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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I am feeling really stressed at the moment. Whenever i am i generally reach for a drink, but its getting worse now. Ive just started smoking again, which i managed to give up a few years ago. What can i do to stop feeling stressed? Its really starting to get to me.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Every time you feel that your gettinh stressed take lots of deep breaths. if that dnt calm you down the head rush is nice.....

    seriously you can get herble medacines(sp) and stuff for stress. and your local chemist will be happy to help.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    have you thought about taking up a hobby? I knw people always say this... but maybe thats because it helps?

    its something to take your mind off things if nothing else. I know a lot of people dont have the time or money... but not everything costs lots of money. You might be into art, or music and want to take painting lessons or singing lessons or something.

    Something more theraputic and that lasts a bit longer i would have thought would have bene something like Karate. Any type really, Tae Kwon Do, Ju Jitsu, Judo, just martial arts in general. It will help you to lose weight if you're unhappy about the way you look, and generally tone up your body, it will make you physically strong and confident that you're able to deal with any situation that you dont neccessarily want to be in, it gives you something to aim for, and look forward to (ie achieving your belts), you get to meet new people and make new friends, hence a whole new social background to fall into, it does no end of good for your heart... this list is endless. My friend goes to one in town, I think it costs her between £30 and £40 a month, but she can go whenever she wants. She could go twice a day 7 days a week if she wanted.

    Something like that would give you something to look forward to and focus your energy on. It really could do no harm. Or any sport for that matter... or if you're not into football, tennis, badminton, swimming, pilates, yoga or that sort of stuff... why not take up something like volunteering? I volunteer with some underprivaledged kids, and its the most rewarding thing ever, and most places will pay you for your travelling fees.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks for the messages. I do Kung Fu already at the moment. Also i work out a bit sometimes at home. I may join a gym with a few of my mates. Looking for a job for during the Summer break. May book up for some other classes too next term. Ooooh and ive been asked to go on a tv show being hosted by Melinda Messenger tomorrow :)
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