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The unpacking game and current wellbeing

ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
Tht game is set in 2010 and onwards, how do I no get triggered. Therapy made me realise that where I live is toxic and I realise the carers can read. Is it rude to say that the manager looks like something out of wonka, fat rolly thing? How do u go by everyday?, I feel I'm back where I was. Why do they deny everything wen I notice something and its bought up? I'm not laying down like a dog anymore n they don't like it
Crazy mad insane


  • KatieKatie Community Manager Posts: 332 The Mix Regular
    Hey @ellie2000 are you referring to the game where you follow someone throughout their life by unpacking their boxes in their homes and arranging them in different rooms? If so I love that game I've replayed it multiple times! I find it comforting myself and quite relaxing just rearranging items. Can I ask what might feel triggering about the game if you feel comfortable sharing?

    Can I also ask what you mean by "How do u go by everyday?"

    And what is it that they're denying Ellie? It's really important you stand up for yourself and get the support you need. We're right here with you <3
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,586 Master Poster
    hey ellie just saying were here for you no matter what your not alone you matter so much ❤️ your doing so well in reaching out for support sending you so many hugs 🫂.
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    @Katie thts the one 😀 I also play 'little to the left' I like tht one bc it brings a smile wen the little bell sounds. I find unpacking triggering bc its set around the 2010's n tht time was 🤬

    Carers are denying wat they do wrong wen I bring anything up, they're wrongdoings, y?

    Wat I mean by 'go day by day is' how do not not worry about people thinking tht ur failing, like thinking tht ppl pointscore
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    edited December 2024
    @eylah I can't b happy wen I no they're being sh*tty (new word I found)
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    I already had support today, wen I so go away, they say 'r u declining' I say 'I'm not declining I want quiet' is it about the not me?
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    N they abandoned me at therapy wen I was feeling fagile coz the therapist went to check, is tht legal?
    Crazy mad insane
  • KatieKatie Community Manager Posts: 332 The Mix Regular
    @ellie2000 I've played a little to the left too! Only one chapter of the unpacking game is set in 2010 Ellie but there aren't obvious references to 2010 in the actual gameplay. Do you think you'd be able to ignore it or would you be able to ask someone else to skip through the 2010 chapter?

    Can I ask what you think your carers are doing wrong Ellie?

    I'm sorry they abandoned you at therapy too when you wasn't feeling very stable. Can I ask what you mean by "abandoned" if you feel comfortable sharing?

    Sending you hugs Ellie <3
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    edited December 2024
    @Katie @eylah I had support yesterday n I exploded with wat I found, wat I researched and information I gathered about the organisation. I sed How the management is ruining stuff, how the last place was at was deemed inadequate and how its impacting my emotions. I got to SLT to tlk about s.a instead of those losers. was tht the right thing to do?
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    By 'abandoned' they were in a huff all the way and wen I went into therapy the therapist went to tlk to them and they had gone coz she got told to by management to leave, I was confused about wat was happening. And now management is trying to gather stuff, wrongdoings I do. Where I'm just trying to get on with life.
    Btw The post above above is messy and I tried highlighting sentences n moving it but doesn't work on a phone
    Crazy mad insane
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,586 Master Poster
    ellie2000 wrote: »
    @Katie @eylah I had support yesterday n I exploded with wat I found, wat I researched and information I gathered about the organisation. I sed How the management is ruining stuff, how the last place was at was deemed inadequate and how its impacting my emotions. I got to SLT to tlk about s.a instead of those losers. was tht the right thing to do?

    this sounds rly hard and complicated im so sry to hear this ellie with what you found and how its making you feel do you think you can talk to mum abt this or a trusted adult? sending you hugs 🫂
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • briannatbriannat Inactive Posts: 114 The Mix Convert
    @ellie2000 Hello there <3

