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Free sex, alcohol and the year 2002

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Im a lil conserned about what the world turns to. I mean, we seam to exept almost everything.
Im just curious if im the onlyone that hates this "sex only for the sex" attitude. Doesnt it mean anythin for most ppl nowdays?
sex isnt the most important thing in a relationship between 2 ppl, even if it is important.
Why do someone have the NEED to sleep with atleast 20 ppl befor settling in? (im just setting 20 as a number, nothing else)
Not to long ago most females wore given away as virgins, and wore proud of it. Nowdays ur a slow twat if u didnt have sex atleast with 3 other persons befor getting into something serious....
and some say experience counts..... yeah.. ONS after 20 beers would give u an experience ull remember for atleast 2-3 hours befor u fall asleep.

Offcourse some have done "mistakes" when theyr out drinking... yeah whatever. U still know what ur doing after drinkin x number of beers. And u are thinking when you do it. Problem is to remember it when you wake up....
Then u got the drugs issue... not even an excuse for anything. u choose to be a junkie, then live with it. Aint got sympathy from me. Junkies aint even capable of making theyr own SMART desissions. So burn in hell....

änd sexual desieses... for some it isnt even an issue worth talking about. THey got this "aint gonna happen to me" attitude.
Whats going on with the youngest generations?
whats the world gonna be like in 20 years?

am I the only one that worries? :/



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you taking the piss??

    Surely so!!

    Sex ain't what it used to be, back in the 70's the worst thing you had to worry about was syphilis, these days sex can kill!!

    But as to your (somewhat vague) point, yes I agree that the best sex is within the context of a relationship. However, there are always gonna be times when sheer animal lust must play it's part............

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think that gererations are changing everything about the way we live.

    When my grandparents were young the world would have seemed to be a very scary place to them nowadays.
    Every generation looks back and wants to be different or do things to extremes.

    So thats why people are sleeping around more, doing more drugs.
    In a society where its more acceptable but the risks are higher.

    Sex something that should be enjoyed by 2 consenting parties just for the hell of it, because its something that is fun to do, you should associate sex with love because they are two different things completely. You either make love or you fuck both are good but each have their merits.

    As long as people are doing it safely then it shouldnt be a problem, you gain experience from different people and become a better lover. Why settle down and get married and wish you had sown your seed more, people are getting married later because most of our parents are divorced, as marriage seems not to be for life anymore.

    Junkies? what is your deffinition of a junkie ?

    Life is taking a downward trail and we have known it for years we are burning up this planet and maybe its just mother natures way of getting rid of us plying us with drugs and sexual diseases.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Junkies aint even capable of making theyr own SMART desissions.

    post that in the drugs forum, see how they like it lol, well most of em r in here anyways. by junkie i think u mean druggie meanin drug user, well most of the people in the drugs forum make smart "dessisions", e.g coming to the site lol.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hehe. course a junkie is a drug user:p
    and ill post that statement anywhere=)
    ill stand for what i say=)

    and they dont come here to grow a mind.... id rather guess they come here cos it sayes "SEX". tho.. "omg!! what can this bring me???"

    again...clever thinking...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A junkie is NOT just any old drug user and one should be extremely careful to qualify the term "drug". Alcohol is a drug itself but you dont call a drunk a junkie.

    Most people here probably partake of little more than cannabis which is a non-addictive substance.

    So, in the interest of good site diplomacy, please realise that the term "junkie" really only applies to those who use hard drugs like crack, cocaine, heroine, etc. The original meaning applied mostly to the injection of heroine on a regular basis.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    depends really. Here in norway cannabis is just as illeagal as anything else. Not "less illeagal", but just the same. And we all know what junkie is. i didnt say anything about what dose u must be on to be under the group i was talking about....
    And alcohol may be a drug, but its leagal. which makes it alright if u know how to controle yourself when ur under the influence of it.

    besides, ur called an alcoholic if ur under the strong need for alcohol.

    also, even if cannabis isnt a strong drug, it is for many the door to "the new world". thats why i hate even cannabis even tho ive tryed it befor myself. but i never fancyed it. I hate it cos ive seen how it started the trip for a few ppl i know. Maby theyr "weaker" but theyr still junkies. now.

    And my view is; If you use any drug on a regulary basis, or are depended on it to come threw the day, ur a junkie.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You have a very typical authoritarian and institutionalised view of drugs Regrets, as evidenced by your insistence on lumping all substances together and judging them with the same measure, which is neither scientifically nor sociologically correct.

    The "legality" or "illegality" of a substance has no bearing on the application of the term "junkie". Even if heroine, crack, or any other proven hard (i.e. physically addictive) drug were legal, habitual users would still rightly be termed "junkies".

    As for the gateway theory, that has long since been shot down in flames on a society wide level. The fact that one can point to the odd few they might know who went on to use something harder in no way offers enough of a basis to substantiate the gateway theory. it only serves to point out those individuals who suffer from addictive personality disorders.

    Cannabis is illegal simply because hemp as a naturally ocurring resource posed a serious threat to the burgeoning synthetic fibre industry during the early 20th century and was railroaded into political exile to ensure a corner on the market for companies like Dow, Dupont, and ICI.

