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Last 5...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Share the last 5:

*****Texts you got (and story behind them)*****

- Happy xmas babe! (from a bloke I've seen a few times)
-- I'm home safe and sound dearie. I hope your tucked up in bed safe and sound with darius. (the end of a fun night out ;))
- merry xmas u! still want u to pull my cracker! have a good day cutey. speak soon, very soon I hope x mwah mwah (off a bloke I met off the net one time, 3 years ago) :rolleyes: :D
- Happy xmas from the silent geordie boy...x (my housemate)
-a Flashing Christmas tree which I can't reproduce here!

******People you kissed*****

2 random blokes on the town on Christmas Eve
A guy I met out clubbing who I've seen a couple of times
My Muslim Man he he

*****Times you cried****

-Christmas morning after my Mum yelling at me because I cleaned the window wrong or something willy like that
-When my Dad phoned me to tell me my Grandad died
-Practically every day in the summer, pick any 3 random days and I bet I cried.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    U can fone now (Ex waiting for wayne to goto bed)
    The Fanny Poem (Small Poem)
    Wat u up2 (Ex)
    Recieve Xmas Tones (8007 advertising)
    Merry Xmas (Ex)

    People I Kissed (Not all snogging)

    Sister In Law
    Pal hidnae seen for years
    Rachel (pal used to hang round wi)
    Dunno, sum lassie at room at the top.

    Times Cried

    Tonight, pulled big scab off legs that was bloody sore, eye-wattering.
    Arguing with ex whos now best friend
    Since splitting with ex
    Getting told its over by ex
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have never sent a text in my life...obscene or otherwise m'lud.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *****Texts you got (and story behind them)*****
    Yeah got sum really cool stuff - did you?about to start eating more food. merry christmas xxxxxx (from mate at uni, Vicky)

    Merry xmas santa brought me everything speak soon (another mate at uni Gemma)

    Oh my god! just got home now ste is fucking hard work!we gotta get him over her ;);) (best mate emma after a xmas eve)

    hey how r ya?hope u have a cracking xmas hope to see you soon love gareth (my ex bf)

    Well done bird, I'm proud of ya!!! (mate linds at uni after telling her I quit my job)

    ******People you kissed*****
    Rob at uni
    2 random blokes when I was home at uni
    Raj a mate of my workfriend
    another random guy

    *****Times you cried****
    Christmas Day, no reason just was on my period
    a couple of weeks ago when I couldn't do an assignment
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Last 5...

    Share the last 5:

    *****Texts you got (and story behind them)*****

    * I seriously didn't but it's a good idea. You're perfect. Like me. I like your mind. Hehe. - No idea about the story behind that, from my mate when we were both pissed yesterday!

    * Merry Christmas. Have a great day hunny. - From a mate yesterday.

    Happy Christmas! What you get? - Another mate from yesterday.

    What did Santa get you? You've been too naughty for anything this year though haven't you? - A kinda ex sent it yesterday whilst he was drunk.

    * Hey it's ok. Just miss you & wanted to see you before xmas. Will have to be after now. Speak soon. - A mate who I haven't seen for a while wanting to meet up.

    ******People you kissed*****

    * My boyfriend.

    * A guy I pulled on a night out.

    * A guy I was seeing for a bit.

    * Another guy on a night out.

    * My ex.

    *****Times you cried****

    * Now. - My boyfriend's best mate is a complete wanker.

    * End of October. - I failed my driving test.

    * Back in September. - When me & my ex split up coz he moved away.

    Can't remember any other times! :eek2:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Last 5...
    Originally posted by PussyKatty
    Share the last 5:

    ******People you kissed*****
    1. Last Friday. A random bloke I met whilst out on the town in Reading. Very attractive, 23, had a girlfriend tho. A good but slightly messy kisser.

    2. A-level results night (ages ago I know). A bloke who I vaguely knew. Quite good looking but a bit of a twat. Aged 18, reasonable kisser. Went on one date after but realised he was only after one thing :rolleyes:

    3. A bloke I met at a house party last summer. Can't really remember what he looked like, I was drunk and had been smoking something funny. Shared a taxi home with me even tho he lives on the other side of town! He was 26. Can't really remember if he kissed good or bad to be honest.

