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I need a hug (v2.0) 💚

JustVJustV Community Manager Posts: 5,359 Part of The Furniture
edited June 6 in Health & Wellbeing
Howdy mixers! Yes, the mod team has made the decision to start this thread afresh.

The OG hugs thread had become quite heavy and we were seeing more and more crisis posting in there. That's nobody's fault - more people are in crisis more often these days and that's a trend we're seeing far outside of this community. It's just the reality of life for a lot of folks at the moment.

As moderators, we want to make sure the hugs thread stays constructive. So we want to have a reset, go over what this thread is and isn't for, and be clear about the boundaries. :)

So, please keep these things in mind before posting:

This thread is for:
  • Finding someone to relate to
  • Light words of support and virtual hugs
  • When you don't want a full response

This thread is not:
  • A substitute to creating your own thread (please do this if you need advice or a response!)
  • Somewhere to post in crisis, even in vague terms (if you feel in crisis, seek urgent help)
  • For yelling into the void (try the ranty thread for that)

To quote the original hugs thread:
This is more for (quoting the lovely Arctic Roll) "the times where people don't want advice, they just want somebody to know".

Additional guidance on posting about relapses and urges:
We know it can sometimes be helpful to post about the relapses and urges you're experiencing which is so brave of you to do. To help us understand a bit more about your safety and make sure we're offering the best support, we've introduced some additional guidance to the hugs thread and our support groups.

When posting about relapses and urges, please let us know the type of relapse you've had (e.g. self-harm, alcohol ect) and confirm to us that you’re safe. For example, you could say:
I've relapsed with self-harm and I'm safe

If you're wanting to share that you're struggling with urges, please share the type of urges you are having (self-harm, suicide, drinking ect.) and that you are safe. This will be really helpful in helpful for us in knowing how to offer the best support to you whilst also keeping the thread safe for other community members to see who may be feeling worried.

For example, you could say:
I'm struggling with urges to self-harm and I'm feeling safe currently

If you have relapsed or if you are struggling with urges and unsure on your safety, the community wouldn't be the place to reach out for support as we can't offer urgent support or crisis support. The best places to reach out to in these instances would be by calling 999, going to your local a&e department or contacting Crisis Messenger or Samaritans.

📝 Want a more structured space to share? Try the journalling thread.

The truth resists simplicity.
Post edited by Aoife on


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    JustVJustV Community Manager Posts: 5,359 Part of The Furniture
    Sorry that was definitely my fault
    I imagine a few folks will feel it's their fault @IainJammyboy, but honestly this was a long time coming. The culture of the hugs thread shifted a while back and this decision wasn't driven by any one post or person, or even just the recent activity there. A lot more went into it.

    Also, 'fault' implies that something bad has happened, but it really hasn't. The original hugs thread was really old and would have needed a reboot sooner or later anyways.

    You haven't done anything wrong - the culture of any ongoing thread changes naturally over time, and one person is rarely the reason for that. A lot of folks had been using the old hugs thread to post heavier stuff or use it as a kind of diary. If that resonates with you then I can understand why it might feel like you caused it, but this was definitely a longer term, broader trend. :)
    The truth resists simplicity.
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    JustVJustV Community Manager Posts: 5,359 Part of The Furniture
    Also one of those things where we can't really blame anyone - everyone posting in a space like that is just using it how the person before did. Then over time you see gradual changes.
    The truth resists simplicity.
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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,189 Community Veteran
    Its definitely the end of a era for the old hug thread but glad to start a fresh one with new people on here <3. It will always be missed but will be part of TheMix archieve.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,471 Wise Owl
    Not feeling well, been in bed all day
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    Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 2,271 Boards Champion
    Struggling a little but trying to act okay
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,004 Wise Owl
    Seeing a psychiatrist through private healthcare now
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,193 Wise Owl
    @Amy22 you've been lovely to me, and of course you belong here! I laugh at sad things too, it’s just a coping mechanism
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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,189 Community Veteran
    @Amy22 you've been lovely to me, and of course you belong here! I laugh at sad things too, it’s just a coping mechanism

    Its fine, I'm not really a great person when you get to meet me. My nan is that good at the moment so my mum had to secrectly film her just in case we need to show doctors because when she is in pain she masks her pain. I watched the video and I dont know why but I shoulden't have smiled or smirked I don't know maybe and part of me coulden't watch the video a bit. *sigh* anyways enough of me ranting
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,471 Wise Owl
    Im feeling pretty upset about the chat thread not being on this evening. It is very understandable that it's cancelled though for many reasons
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,193 Wise Owl
    Lonely. I feel like I don’t really matter to anyone
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,004 Wise Owl
    I'm getting much worse
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,004 Wise Owl
    Feeling so depressed
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,004 Wise Owl
    I really need help
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    AoifeAoife Community Manager Posts: 3,077 Boards Guru
    We're here for you @IainJammyboy <3

    Sending you lots of strength and hugs, we're all here to support you through this.

    Do you feel able to reach out to Crisis Messenger or Samaritans for some additional support today?
    Maybe somethings don't get better, but we do. We get stronger. We learn to live with our situations as messy and ugly as they are. We fix what we can and we adapt to what we can't. Maybe some of us will never fully be okay, but at least we're here. We're still trying. We're doing the best we can. That's worth celebrating too ❤
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