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Best mate moments

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey all

I'm putting together another special, this time on friendships, and I was just wondering what have been your best moments/ memories of times spent with your mates?

Share them here...

Susie :)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nothing is more important to me in the world at this particular junction in my exsistence than my mates.

    Its what makes life worth living, from drunken chaos, to bizarre drugged up adventures, to all day benders at football around the country, to tales of sex (the good, the bad and the ugly), to hurling as much hurtful abuse as possible back and forth, to bailing each other out of the police station, to holidays in the sun, to male competive madness (ever seen four lads flexing their promised superiority on mario kart ?), to numerous memorable practical jokes, to pissing ourselves at each others misfortune, to been their for one another in hard times, to lending money where ever neccessary, to endless hours in casualty with each other on a comedown, to nicking everything and anything off one another, to standing by one another in a fight despite the inevitable beating, to trying at every available oppotunity to chat each others mums up, the list could go on forever.

    At my age life is all about mates and having fun, bollocks to relationships, kids, responsibilties etc...... knowing that come the weekend guarenteed fun with the lads will occur makes the shit in life tolerable
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by ebb
    Nothing is more important to me in the world at this particular junction in my exsistence than my mates.

    Its what makes life worth living, from drunken chaos, to bizarre drugged up adventures, to all day benders at football around the country, to tales of sex (the good, the bad and the ugly), to hurling as much hurtful abuse as possible back and forth, to bailing each other out of the police station, to holidays in the sun, to male competive madness (ever seen four lads flexing their promised superiority on mario kart ?), to numerous memorable practical jokes, to pissing ourselves at each others misfortune, to been their for one another in hard times, to lending money where ever neccessary, to endless hours in casualty with each other on a comedown, to nicking everything and anything off one another, to standing by one another in a fight despite the inevitable beating, to trying at every available oppotunity to chat each others mums up, the list could go on forever.

    At my age life is all about mates and having fun, bollocks to relationships, kids, responsibilties etc...... knowing that come the weekend guarenteed fun with the lads will occur makes the shit in life tolerable


    Comradeship, is what its all about. Growing up together. Emotional and fun experiences are amplified if you share them with others, if not only becuase you can remember them with others, not just by yourself :cool: :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nothing means more than a friend telling you they're there for you when you need them most. That's what makes the special people stand out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I love it when you don't see a friend for ages, and they ring you up out of the blue and it is like nothing has changed; you still feel comfortable with them, and you have a great time.

    You don't have to see true friends all the time, you know that when you need them they'll always be there, and vice versa. That feeling is so speical to me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My best moment with my mates was on Saturday at the riverside in our town. It was all 12 of us (10 girls, 2 guys) and we just sat and talked for 7 hours about nothing at all, but we had fun. We sat and watched the sun go down, while putting the world to rights over a picnic. Pure class, and quite honestly the best time I've had in a long while.

    At this moment, nothing is more important to me than my friends. I know that I can pick up the phone, dial them up, and they'll be there. True friends stand by you through everything... from the time you completely messed up the class' chances of winning sports day, to the time when you're just too shy to go and ask that boy out. They tell you if you look bad, they tell you if you look good. It's nice to know that there's someone there, with you through the good times and the bad. A shoulder to cry on, a listening ear. They make my life worthwhile.... we lend money if need be, and refuse to have it returned. We laugh ourselves senseless at each others mishaps, but are the first to stick up for one another. They are the ones who are an escape from the banality of family life, and I wouldn't change them for the world :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Tashmania
    My best moment with my mates was on Saturday at the riverside in our town. It was all 12 of us (10 girls, 2 guys) and we just sat and talked for 7 hours about nothing at all, but we had fun. We sat and watched the sun go down, while putting the world to rights over a picnic. Pure class, and quite honestly the best time I've had in a long while.

    At this moment, nothing is more important to me than my friends. I know that I can pick up the phone, dial them up, and they'll be there. True friends stand by you through everything... from the time you completely messed up the class' chances of winning sports day, to the time when you're just too shy to go and ask that boy out. They tell you if you look bad, they tell you if you look good. It's nice to know that there's someone there, with you through the good times and the bad. A shoulder to cry on, a listening ear. They make my life worthwhile.... we lend money if need be, and refuse to have it returned. We laugh ourselves senseless at each others mishaps, but are the first to stick up for one another. They are the ones who are an escape from the banality of family life, and I wouldn't change them for the world :)

    That was really eloquent!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I love my mates, I really do :D

    Some of the drunken nights out with my mates have been legendary, in 20, 30 years time I'll look upon these times as some of the happiest, most crazy times of my life.

    I feel so lucky to have people around me who I've bonded so well with, people who are always there for me, and who I always try to be there for too. And we always take the piss out of each other, and can make each other laugh so easily, I only have to look at some of my mates, and I'm in stitches.

    I remember last summer, I had been feeling really down about something for days, and one of my mates took it as the cue to throw a bucket of water over me, sparking the biggest water fight ever. Cheered me up, and made me forget about all my worries, just like that. That's what friendship is all about. They're so, so special to me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've got some many memories of my mates that I love, Dating back to my first year in school and all the way up to my drinking days now!

    Too many memories to chose one I would define as my best, So I wont even try.

    I love my mates tho, I've got 3 different groups of mates. The ones who I can really open up to and tell them everything are my best mates (There's about 7 of us) these guy are real friends and know about trust and honest.