    4. An 18 year old twat that still fancies me despite the fact that I'm not at all interested in an ugly fool like him. I was off-my-face-drunk at our school leavers ball in May. Very messy kissing as we were both so drunk. Nevermind hey.

    5. I can't remember. It was probably ages ago.

    The last 5 texts I got were boring. I can't really remember what they said specifically.

    The last 5 times I cried include getting a parking fine (!), my Grandad's funeral, my Grandmother's funeral, my A-level Physics coursework being too hard and stressful and someother random time I'm sure. Nout too exciting there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *****Texts (and story behind them)*****
    - Are u up yet? (girl wanted to call me but didn't wanna wake me)
    - Are u still comming? (mate i was supposed to visit)
    - Merry xmas, call me? (other girl i was stupid enough to give my number)
    The rest i already deleted so haven't got a clue

    ******People I kissed*****
    - My ex (story? what story?)
    - Some randoms girls at the club

    *****Times I cried****
    - When I got a metal chip in my eye and it had to be removed by the doc
    - When i was riding a bicycle in a freaking blizzard
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Chaz

    ******People I kissed*****
    - Some random girl at the club
    Me? Only joking :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Texts..........never receive them :)

    People I kissed : My hubby, Daughter, and an old friend (male) on the cheek, no tongues n stuff :yuck:

    Last time I cried : Last night at Eastenders, phew did I need the tissues :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I WAS thinking about putting in the next line:

    Ne no.. not the sites randomgirl

    but then I thought.. No one's gonna think that..

    Oh wel.. Although it might have been you? Never got all of their names :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you are. your the nutter for not knowing! we should do something after christmas. what do you think. love jxxx
    from an obbsessed boy, although i do feel sorry for him :(

    may i be the first to wish you a merry xmas xXx
    from my mate bless :)

    um... we do need to talk i no you don't feel the same and thats ok. as much as i want you to think different theres nothng i can do. Merry Christmas xx
    the same boy who sent the first text :crazyeyes

    i can't text you roses or fax you my heart id email you kisses but we would still be apart. i love you to bits just wish you could see i care for you so much you mean the world to me x x x x
    ^^^^^from my friend :)

    hi lou hope you had a good christmas make sure you can come to the party on saturday xx
    ^^^^ Ex boyfriend

    ***People i kissed***

    um... My ex on Friday :crazyeyes
    This guy at a party in november
    a boy nicky on holiday
    a boy Jordan on holiday :(

    ***Times i cryed***

    when i found out about Rubber bless him :(
    on my birthday when a strange guy who had just been beaten chased me and my friends :(
    when i found out my grandad was ill :crying:
    i can't remember after that......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Poor little obsessed boy... :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Chaz
    Poor little obsessed boy... :(

    Lmaos awww bless him :( even though he is a bit gone in the head :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    none, i don't do that kinda stuff

    people kissed:

    derek *sigh*
    that lovely doctor
    that army recruiter i saw at school


    uh... let me think...
    when i saw the lion king in theater
    when i was young and got new ballet shoes

    i think thats about it...
    i think i cried in my head when i was told i had no emotions... but not sure
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think I should play this game!:p

    Oh sod it, here are my last 5


    No1. baby would you marry me? Not like i'm asking or nothing
    No2. Oi just cos I made myself out to be some kinda bunny boiler dont mean you can ignore me!
    No3. My nan still cuts my crusts off my sandwiches .bless. I need a hug badly.
    No4. Love you xx
    No 5. Why didnt you come out tonight mate.

    last 5 People you kissed:

    Er....some girl on holiday
    girl at the pub
    girl at night club
    (going back 6 months to a year gap!!):eek:
    *Back in school days* lucy

    Last 5 Times you cried:

    *Crying now* with laughter, my little brother is on the phone talking about his latest sexual conquest! (Big headed shit!)

    2 or 3 years ago, not sure about any other times (I tend to forget them quickly)

    Not sure about anymore.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Harmless

    last 5 People you kissed:

    Er....some girl on holiday
    girl at the pub
    girl at night club
    (going back 6 months to a year gap!!):eek:
    *Back in school days* lucy
    Isn't that 6?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Texts you got

    - "Well not really. I'm a bit pissed and my dads asleep. Happy Xmas babe XxX" - From my mate Laura about 5 minutes ago when I asked if she was having a nice day.

