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Starting my second year of university

Former MemberFormer Member MiniposterPosts: 187 Helping Hand
edited March 2024 in Work & Study
Hello everyone,
I finished the exams for my first year of university a while ago, but ended up staying in my accommodation longer than expected because I had to stay here to wait for an appointment with a physiotherapist. I go home tomorrow, and it kind of just hit me that tonight will be the last night that I ever stay in this room. I've been kind of stressed about things lately, but now I'm just kind of sad.

I'm pretty worried about starting my second year. When I get home I'll have to start sorting out student finance again, and that was such a stressful process last year because they kept losing my documents and messing up and it took way longer than it should have to get things sorted out. After the first year, the grades I get on my assignments will count towards the grade I get at the end of my degree so I need to start putting extra effort in instead of just passing everything. I'm worried because I tend to start feeling either too low or too anxious to function a lot of the time and this makes it very difficult to motivate myself. I managed to get voted onto the committees for two different sports and societies, and I'm looking forward to them, but I'm worried that I won't be able to take on the extra responsibility and that I'll just let everyone down. 

I think I just need to get plenty of preparation done over the summer, but being away from uni means that I have to go back to work. Plus, I need to make time to enjoy myself and spend time with family and friends. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I guess I just needed to get some things off my chest. 
Post edited by JustV on


  • Former MemberFormer Member Smol Bean Posts: 666 Incredible Poster
    Hello AprilFool,

    University can be stressful, renewing your student finance for a year is easer than getting it sorted the first time, try to log into the website and check it every now and then to make sure things are going okay. 

    Starting second year can be worrying, your grades now start to count but your tutors also know this and will try to help you achieve the best marks you can get. If it helps, I got 2.1 all the way though second year but still managed to get a 1st over all because of my work during third year. Try to always do your best plus a little extra on the side that the tutors haven't asked for, it shows dedication and willingness to learn. You can also ask your tutors for a personal tutorial if any project gets tricky. They are there to help you though this and so is everyone here at the Mix. If you don't mind me asking, what are you studying?

    Taking part in Societies is fun and takes a dedicated hard worker, the fact you got voted in means you are capable of doing this, you will have everyone in the society to help you as well as the students union. 

    If you feel up to it do some research into what to expect from your course so you can feel prepared. Moving around during uni does feel a little sad, try and think of it as a natural next step, you could even plan some fun decorations for your new room. 

    Good luck and I hope you have a great summer :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Eyepatch said:
    Hello AprilFool,

    University can be stressful, renewing your student finance for a year is easer than getting it sorted the first time, try to log into the website and check it every now and then to make sure things are going okay. 

    Starting second year can be worrying, your grades now start to count but your tutors also know this and will try to help you achieve the best marks you can get. If it helps, I got 2.1 all the way though second year but still managed to get a 1st over all because of my work during third year. Try to always do your best plus a little extra on the side that the tutors haven't asked for, it shows dedication and willingness to learn. You can also ask your tutors for a personal tutorial if any project gets tricky. They are there to help you though this and so is everyone here at the Mix. If you don't mind me asking, what are you studying?

    Taking part in Societies is fun and takes a dedicated hard worker, the fact you got voted in means you are capable of doing this, you will have everyone in the society to help you as well as the students union. 

    If you feel up to it do some research into what to expect from your course so you can feel prepared. Moving around during uni does feel a little sad, try and think of it as a natural next step, you could even plan some fun decorations for your new room. 

    Good luck and I hope you have a great summer :)
    Thanks for the reply. 

    I'm glad to hear that it should be easier to renew my student finance. I guess that things should be better this time as they already have all my details on file. I'm going home later today so I'll get it sorted when I get back. At least then I'll have my parents there if something goes wrong.

    I did pretty well this year when it comes to grades. I was disappointed with one of my last assignments but that was because it was a paired presentation with a partner that I didn't see right until the end, and I still managed to pass anyway. My goal for this year was to improve my mental health, so hopefully by the time I start my second year I'll have plenty of way to cope so that I don't stop working for long periods of time. Asking for help is something that I still need to work on, but I think that I will be fine as long as I start projects in plenty of time and remember that it's always okay to ask. I'm studying Psychology, by the way. 

