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im needing pelvic surgery 😣

eylaheylah Posts: 6,585 Master Poster
i have recently been diagnosed with endometriosis bc i went for a ultrasound and then i had a appt yesterday with my dr but i spoke to her and she said she would refer me to a gynaecologist bc she said i need surgery bc of how severe it is. i know it will be beneficial to have the surgery bc then i get answers and ill be less pain but idk why im scared of being under general anasetic but basically my mum who was struggling with alcoholism she needed a liver transplant bc of her other health issues she had but basically bc of alcoholism and bc of her health issues she had she struggled with the aftermath surgery so she deteriorated and passed away from complications. i know its not as bad surgery as mum went through but bc she died from it i am unsure to have it. i know its not major surgery but im so anxious i dont have a appt yet but it just seems so much rn for me. im feeling a lot rn bc its now reminding me of how mum reacted to going under and its just tricky. its rly hard also bc i know ill be going under by myself bc my dad wonr come with me so ill be alone i know im 18 but its still hard bc i went for surgery when was younger and mum came with me but now ill be alone :heartbreak: i know it sounds stupid but since i found out ill be having surgery i have been rly not feeling gd mentally ive rly struggled bc i cant think properly :/. the surgery will be at the hospital mum died from so i dont want to go there bc i find it so hard bc of mum dying in that hospital from her complications. im sry for sounding stupid but i cant stop overthinking this it’s rly playing on my mind i miss mum i wish i had someone with me during this but dont so im just so emotional im sry :heartbreak: .
ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸


  • shannon_164shannon_164 Community Champion Posts: 1,045 Wise Owl
    eylah, i’m so sorry that i don’t really know to say to you but i promise you that nothing you had said sounds stupid at all!! how you feel is 100% valid, and if anyone says any different then they are wrong!! i’m always here if you need someone to listen to you - you’ve got this eylah🫶🏻
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,585 Master Poster
    thankyou im rly struggling with the thought of it tonight idk why i keep crying its so hard :/ i wish mum was with me rn bc it would be easier with her bc she would support me :heartbreak: .
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • stardust444stardust444 Posts: 112 The Mix Convert
    @eylah im so sorry you’ve been feeling like this it must be such hard time for you and I’m so sorry about your mum, I can’t imagine what that’s like. i just wanted to share my situation because I relate to some of your feelings (but I know it’s also very different for you and I’m not trying to invalidate you in anyway❤️)

    im gonna be having a pretty major surgery for scoliosis in about three weeks and I’ve also been struggling with the idea of some of the potential complications and risks and i completely understand how you’re feeling, overthinking and constantly crying. It’s a hard thing to process but you are so strong and you’ve got this!!

    none of what you said sounds silly at all, it must be very hard to process that you will be having surgery in that hospital and all your feelings are completely justified. i have no idea if this is an option for you in anyway but could they potentially organise the surgery to be in a different hospital? and in terms of being alone I promise we are all here for you always and if you ever want to talk more I will be here❤️ (and if it’s possible maybe you could ask a friend to come check on you in hospital if that would help you feel more comfortable? also even it all seems very scary, usually nurses and doctors are really sweet (at least in my experience) and I’m sure they will do they’re best to help you feel comfortable.

    hope your doing okay❤️

  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,585 Master Poster
    oh thankyou @stardust444 i hope your surgery goes well thinking of you. when i see the gynaecologist im gonna ask that question bc if it can be moved hospitals id have the surgery. i have my sister but idk if she would come or not but she said shed come to appts with me so idk maybe? thankyou i just feel stupid for ranting abt stuff like this bc its not major but still a issue. i appreciate your support <3 i hope your ok <3
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • stardust444stardust444 Posts: 112 The Mix Convert
    @eylah thank you so much that means a lot❤️
    don’t ever feel stupid I completely understand why this is major to you and you are allowed to feel all these feelings. i wish you the best with hopefully changing hospitals!! im sure you're sister would understand? it’s completely natural for you to want someone with you.

    if you feel comfortable please keep my updated, if you want any other support I’ll be here ❤️
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,585 Master Poster
    i appreciate your kindness @stardust444 i will keep you updated i hope your surgery goes well ❤️.
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,585 Master Poster
    just msged my sister bc its playing on my mind and she said she would come 🥺. she said she wish i told her and not kept it from her i feel rly bad now 🥺😕.
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,880 Extreme Poster
    hey @eylah - like the others have all said, i can imagine it is a scary time for you at the moment with the surgery to happen at some point. whilst i can't give much advice (as i've never had a surgery), just wanted to also say you're feelings are totally understandable given everything you've been through recently. it's good to hear you'll have your sister there to be with you and support you. and i'm sure the doctors and nurses and whoever else will do their absolute best to make you feel as comfortable and at ease as they can.

    sending you lots of hugs
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,585 Master Poster
    thankyou i appreciate it ❤️ im thankful for you all ❤️
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 251 The Mix Regular
    None of what you have said sounds stupid at all, honestly!! I was reading your message and my heart went out to you..
    Sound like you are going through a tricky time... well done for making contact with your sister.
    I'm wondering if you can make contact with your doc/GP to talk to them about your anxiety, I know they may not be able to change anything but maybe reassurance or a plan for you.
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,585 Master Poster
    thankyou @Invisible_me i have talked to her abt everything but shes trying to help me. thankyou 🫂
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
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