    - "Yeah see you then" - From my on/off g/f saying she'd come round tomorrow

    "Any time, what time is your folks going out. Afternoon is good" - See above

    "Y r u not speaking 2 me" - From someone who I haven't got enough money to text back

    "Yeah, got you something. Will you go out tomorrow" - Again from my on/off g/f

    ******People you kissed*****

    My on/off ex (Xmas Eve)

    2 randoms in a club the night before I left for home

    Some girl I knew at uni as part of a game (beginning of December)

    Some random in a club

    *****Times you cried****

    Xmas day, had a bit of a moment to myself in my bedroom when I missed my granny too much :(

    Reading the Rubberskin thread...

    Some nights when I was thinking about my on/off g/f

    When I got a birthday card from my parents which showed me they loved me :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *****Texts you got (and story behind them)*****

    - Oh well done!and i bet it wasnt as bad as you thought was it? I bet ur so happy. You can come out driving with me now, we can go cruisin haha' (off my best mate just after I'd passed my driving test)

    - A picture message with bears on that says forever friends (from my friend)

    - hiya e,im in the pub at mo having a few! got loads of good stuff, got white gold ring off C, well gorgeous!wot u get?got loads of clothes! xx (from my friend yesterday)

    - See you tomorrow babe, cant wait x (off my boyfriend)

    - Its alright,he doesnt mind. duno wot wearing, jeans for definite but duno what top, nothin too dressy, too cold! Cu in a bit (off my friend when I was trying to decide what to wear for a concert)

    ******People you kissed*****

    My boyfriend
    My godson (hes two and likes licking my ear, eww)
    Various pecks on the cheeks of family, it is Christmas afterall

    *****Times you cried****

    This morning when I was watching Casper
    Today when I was arguing and really angry with my Dad
    Last Wednesday when I watched ER....

    Oh this is too hard, I cry at everything on TV :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Randomgirl
    Isn't that 6?

    Erh,Yes, yes it is.
    *Been drinking!* also thick!
    Leave me alone;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Harmless

    Erh,Yes, yes it is.
    *Been drinking!* also thick!
    Leave me alone;)
    Ok then I'll forgive you! I could only think of my last 4 so maybe I could have one of your 6 ladies and then we'd have 5 each :naughty:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    no wait. i lied, i get texts, i just dont send them... let me see if i can retrieve any...

    i'm at my house

    hey, want to do lunch or something? call me

    call my cell today, i need to talk to you. i have class until 11:30

    hey, your gonna stay in austin doing what?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Randomgirl
    Ok then I'll forgive you! I could only think of my last 4 so maybe I could have one of your 6 ladies and then we'd have 5 each :naughty:

    You can have any of my ladies! (apart from Emma, well maybe!):D

    as long as I get to watch.;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    happy christmas ones from friends


    a film, called Wit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    off some dude telling me about a party he'd gone to
    from same dude telling me to get better soon
    from leanne asking what i'd got for xmas
    from sewah telling me she'd leave me alone to watch psycho
    from sewah asking what I was doing

    various family members (not in that way you pervs :p)
    my ex.

    cried: ehm.... last time I cried was September 7th.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *****Texts you got (and story behind them)*****

    - Ah, reindeers and all that, it's cool (serious discussion of the merits of Christmas :D)
    - I found a goooorgeous dress that's size 16 AND IT FITS ME: I'm so HAPPY! (well, duh)
    - Aaaaaah Laura kissing Puddy again! (lesbian action :))
    - Mewwy Chwistmas Fwazzleybops! See you tomorrow! Love Lolzabeth xxxxx (well, duh)
    - Feck, a picture message that my brother meant to send to his Dad to wish him a happy Christmas: shit, tit, ase buggary!
    ******People you kissed*****

    Aaaaah the wonders of spin the bottle:
    - My Mate Gemma
    - My Fwend Laura
    - My turner (sorry, in joke) Gayle
    - Sexy Stuart :naughty:
    - My Luva Andrew

    *****Times you cried****

    - Last night of our production of Grease: aaaall over. :(
    - First night of Grease when teacher glared at me while talking about keeping a slow pace while acting: the one thing I'd had trouble with
    - Kicked in the Balls
    - Bored to tears during the Summer holidays
    - Sports Day: bastard fucktard.
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