    I don't think that being on a committee would be too bad during second year, from what I've heard. I'm actually really looking forward to taking part in the Psychology Society because I get to make presentations on topics that interest me. I also get on really well with the other committee members and we've met quite a few times to discuss things. I've just got to make sure that I make time over the summer to prepare. I'm more worried about my role and fundraiser for Swimming and Waterpolo because I've not managed to meet and other members or receive any kind of proper training or advice. There's another fundraiser that I'll be working with, but I'm worried that I won't get as much support from the rest of the team as I will from the Psychology Society. I know that the Student's Union puts on training days for specific roles, but I don't even know when these are yet. It's such a small thing, but I guess I just hate not knowing. 

    I think I should be able to prepare for next year. I made a list of some of the things I need to do, so that made me feel a bit better. I'm moving into this pretty nice loft room next year and I've already thought about how I'm going to decorate it. I don't think it will actually take me that long to get over the sadness of leaving my current room, but last night I found it pretty upsetting to think that it was the last time I'll ever sleep in this bed. I'm pretty excited to go home today because I've been getting pretty homesick for a while now.

    I hope you have a great summer too :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Smol Bean Posts: 666 Incredible Poster
    Im so glad you are getting good grades, group work and presentations can be troublesome at times but as long as you try your best you can pass them. Working on your heath is a wonderful goal as the better you feel the more effort you will be able to put into your work, then when you do well it will encourage you further. Like a cycle of getting better both at uni and in your heath. Psychology sounds fascinating, if you're worried about asking for help try making best use of your university's library. See if you can read some past dissertaions and find out which topics you will be covering soon.

    Im so glad you are looking forward to taking part in the psychology society, I hope its loads of fun for you. Perhaps you could e-mail or facebook some of the members of Swimming and Waterpolo? See if there is an online group where you can chat to them over the summer, if not make one. During the start of the year you should be able to login to your students union website and see the names and emails of everyone who has signed up for the societies you are running. Encourage them to contact you so you have the opportunities to get to know each other better. 

    Making lists is a great way to get your thoughts down, plus its very satisfying to cross of things you have completed. Also, Loft rooms are very nice and usually quite quiet, although they can get very warm in summer so you might want to think about getting a fan. (I used to live in an attic :P) 

    Thanks and good luck with everything at Uni! 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Eyepatch said:
    Im so glad you are getting good grades, group work and presentations can be troublesome at times but as long as you try your best you can pass them. Working on your heath is a wonderful goal as the better you feel the more effort you will be able to put into your work, then when you do well it will encourage you further. Like a cycle of getting better both at uni and in your heath. Psychology sounds fascinating, if you're worried about asking for help try making best use of your university's library. See if you can read some past dissertaions and find out which topics you will be covering soon.

    Im so glad you are looking forward to taking part in the psychology society, I hope its loads of fun for you. Perhaps you could e-mail or facebook some of the members of Swimming and Waterpolo? See if there is an online group where you can chat to them over the summer, if not make one. During the start of the year you should be able to login to your students union website and see the names and emails of everyone who has signed up for the societies you are running. Encourage them to contact you so you have the opportunities to get to know each other better. 

    Making lists is a great way to get your thoughts down, plus its very satisfying to cross of things you have completed. Also, Loft rooms are very nice and usually quite quiet, although they can get very warm in summer so you might want to think about getting a fan. (I used to live in an attic :P) 

    Thanks and good luck with everything at Uni! 
    I checked my final grades today and I passed everything. At least my first year is officially over and I don't have to resit anything. I've been feeling pretty motivated today since I came home so I'm hoping that I continue that way through the summer and into next year. I'm pretty happy with the progress I made with my health. The only thing I think I could do better is make more of an effort to get through to that mental health service. I feel like my confidence is increasing, so maybe I'll be better at asking for help next year. I should check out the library more though. 

    The Swimming and Waterpolo committee does have a chat, but I haven't seen anyone post anything in ages. I think I should send another message to the previous fundraiser if she doesn't get back to me soon. I'm going to really try my best to get in contact with everyone, but I'm worried that I'll end up missing something because of organisation issues with the rest of the group. I think I will check the Students Union site more often though. I guess I'm just afraid of having a lack of support, but there must always be someone I can talk to when I don't know what to do. It's not like there's anyone in the club I don't get on with, it's just that there seems to be a lack of communication that can get quite stressful and frustrating. I'm worried that this will carry on next year and will make my role as fundraiser harder than it has to be.