    And as for alcohol, actually you are again scientifically incorrect here. Alcohol deadens both lobes of the brain leading not only to loss of motor skills but also a substantial decrease in cognitive reasoning ability and an increase in violent behaviour on a societal scale.

    So if you choose to avoid partaking of cannabis thats fine, but please refrain from regurgitating the tired and transparently biased propaganda heaped on society by patriarchal and control hungry authorities.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I cant see why ur tryin to justify uses of drugs.... offcourse thers always ppl fighting on both sides of a cause, and my hatred for drugs wont become smaller just because u got a different view on it. Why others may find pleasure in it i really dont cant see.
    btw, u say the odd few that went on to using something harder......
    everyone starts of with the easyer drugs. Then moves on cause of various reasons offcourse, but dont come here telling me cannabis etc aint a step in the wrong direction.
    alos, its not to long ago cannabis was proven (or stated) to be the weak substance it is today. Earlyer cannabis wore illeagal cos the effects from it wore misunderstood. simply cos no one knew better....
    I like the idea it is illeagal in norway. And i hope it stays that way. Those who fight against the laws and want it to be a leagal drug can burn in hell for all i care. No one needs the drug.

    Ive ben workin my share with ppl that are in rehab. Tho i personaly think that a druggie never will change, and ive ben proven right over and over, i try to help when i can. I dont go workin over my head with it, but when i get the opertunity. Also ive had a few deaths in my family due to drugs. My view on drugs wont change just because u took it as an insult that i sayed that everyone that uses drugs are junkies. I still mean that.

    for alcohol, i see why u drag it into the drug discussion, and maby alcohol is ok just because of the fact that its so comon. I still see that ppl have a tendensy to handle alcohol better then any drugs.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Regrets, you are clearly reading what i have written as selectively as you can in order to justify youre opinion. Once again I stress that you are free to hold your opinion with regards to your own situation but you choose instead to make spurious and blatantly false links between hard and soft drugs.
    everyone starts of with the easyer drugs. Then moves on cause of various reasons offcourse

    This is absolute BS my friend. I have never tried nor been remotely tempted to try anything harder than cannabis and enough societal studies have been done to substantiate the fact that claims of cannabis leading to hard addictive drugs is false as a societal premise.

    I really suggest you do some considerable reading and research on the net to improve your understanding of the differences between soft and hard drugs and while youre at it look up studies on alcohol's impact on society.

    Quite frankly, alcohol is much worse both for the body, the mind and society as a whole than cannabis. people dont run down pedestrians while under the influence of cannabis, nor do they beat their wives or kids whilst stoned as they do pervasively due to alcohol.

    I respect youre choice not to smoke cannabis but I dont support the laughably incorrect claims you make about it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    heh, ok. not everyone as i stated... that was a line of overexaduration (or how the f id spell that)
    BUT, hard drugs or suft drugs dont matter. theyr STILL drugs. and ive seen, and i know cannabis is a start for many. and u dont have to be a low minded incompetent toss to take one more step. Many of those who started figures, "it was ok with this, so what if i try the next on the list?"

    Ive got no problems with my understandment of the drug, and I, as most also have tryed it. To be quite honest, id say ud have to be an idiot to keep using it (dont mean to offend you or anyone else, but i really cant see the point).
    and ive seen the changes in ppl. tho i know that some ppl are also imune to cannabis. and offcourse the "middle class" like an every day man which smokes it, and leaves it with that.

    It seams to me like you have to justify the drug to urself so that you can keep using it with a clear consiense. By all means, i couldnt care less.

    And i agree with the point that alcohol is in fact a destructive substance. But Id say alcohol isnt the same as a drug. and i have no problems with alcohol.

    and again.. why this urge to "justify" cannabis?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont feel the need to justify my use of cannabis my friend. no more than you have to justify using alcohol. what i'm concerned with here is your confusion of your own subjective opinion of cannabis and other drugs and the simple and well documented facts done at society-wide levels which do not support your opinion as fact.

    If you simply prefaced your remarks as being one man's opinion based on his own preferences and moral attitude it would be fine. but you started (and have continued) your rant as if what you believe to be the case is concrete documented fact. Which as i have clearly argued is not the case on both subjects actually (cannabis and alcohol).

    Alcohol IS more carcinogenic and more societally damaging than cannabis and it IS classified as a drug whether you want to believe it or not. The documentation supporting that is susbstantial.

    Apart from that, on the level of opinion, i would say go right ahead and choose alcohol as your relaxation method and i choose pot. At least i dont ever have to worry about waking up hungover the next morning.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    and I have no sympathy with those people whose illiteracy is as bad as yours, Roy.
    Where were you in school time? Smoking pot behind the bike sheds?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Who is Roy??
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    Who is Roy??

    .....................its a secret!!! :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Free sex, alcohol and the year 2002
    Originally posted by |Regrets|
    sex isnt the most important thing in a relationship between 2 ppl, even if it is important.
    Why do someone have the NEED to sleep with atleast 20 ppl befor settling in? (im just setting 20 as a number, nothing else)

    Sex has absolutely nothing to do with relationships. The belief that it does is a very modern view and causes an unbelievable proportion of the unhappiness in this world.

    Bring back the relationships of feudal Japan and erase the memory of Victorianism!
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