    What is SLT? How did you feel after you shared what's been bothering you and what had been going on? What did the support for you yesterday look like? How are you doing now?
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    edited December 2024
    @eylah @Katie @briannat SLT is a organisation who deals with SA survivors, instead I'm taking about carers behaviour. I got a email back from the manager of my home he sed about something having concerns about well-being. Wat does 'raised safeguards with the council' mean?sometimes I hav these blips
    Also the mould prob is still in mum's house, she gets upset easily, is there anything she can do?
    Crazy mad insane
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,586 Master Poster
    edited December 2024
    ellie2000 wrote: »
    @eylah @Katie @briannat SLT is a organisation who deals with SA survivors, instead I'm taking about carers behaviour. I got a email back from the manager of my home he sed about something having concerns about well-being. Wat does 'raised safeguards with the council' mean?sometimes I hav these blips
    Also the mould prob is still in mum's house, she gets upset easily, is there anything she can do?

    hey ellie i am sry i got mixed up i apologise. im not sure what safeguards council is? maybe someone in the council who safeguards vulnerable ppl like social services? might be wrong so sry if i am. has your manager said why theyre having concerns abt welll-being. are they worried abt yours ? here for you ❤️
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    @eylah we no tht the manager is a bully, n I feel like I'm on my own Wen he false accuse, say I hav stuff wen he's not a Dr, like fake diagnose, he sed at the last review wat wrongdoings I done, thts not wat a review is 4, Bc of tht I sed ill issue a PIN against him. I notice wen stuff aren't right like wen carers behaviour is abit off. And I'm polite wen I ask them to leave.
    Safeguards frm the local Council, wats tht?
    Crazy mad insane
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    At the weekend I feel better
    Crazy mad insane
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,586 Master Poster
    @ellie2000 from everything you have posted abt this manager of yours he doesnt seem like a nice person at. hes always been rly rude to you & sometimes with what you said has made you rly scared? he shouldnt be accusing you of anything ellie have you got anyone who you could talk to abt this of him constantly accusing you of stuff? yeah only a health professional ( dr ) or anyone in health or mental health etc can diagnose you with a formal diagnosis bc like you said hes not a dr or anything. what kind of pin have you got against him? it rly sounds like a toxic environment for you to be in and im rly sry that your going through all this ellie i know your doing your best with everything and very little but your doing so well im rly proud of you bc your still posting today and thats a gd achievement im so proud of you keep going and keep posting bc you matte!! ❤️
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,584 The Mix Elder
    @eylah I havnt gone a PIN on yet, but I feel its harassment coz thts wats it's 4. All the stuff I have noticed, I did say they're failing in 1 email. I sed about my ptsd came from coz they didn't no wat tht meant, they're stupid haha. Is noticing they're failings worth a huge telling off? I sed all the other tenants need help with their addictions. I sed about they're lazy about risk assessments and they're gonna hav a tlk bout my wellbeing wen they were for mental health originally. I went there bc ppl noticed wat I sed on here one evening. I sed their stuff wat they send isn't valid. I couldn't find reviews frm service users. I don't want the place to close like the last one he managed. Also tht wellbeing thing with the council, should a parent or social worker be there bc I didn't see any other email addresses? We all no he's a bully. I do say all the time tht I don't wanna b there anymore and i wanna live in a tent
    Why do the council get involved with wellbeing meetings? Will Reading graphic novels(comics) n playing games n animal documentary keep my mind off things? N how?
    I really really worry n I feel they've undone wat I learnt In therapy, is tht legal?
    I sed wat they say ever isn't valid. R they suppose to employ ppl who affect mental health
    I sed in the last email how the tenants were turning to alcohol n certain substances.
    The last place tht the manager was at was deemed inadequate and shut down, n I want the best 4 the other tenants. Thts why I tell the truth nd voice others, I blocked them now so they can't email first n trigger a response. I'm not goin to email them coz they are losers (to put it politely)
    Crazy mad insane
  • briannatbriannat Inactive Posts: 114 The Mix Convert
    Hey there @ellie2000 thank you for your responses <3

    I'm not sure what safeguarding with the council means, I wonder if there is someone within the organisation that you could speak to about what this means for you and your situation. I'm glad you're feeling better after the weekend :)
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