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Cancer @ 20

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
WEll i have said probally some silly things on these boards in past but today im going to talk about something VERY serious.

MY best friend marc who i have been close to since we was about 11/12 is in hospital with a bowel tumor.

He first went into hospital in January because he passed LOTS of blood in his toilet. The doctors sent him home and said you probally have an ulcer.

3 weeks ago marc went to hospital with severe pain in his lower stomuch the hospital gave him codeine pills and basicly said just go home.

Last Thursday marc went back to hospital in agony and his exact words what he told me where if i could of i would of jumped out of the window and marc isnt a light weight with pain.

Since thursday marc is in hospital i went to see him sat not knowing the full extent of his illness until Monday.

his dad phoned me up monday nite and told me marc had a bowl tumor, i didnt know what to say as it didnt seem real to me. I was so shocked . i know it sounds narrow minded but i never thought someone i know at 20 gets cancer you just dont expect it.

Anyway the only reason im typing this is because i need to get it off my chest morbid as it is.

Marc isnt very well now and is on a morphine drip and so on for the pain.

ITs very hard for me all this as we been good friends for 10 years and known each other for probally 15.

The doctor has given me some temazepam 20mg for sleeping and that but i dont think i could face the hospital sober or without narcotics. i know it sounds selfish but i cant bare to see my friend like this.

ANother bad thing is my grandad died from bowl cancer about 6 years ago, and like my mum said i was very close to my grandad.

Sorry to type all this i just gutted for marc, marcs close family.

I just hope its not to late and i wont give up till last min for marc. he will always be my best mate to me .

Peace to all


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aw hon :(
    It may not be as bad as you're assuming. Tumors can be removed & they're not always cancerous.
    PM me any time if you want to off-load, I'm always happy to listen.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh you poor thing. Hard as it is, it may make you feel better and will also be good for Marc if you're strong for him. Put on a brave face, go see him and be cheerful - probably the last thing he needs is people being upset around him.

    It sounds trite to say good luck and I hope he comes out of it OK, but I really do. 20 is so young! I don't know what to say but I hope it's helped airing your feelings on the boards.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks yes it has made me feel better but to be honest it was like an impulse thing. i am strong around marc i go up there and make him laugh thats all i do but when i leave i feel like crying but i dont x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My bestfriend is having signs of bowel cancer at the nmoment he doesn't know that what he's having is signs of bowel cancer abut cos i'm a nurse i know. Also it could be chrones disease. But i'm scared for him and he wont go to the doctors about it cos he's too scared. i really do feel for you cos it is very very rare for someone to go down with bowel cancer before 70 and almost unheard of under 50. If you need to talk, seriously, I'm here. PM me if you like.Ellie.XxXx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks a lot it means a lot to me. luckily i am working at home painting my front room for my mum n dad takes my mind of it a bit. my grandad died of bowel cancer at 74 which broke me for a few years cause i was close to him but i can handle it cause he was 74 not 20.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Here's some info i'm reading at the moment. I'm researching this and stomach cancer cos my grandad has just been diagnosed with that.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thank you ever so much for your info. you seem like a lovely person caring thanks
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just thought ide say that i really feel for you pal. be strong for your friend,i know its hard but the more support he has the greater his chance of getting better. if you feel like crying then get it out cos it will relieve this stress.
    if it is cancer dont panic, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago and though it was tough at the time, she had chemo, lost her breast and her hair she is doing great now!
    try and be positive for your pals sake if not for you. take care, wish you all the best for you and your friend. thinking of you :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheers im always strong with him seems strange since he first got ill january we been to amsterdam since geting stoned and geting very drunk .. mad ness all the time he had cancer. which he does have btw. but i hope he gets better hey?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    we can only hope for the best pal. so many people recover from cancer these days. ill keep my fingers crossed for you and him. let us know how things move along xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks for all your comments it means a lot and i will let you know x thanks

    jamesfowler@ntlworld.com if you have msn
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've just read this thread and would like to echo everyone else's sympathy. It must be a horrible time for him, you, and his other friends and familiy. I know exactly how horrible it is when someone so young gets cancer - my younger half brother had has kidney cancer twice - the first time when he was only 1 1/2 - but despite some goddamn awful moments when we thought we were going to lose him, he pulled through it all. He's now 11 and tough wood the cancer's gone forever.