    I've got my other group of mates who I drink with, have a laugh and chat to about stuff, nothing personal to me because I wouldn't trust them. Some blokes are just blabber mouths!

    I've got other mates who I know for years but have drifted apart, But I know If i'm in trouble there be there for me, as like wise me for them
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Recently a situation has arose that has made me realise how much I care for one of my Mates... (Are we sitting comfortably??)

    Back in February I took a couple of mates snowboarding to Tignes, France. I can snowboard quite well and two of them had never even tried it. They went for a lesson on the first day we got there, bruised their asses from falling over so much. Anyway the second day they wanted to practice so I took them to the nusery slope... first run down one of my mates couldnt complete a turn went rather fast fell over. Of course I pissed myself severely, got him on the radio as he sat straight back up and proceeded to laugh even more for about a minute. Eventually he stood up after much cajoling and we made it down to the bottom of the slope... He complained that he could feel a grating in his shoulder... so off to the doctors we go... 2 days later he has been flown home with a double breakage of his collar bone... ow!!

    How guilty did I feel?!?! Under my supervision and all that...

    As a result he felt down, in a sling. He split up with his missus as sex was a no no (he couldnt as it hurt too much) and only just 2 weeks ago did the NHS get a bed for him to have it all pinned together, they also took some bone out of his hip to perform a bone graft... OW!!!

    I went to visit him the night after his operation, walking into the ward seeing him hooked up to the drip, seeing the blood etc... I really wanted to help him etc... and really made me feel how much I cared for my mate.

    He is on the mend now but myself and a few of his other mates have rallied together to make sure the recovery is as interesting as possible, driving him places, visiting him etc...

    Seeing people rally together and help each other out made me realise how important mates are...

    Bored yet???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    But yeah there are loads of times that I will never forget... like being in spain with my fluent-spanish speaking mate, going into a bar (which turned out to be a brothel... all innocently i must add!) getting chatting to a girl. I spoke maybe 10 words of spanish that my mate had taught me...

    5 minutes later she turned around to my mate said to him in Spanish (see he tells me) "your friend is a f*cking b@stard!!!" and stormed off to speak to the barman... .i thought the dude was going to brandish a shotgun... We literally ran out of that place...

    My Spanish mate was wetting himself when we got out... I am sure he stitched me up with some real nasty saying in Spanish... he must have...

    I WILL get him back one day
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BumbleBee

    That was really eloquent!
    Thank you my dear, I do try :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The closest ive ever felt to my best mate, emotionally and physically, was when i found i was HIV+, 2 years ago now. He came into the room i was in with the doc, i was crying my face off, and he just hugged and hugged and hugged me for ages. He was only 21 at the time and more interested in "birds" and beer. He looks after me so much. Always calling me, taking me out, making me laugh. It's almost like he's never stopped hugging me for over two years. I love him to bits, his life is soooooooo right for him and he's the bestest, greatest, muscleyest mate i will ever, ever have.

    Thanks Steve.:D KevvyXxX
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The best thing about my friends r the fact that I konw they'll b there 4 me and recent history has shown me that they're willing 2 b there 4 me through the good times and the bad (loosing my little sister and gran 15 months apart) the worst 18 months of my life & yet because of my mates the best.
    I love them all :-) xxxMy mates ROCK
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My best friends through thick and thin, that understand everything about me, are my SIBLINGS <3

    My big brother! He's 3 years older than me but it doesn't seem like it at all. We have much fun together, copying Kate and Jonny's (Big Brother) knee dance, seeing who gets the most Jaffa Cakes in their mouth at a time, banging forks together to make the Eastenders theme tune.. he rocks. He really does. He's here for me through everything. When I have problems with people at school, I turn to Jon. He's been in the same sort of situations. Sure, he hasn't had all the period pains and the "YOU'RE A SLAG!" callings, but he tries to relate to me all the time. We're going to Gran Canaria on Thursday for 2 weeks, I'm sure as hell that I'll have loads of moments to talk about after that.

    One time, he took me driving, and he kept swirving down the road and scaring the life out of me. We were dancing right by the stairs once (bad idea) and he slipped down the steps, breaking his leg, yet he didn't blame me for pushing that extra bit too hard.

    She's younger than me, by one year. She suffers from ME and I admire her so much. She's a really pretty girl, and she's strong for being brave. She was 8 years old when we were told she had ME, and she has smiled 4 times since then. Keep in mind, that Kate is now 14. The 4 times she smiled were all times with ME!!! I'm proud of myself that I had the ability to make my sister smile, regardless of all the trouble she has had. We run up and down the Cinema aisles before the film starts, pulling faces at the 11 year old girls that think they're hip. Kate's brilliant to me, we've shared happy times, but unfourtunately there has been more sad times than anything.

    Youngest sibling. And yesa, the last one, so you can go soon!:D Bronwen is a super cool chica, and I'm not just saying that because she's my sister. She makes me laugh all of the time, and we have loads of fun. She's 12 years old, 3 years younger than me, but she acts like a 16 year old, seriously! We go shopping together and we play Snap, and look at Pokemon cards and..

    Ahh. I have to go. I love my friends so much, and thanks to ANYONE that bothered to read that mushy stuff.

    <3333333 to everyone.
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