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The True Face Of War

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Is anyone watching this doc. on Channel 4?

Very interesting the way a hundred or so people (If that) were made to look like a multitude by clever camera work during the 'toppling of Saddam's statue'..

At the time some stupid cow mailed pictures of the statue being pulled down to all of the staff where I work (The BBC) and I complained because I didn't want my inbox filled with shit like that just because some stupid puppet believed it was something as spectacular as the Berlin wall being pulled down!

I really don't like any of this - we all know that the media can manipulate situations but its so bizzare that so many people took these images at face value and didn't think to question what we were being shown!! How can Journalists be allowed to get away with this kind of shit!

16% of cluster bombs will fail to explode on impact but remain live - many in places where kids play!! The war isn't over, it is still going on and I feel sick.

American Troops arrest an iraqi civilian, they pull his trousers off and then spotting a camera filming the incident shoot at the camera man!!!!

A British Soldier is under investigation for taking souvenir photographs of an iraqi POW being tortured and sexually debased.

What the fuck is going on - and why can't people see that this crap is happening and its wrong!!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What's going on- and this is something many will refuse to see and deny furiously- is that this is not a case of us the goodies versus them the baddies. Saddam was a brutal dictator. But in terms of this war, the Allies are certainly closer to be the baddies than the Iraqi people. At the end of the day the conflict only amounted to an illegal war of aggression, invasion and ultimately occupation. And although the great majority of our armed forces are decent people there is also a number of evil, torturing, twisted bastards. Just like in the Iraqi forces or any other country's.

    Considering this, and considering that the real reasons for the war were prompted by geopolitical and financial interests (control of the oil, installation of a puppet regime) can anybody really blame much of the world for seeing the American and British governments as the baddies here?

    It's high time people started asking questions: about the legality of the war, the true reasons for going into conflict, the lies and deception our governments have attempted to brainwash us with, the human right abuses committed by our forces, the conversion of Iraq into a lawless rioter paradise, the broken promises about oil administration or the role of the Allies and the UN in post-Saddam Iraq, and the hundreds of thousands of cluster bombs and DU ammunition that has killed and will continue to kill innocents for many years to come.

    Tony Blair, so full of himself was saying the other day the war on Iraq will be seen in history as the defining moment of the 21st century. He might yet be right... but for completely different reasons than those he has grandiosely foreseen.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: The True Face Of War
    Originally posted by byny

    I really don't like any of this - we all know that the media can manipulate situations but its so bizzare that so many people took these images at face value and didn't think to question what we were being shown!! How can Journalists be allowed to get away with this kind of shit!
    I watched quite a bit of this programme, was really interesting. From the comment at the end of this paragraph I must have been watching a different programme to you. All the journalists materials was censored by the military and the government not by themselves. There was one part when I think two journalists were not allowed to show what went on when people were firing at the first aid delivery. They dis-obeyed there orders and published anyway and were not allowed in war briefings for a few weeks. It is the military censoring material not the journalists.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by byny
    They tried from what I saw. There was also independant journalists walking about but they seemed to get shot at all the time. Why?? Because they were filming stuff the military didn't want people to see.
    It was more the miltary than the government because the journalists were given regiments to follow and they were in on all briefings and stuff and then got told what stuff they wasn't allowed to publish.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The fact is, for those not familiar with how things work in and amongst the various agencies in Washington, that the Pentagon - once given license to ply its trade, has a life and methodology all its own.

    Chiefly amongst these is a well developed secrecy and propaganda appartus for either censoring, sanitising, or prhobiting altogether any truth that would reveal the extent of its misdeeds (and those sanctioned by it) to the American (and now largely global) public.

    As I posted ages ago for the benefit of pnj, without any evident impact on his comprehension of whats really going on, deatils about the Pentagon Papers, leaked to the press in part back in the early 1970's exposed much of the institutional thinking that underlied what the Pentagon and Defence Dept were prepared to do to manipulate, aggravate, or perpetrate actions under a veil of lies in Vietnam.

    These revelations, nevertheless, expose a fundamental institutional doctrine that remains as valid today as it did during that period of illegal warfare. The public has merely fallen back to sleep whilst history simply repeats itself.

    Anyone interested to do some digging into the nature of the Pentagon's reach can begin with these links and pursue further research as they wish from there...


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    American Troops arrest an iraqi civilian, they pull his trousers off and then spotting a camera filming the incident shoot at the camera man!!!!

    I believe you heard about this incident but I don't believe it is true for one reason: the US knows it has to win over Arabs. That's not the way to go about it...so when we hear America was going out of its way to avoid civilian casualties...I believe it is true because it serves our interest. That's the logic that makes sense to me. Also, media from around the world were embedded with the American troops...not just Fox. So it would be difficult to keep atrocities from being known.

    Regarding the true face of war...it is horrible and I can see why some people on the site were and are against it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    I believe you heard about this incident but I don't believe it is true for one reason: the US knows it has to win over Arabs. That's not the way to go about it...so when we hear America was going out of its way to avoid civilian casualties...I believe it is true because it serves our interest. That's the logic that makes sense to me. Also, media from around the world were embedded with the American troops...not just Fox. So it would be difficult to keep atrocities from being known.

    Regarding the true face of war...it is horrible and I can see why some people on the site were and are against it.

    They have the incident on film. It's true. They know it's not the way to encourage Iraqi support hence them trying to shoot at the camera and destroy the film.

    I've only seen the end so far, but it's been recorded so I shall watch it all. Hmm....1984 now seems like a even more realistic prediction.
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