqi Freedom, “Saddam Hussein is no longer free to terrorize the world with his evil flower-buying sprees.”

While the President may have been trying to quell international criticism, his comments instead sparked more controversy, as French President Jacques Chirac challenged the U.S. to find evidence of geraniums anywhere in Iraq.

In response, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said that while the U.S. had yet to turn up any concrete evidence of geraniums, U.S. forces had uncovered several “suspicious” empty flowerpots outside of Basra.

Asked by reporters about the flowerpots, Mr. Bush gave a thumbs-up gesture and said, “Mission accomplished.”



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since you mentioned Saddam buying for Bin Laden..........

    I'm not really an expert on this but I was wondering whether everyone thinks that the idea that Saddam & Bin Laden were/are co-operating is a realistic one?
    I think the chances are quite low and that it shouldn't really have been suggested. Aren't they enemies?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes dan they were and are polar opposites. This is just another case of concerted efforts by the Bush admin and their media buddies to twist and blur issues into one big indifferentiated thread of events all linked to 9/11. It's their ace in the hole excuse as soon as their lies become too apparent and the questioning starts.

    Bush probably has theologians rewriting the Bible to make 9/11 the start of the Apocalypse. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Osama has flat out said he doesn't think Saddam is a good Muslim. However in Africa last December, Shiite Hezbollah and Sunni Al Qaeda did work together to blow up the Israeli owned hotel in Kenya and attempt to shoot down the airline.

    The only valid explaination I've heard for the war in Iraq is that Al Qaeda operates in failed states and Iraq was a failed state-with no fly zones etc. So there was an Al Qaeda cell operating in Kurdish controlled northern Iraq. And they did catch a guy in London who got ricin from them and had received medical treatment in Baghdad after leaving Afghanistan.

    And the leader of the group responsible for the attacks in Morroco was in Iraq.

    And right now the Cheq Republic claims an Iraqi Intelligence officer met with Mohammad Atta, a leader of the 9/11 murders, in the summer of 2001. So far the US government disputes this saying Atta was in America at that time.

    Did anyone think the parody was funny? I did.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Al has already explained to you ad infinitum how you have completely misunderstood the reports upon which you base all this nonsense about ties between Baghdad and Al Qaeda. I shall not bother there.

    What I will once again point out to you as I did in another recent thread is that the whole CZECH (not Cheq) claim was dismissed by the CIA and subsequently admitted to have been an erroneous allegation by the Czech authorities themselves LAST YEAR!

    So kindly cease from regurgitating outdated and discredited claims as a basis for anything if you wish to be afforded any credibility.

    Go do some thorough research and educate yourself pnj. The propaganda is rotting your brain.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Czech story came up again last week when they handed the Iraqi Intelligence over to the US. BUT. The US military is still saying they don't believe he met with Atta. Czeh authorities are still saying he did...this was just last week.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What your getting pnj is a case of spin. In a report outlining the handover of some suspect to US authorities, you get the writer referring back to claims which were made last year but conveneintly devoid of that reference so that it appears to be fresh claims by the Czechs.

    This isnt the case my friend. When those claims were dismissed the Czech's themselves admitted their error. end of story. The report in question just relies on the fact that a majority of the public have short memories and undoubtedly will simply see this report as a means of maintaining their unquestioning support for an admin and a political agenda which is systematically breaking down as the lies are exposed.

    This claim has been debunked, deal with it!

    The Iraqi regime and Al Qaeda had no connection.
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