    I'm thinking of starting my bullet journal again. I think that if I set myself just a few goals each day I should be able to get a good balance between work and fun. I have heard that loft rooms can get quite warm, I'll have to see if I can get a fan or something.

  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 252 The Mix Regular
    Hello everyone,
    I finished the exams for my first year of university a while ago, but ended up staying in my accommodation longer than expected because I had to stay here to wait for an appointment with a physiotherapist. I go home tomorrow, and it kind of just hit me that tonight will be the last night that I ever stay in this room. I've been kind of stressed about things lately, but now I'm just kind of sad.

    I'm pretty worried about starting my second year. When I get home I'll have to start sorting out student finance again, and that was such a stressful process last year because they kept losing my documents and messing up and it took way longer than it should have to get things sorted out. After the first year, the grades I get on my assignments will count towards the grade I get at the end of my degree so I need to start putting extra effort in instead of just passing everything. I'm worried because I tend to start feeling either too low or too anxious to function a lot of the time and this makes it very difficult to motivate myself. I managed to get voted onto the committees for two different sports and societies, and I'm looking forward to them, but I'm worried that I won't be able to take on the extra responsibility and that I'll just let everyone down. 

    I think I just need to get plenty of preparation done over the summer, but being away from uni means that I have to go back to work. Plus, I need to make time to enjoy myself and spend time with family and friends. 

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, I guess I just needed to get some things off my chest. 

    Hello there,

    Your in the same boat as me in the fact that I;ve just finished my first year. Well done for doing so- University is very stressful and overwhelming.

    Its somewhat natural your feeling a bit anxious and down and almost attached to your accomdation room- you know that room has been your 'home; for the year where you've spend all your time the happy things and almost your 'save heaven' away from someof the stressors.

    As you say, yes you need to make time to relax and enjoy yourself-almost treat your self. You've put a lot into this year, take this time to unwind. Also, be a chance for you to treflect and think about next year.

    There will be changes and new challenges, but you've encountered the hardest by doing this year. If you think second year just a step up. First year's a whole new journey. I know and have faith that you will do well. It will be exciting hopefuly the commities, a something new for you and maybe be a chance to unwind from work.

    It's ok, your allowed to unwind. Take care,


  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Hi @Invisible_me
    Well done for getting through the year. I'm trying to make more time to relax but things just keep coming up all the time.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Smol Bean Posts: 666 Incredible Poster
    @TheAprilFool @Invisible_me You can both get through this, university can be stressful but its worth it. Take tasks one at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Try to take a bit of time for yourself each day, even if its just reading for a while before going to bed. Good Luck, and remember you can always reach out and ask others, online or at uni. :) 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Eyepatch said:
    @TheAprilFool @Invisible_me You can both get through this, university can be stressful but its worth it. Take tasks one at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Try to take a bit of time for yourself each day, even if its just reading for a while before going to bed. Good Luck, and remember you can always reach out and ask others, online or at uni. :) 
    Thanks @Eyepatch
    I'm starting to make plans so that hopefully next year I'll be more productive and also more able to take proper care of myself. :)
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 252 The Mix Regular
    Hi @Invisible_me
    Well done for getting through the year. I'm trying to make more time to relax but things just keep coming up all the time.

    I understand that. Time is sometimes an enemy Take it slowely
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 252 The Mix Regular
    Eyepatch said:
    @TheAprilFool @Invisible_me You can both get through this, university can be stressful but its worth it. Take tasks one at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Try to take a bit of time for yourself each day, even if its just reading for a while before going to bed. Good Luck, and remember you can always reach out and ask others, online or at uni. :) 

    Thanks @Eyepatch.

    It seems like it will never just happen. I try to take it slowely and one at a time.  Doesn't seem like I can reach out to anyone-certainly not uni with the way they are.

  • Former MemberFormer Member Smol Bean Posts: 666 Incredible Poster
    edited July 2018
    You've always got us to reach out too :) 
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