If you are struggling to stay happy 🥺❤️

If you are struggling with your happiness - I am here to try and help you realise that you are loved.
The reason I believe we are unhappy is because we do not enjoy the little moments of life. We spend so much time out and about, going around the world and then there is the risk of getting lost in the world.
Have you ever felt lost in life? Have you felt that the world was going against you? Do you get bullied?
If you answered yes to these questions, then I believe that you are amazing - I believe that the fact you can admit to these makes you amazing.
If you feel down, then please know that you are not always alone - I was once feeling the similiar emotions as you were. In fact, I believe you realising that you are loved is so powerful. So are you ready to try?
First of all, I think that responsibility and ambition are both useless. To me, responsibility is about reflecting on what you did in the past, and ambition is about chasing the future - I find both of these can be problematic because they may take you away from the now, and they might stop you from enjoying this second.
Try saying the following with me:
"Thank you, universe, for giving me the ability to love, as love is who I am."
"Thank you, universe, for giving me the breath of life - as life is who I am."
"I am love and I am light - no circumstance can take away my love of life, for I am both love and life."
Sometimes in school, we are taught to set our goals high and chase success in the future. We are taught to work so hard to make money. But I believe that all you need is a moment to appreciate the moment, the truth - that you are full of love.
The reason you are struggling with your happiness might be because you are so full of love, that I believe your mind can't fathom it. So please, I kindly ask you, whenever you feel down - to just stop what you are doing and realise that you are loved, you are cared for (even if it doesn't seem like it) because the reason you exist, is because you are worthy of existing.
Peace, and much love - I hope this raises your vibes. 😆 😆