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Im So Angry!!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
This is gonna be one major rant so Im pre-warning you.

Back in March I was in a nightclub and a guy approached me telling me I was gorgous and would I kiss him. For some strange reason I wouldnt kiss him but I gave him my phone number. Then the next day he text me asking me out that night but I didnt go. Then he said that he was moving back to swansea for a few months to finish his degree so I wouldnt see him for a while but could we meet when he got back for the kiss I owed him. We text eachother regularly for a few months but then this stopped and I forgot about him. I was out on thursday night in the same club and a guy approached me, told me I was gorgous and could he have a kiss. This time I kissed him and then gave him my phone number. I thought he looked familiar but didnt know why. We were talking and he said that he'd been away for a few months and hadnt seen his mates for a while and that he had been doing his degree. I clicked that this was the same guy, his name is Rob. I told him who I was and we couldnt believe how strange it was that we had met again without even realising it. I ended up taking him back to my mates flat and sleeping with him and everything was fine, we talked about how were meant to be together cos of the way weve met and that it was really strange. The condom split and he said that I shouldnt worry as he would take me to Boots in the morning and get me the morning after pill and he seemed really nice. The next morning he did just that and it was all going well, we got on well and he took me to town, gave me the money for the pill, went with me to get it as I was shy, then bought me a drink to take it with. I thought he seemed really nice and mature for doing this as a previuos guy didnt care that we hadnt used protection and just went home the next morning. In the afternoon Rob text me to see if I was ok and said he hoped the pill hadnt made me sick which I thought was really sweet. Come sunday I still hadnt heard from him so I text him asking how he was and he replied saying nice things and saying he was going out that night. That was the last I heard from him. Today I went to my mates and she said that Rob had phoned her last night at 2am when drunk. I looked on her phone and she had 6 missed calls off him, some from last night and some from today, turns out he had phoned her today while in town to visit her in work but she didnt answer as she was in work. This annoyed me as he has phoned her so much but not me, and it shows hes thinking bout her alot. then at 9:30 tonight he phoned her again and she panicked as i was there so didnt answer but then she decided to phone him back with him on speakerphone so I could hear/speak to him as well. She phoned him back and he was in the bath! whats he doing phoning her while hes in the bath!!? Then she said I was there and he seemed abit panicky and didnt really speak much. He asked my mate to take him off speakerphone so only she could hear him. she did this and he asked her how I reacted to him phoning her. she told him i was abit hurt by it. after the phone call she text him telling him not to text her anymore as im her best mate and its unfair on me as Im hurt by it all. thats all weve heard. im just so upset, I really liked him and thought he liked me, he said in a text he'll see me soon and in another that he would speak to me soon, he called me sexy and was so sweet, but now I know he just wanted to add another girl to the list hes shagged. What do i do? I feel used now but I really like him, shall I phone/tect him to tell him how I feel or what?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    perhaps he was so nice because he wanted to get you into bed!

    Seems that he uses the same chat up lines time and time again eh!

    Also, he was probably so nice about the pill because he wanted to cover his own back.

    Forget about him. If he's messing on with other girls aswell then he isn't really worth your time.

    Also, what the hell is your mate doing talking to him if she knows how upset you are? Make sure she stops taking his calls!

    What else? Oh yeah, you're worth more than that, just remember that!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    put it down to experience. hes just not worth it.
    be glad youve got a great best friend and forget about this loser.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dont get back in with this guy cos he sounds like bad news! Just appreciate what your freinds done for u cos she could have easily kept him ringin a secret and started something with him herself-a freind to be proud of i would say!I know gettin ova this lad mite hurt to begin with but theres loadsa lads out there just waiting for u to meet them so get yaself out and enjoy yaself!Dont dwell over the past,but whateva u do dont repeat this again with him and be a bit more careful about who u trust next time! Hope evrything turns out ok x x x x x x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BumbleBee IS 100% RIGHT.

    I wouldn't txt or phone him anymore. He has your number so he can ring you. I take it he not shy?!

    Just remember Not all blokes are like this chap!:) and learn not to be soooo trusting with men that use the same chat up line!

    No doubt he used that same chap up line on your mate:D
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