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Brother Blues...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
edited March 27 in Work & Study
My brother who is going to be 17 on the 17th of this month, went to college for 6th form, met loads of new friends which was great! But he started going out nearly everynight, going to pubs and clubs etc. He never got much work done. Mum always talked to me about how worried she is about his future etc, but Im not the one she should be telling!
He's taken his A levels, and he gets his results in about a week, I think..? But he's on holiday in France for 2 weeks with his mate and his family. When he gets his results both me and mum wouldnt be surprised if he hasnt done too great on them, as he didnt revise much. At the moment he is working In PC World, making his own money - which he just wastes on alchol, drugs and clothes. He thinks he will be able to live off the money he has left but mum wants him to go to University. We think he has left it too late, he said he will go in a few years time when he is older and knows exactually what he wants to do, but we reckon that if he isnt motivated enough to go now, he wont be in a couple of years time either.
I dont want my brother to have a lousy job and not get anywhere in life, I love him too bits but I think he needs to settle down and think about his future, at least more than he is at the moment. Ive tried telling him that me and mum are worried but he doesnt seem to care.
I just wanna know how I can get through to him that partying mite seem like the best thing to do at the moment, but he needs to think about his future too. Any ideas of how I can make him see?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've got a sister 10 yrs older than me that was just like your brother when she was his age. She has gone nowhere in life, I mean nowhere...homeless shelter w/children, didnt go to uni, drug addict, alcoholic, etc. I'm not perfect-I do drugs, drink, etc...but I'm doing well at uni and am well on my way to a degree and a steady job.

    Seeing her life deteriorate into nothing really influenced me...it tears me up inside when I think about her.

    Sad to say, he'll probably have to see it for himself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes if he continues on the way he in his life he could turn out like Lizzafins sister, but then again he could go on to become a multi-billionaire (in which if he does give him my name and address). Personally to be told to think of “the future” at 17 is and was the last thing on my mind. What’s wrong with enjoying youth, maybe he’ll have regrets later on but then no matter what you do your always going to think in hindsight that I would have done this differently or that differently. At the moment I’m doing fuck all in a shit job for shit man because as with your brother I have motivation but call it arrogance but I know that down the line I’m going to be doing something important and fun. As family the only thing you can do is keep supporting him in his decisions and hope that his going to be ok.

    As someone once said “life with no f is a lie”

    Sorry if this does not help much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Brother Blues...
    Originally posted by podgiestuff
    We think he has left it too late, he said he will go in a few years time when he is older and knows exactually what he wants to do, but we reckon that if he isnt motivated enough to go now, he wont be in a couple of years time either.

    Maybe, maybe not. He may decide uni isn't for him, then again like a stack of my mates in their mid twenties, he may travel, party and do crap jobs and then decide to go to uni and get a career.

    If he doesn't know what he wants to do yet he is being sensible in taking some time to work it out, better that then spending lots of cash on a course only to quit it later because he hates it.

    Really all you can do is support him, and be there for him. Nagging won't help at all and, if anything, will probably make him more adamant not to go.

    Susie :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well,1 of 2 things will happen I expect in the worse case scenario:

    1)He will fail,frighten himself so much that he makes more of an effort and does well and studies in the future.

    2)He doesn`t care,shrugs it off and generally starts to roll down hill towards a grim demise.

    Remeber that people have to take responsibility for their own actions,and it could be a blessing in disguise.
    He`s only 17,still very young,and has plenty of time to formulate a backup plan and swing it into action.

    When the results come..if they are good,he`s obviously capable of doing the work and play,but if they are bad,you and parents should give a very stern warning about his future.Thats all you can do..
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