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What a bitch :(

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Saw my ex g/f today which was wonderful, she showed me she really wanted me and liked me, then when i took her home, about an hour later i get a txt reading 'I miss you, im sorry i cant do this anymore, my mum wouldnt care if you was found dead, my sister thinks your sick and i love someone else 2. Your probably better off without me'

I feel so low now :( as i dont think many people like it as it is, i feel totally unloved and wanted, and then she of all people sends me a message like that. I treated her right, she even said today she wanted to keep me. what a bitch.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I may have missed a previous post but what did u actually do to earn her familiy's hostility. Why did u 2 break up, who ended it.

    A bit more background would help.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why keep going back to her if she a bitch?

    and why do guys like you (& me) end up with some right bitches,(Not the case at the moment:) ) surely we hold some of the blame?

    Its easy to blame the girl for taking us for a ride but we must after a few time be wise enough to tell the difference between "bitch" & and a nice girl by now?

    I think you need to pick yourself up and move on, leave this girl to rot in the gutter and find some other girl, hopefully a nice one!

    Sorry,I know not the help your looking for and I may get flamed for it but I don't care:p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know what ya mean Neo, my ex keeps messing with my head, texting me nasty things, trying to slowly drive me insane.

    But I decided last week to just forget about her and let her say whatever she wants to. It really doesn't bother me any more, she's just a nasty, evil person. When she txts me now trying to wind me up I just laugh. She's pathetic.

    You'll probably feel really angry towards her for a while, (and you're right, she does sound like a bitch) but given time you'll feel like I do, and realise you're better off without her.

    Harmless is right though, forget all about this girl. She's not worth it.

    You'll find someone who deserves you, rather than some bitch with no regard for your feelings.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Talyn
    I may have missed a previous post but what did u actually do to earn her familiy's hostility. Why did u 2 break up, who ended it.

    A bit more background would help.

    Her sister is a bit mental, i duno what it is but apparently shes a bit ill in the head, only minor though. She thinks im sick cos i used to go out with her 2 years ago and now im with her sister.

    Her mum hates me cos she is really religious but neither of her daughters are, and the one i was with untill now lost her V to me, so thats why her mum hates me.
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