    I hope you and Marc are ok and keep us updated. Cyberhugs xxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i know you said to let you know everything. anyway

    yesteday about 7 marcs dad who is a lovely man i was close to the whole family you see. came to my house i knew it wasnt good when i see him. he said he didnt want to tell me on the phone.

    He said marc has about a year to live..

    Which is the mose terible thing i ever heard in my whole life.

    i know it sounds selfish talking about me now but me and marc were close for all these years and im crying on the inside. i got these temezipam 20mg things but there very strong i think i need something similar but less strong cause they just seem to put me on cloud 9 as i been drinking with them. x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sorry to hear that this has happened.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    its hard to know what to say sometimes
    my dad was given 2 weeks to live (he had some kind of rare cancer). he was 48. So at the age of 20 my life fell apart. Dad actually lasted 6 months. some of which were the best days of my life, others were the worst. What we learnt, and why I'm telling you this, is that, its not wrong to share your feelings with Marc. its not wrong to tell him you are scared, worried and so on, but try not to let this dominate your time together. There will be days where I hope Marc is strong enough to enjoy a day out, to have fun. A year is a long time to sit and worry. Learn to take the highs and lows - enjoy the highs like there's no tomorrow and try not to drown in the lows. At Marc's low points you need to be strong, but make sure you look after your self and that you get the help you need.
    The mind is a powerful tool. and medicine can work wonders.
    Never lose hope
    I'm sorry to ramble. PM me if you want.
    Peace and love to you, Marc and your families

    *goes off to have a cry in a corner*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Cancer @ 20
    Originally posted by jamesfowler2k2
    WEll i have said probally some silly things on these boards in past but today im going to talk about something VERY serious.

    MY best friend marc who i have been close to since we was about 11/12 is in hospital with a bowel tumor.

    He first went into hospital in January because he passed LOTS of blood in his toilet. The doctors sent him home and said you probally have an ulcer.

    3 weeks ago marc went to hospital with severe pain in his lower stomuch the hospital gave him codeine pills and basicly said just go home.

    Last Thursday marc went back to hospital in agony and his exact words what he told me where if i could of i would of jumped out of the window and marc isnt a light weight with pain.

    Since thursday marc is in hospital i went to see him sat not knowing the full extent of his illness until Monday.

    his dad phoned me up monday nite and told me marc had a bowl tumor, i didnt know what to say as it didnt seem real to me. I was so shocked . i know it sounds narrow minded but i never thought someone i know at 20 gets cancer you just dont expect it.

    Anyway the only reason im typing this is because i need to get it off my chest morbid as it is.

    Marc isnt very well now and is on a morphine drip and so on for the pain.

    ITs very hard for me all this as we been good friends for 10 years and known each other for probally 15.

    The doctor has given me some temazepam 20mg for sleeping and that but i dont think i could face the hospital sober or without narcotics. i know it sounds selfish but i cant bare to see my friend like this.

    ANother bad thing is my grandad died from bowl cancer about 6 years ago, and like my mum said i was very close to my grandad.

    Sorry to type all this i just gutted for marc, marcs close family.

    I just hope its not to late and i wont give up till last min for marc. he will always be my best mate to me .

    Peace to all

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend having cancer. If you ever need anyone to talk to PM me because I really, truly do understand what you are going through because I have lost both my parents to cancer before I was 15 and I know how much it hurts seeing someone you love and care about going through so much pain and sickness because I had watched my mother suffer through her cancer for 3 1/2 years before God finally took her home.

    Remember, if you ever need anyone to talk to about this, please feel free to PM me because I really, truly do understand what your going through. I might only be 21 years old, but I know the pain of having to deal with this all alone.
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