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Deleting Facebook!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
So yesterday I took the plunge and deleted my facebook... For too long it has been filling a void in my daily goings...Yet I have come to the conclusion that it is nothing but a shackle that bounds all social interactions into a never ending cycle of like, pokes, messages, tabs and comments! well no more! Im free! But for how long, the facebook demons are always lurking...lurking...:nervous:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I totally agree with you.

    I was on it for 2½ years. I wanted to use it like a "classmates"-type, along the lines of Friends Reunited. I touched base with a few old school kids. It's weird seeing how everyone at my age have got married, had kids, been around the world etc and I'm left to pick up the pieces. Anyway, correspondences with most classmates (via Facebook's PMs) only lasted for a couple of exchanges, often with me leaving the ball in their court, never hearing back. A handful of my old bullies even set up a troll page aimed at me. I didn't discover it until I cancelled my account, so that wasn't the reason for me leaving the site.

    I never saw the point in pokes or virtual beer / hugs either. Very impersonal. Writing *hugs* etc is better in instant messaging and emails, when it's a dialogue between just 2 people.

    And the games? It's probably useful if you're bored of Solitaire and you don't have any other games. I have bought a few of my own, such as Rollercoaster Tycoon, Sims 3 and Age of Empires 3, so I play these because they're fully-fledged games.

    The final straw for Facebook was applying for a job a few months back. The advert instructed me to send them a covering letter + CV. So I did, and if they touch base with me, it would normally be in the form of a phonecall or email, wouldn't you say? Or perhaps the good old fashioned letter by post. Nope, not with these guys. They decided that they wanted to find me in Facebook and send a buddy request. No prior communication, no nothing, straight to Facebook they go. There was nothing to hide on my (now defunct) page, but it had family photos. It had no business value to my would-be-employers. And also, isn't it LinkedIn that businesses tend to use?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think i'll always keep my facebook for as long as possible.

    love it
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I [permanently] deleted mine a few months ago, I don't miss it in the slightest. I see enough people bitching about other people and trying to impress others will tales of their great parties and outings in person thank you very much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I hate face book, I have it but I never use it. I think it’s the most annoying thing in the world! Maybe it’s just the friend that I have on it but whenever I do go on I see comments like, just sitting down for a cuppa, or watchin Xfactor so exiting. Seriously does anyone actually care that someone who never talks to them in real life is having a cup of tea?! Why do people insist on putting every single detail of their lives on face book? And I hate that people use it as a way to organise things, I’m sorry but if someone wants to talk to me about something half important I would much prefer that they actually make an effort and call or text! The thing that annoys me most though, is people who add you on face book being like hi how are you haven’t seen you in soo long bla bla bla, all nice and friendly. And then when you say hi to them on the street they act as if you don’t exist!

    There was an American article in the week a few weeks ago about a college student who killed himself after his dorm mate posted a video of him having sex with another guy on to face book.

    Seriously, I’m starting to think that people are beginning to forget the meaning of the word private. There’s a book by Ben Elton called Blind Faith -Google it. It’s set in the future and is really scary, not in a thriller/horror type way but in that you can actually see the world becoming this in the future.

    Sorry I know it’s a bit of a rant but I really dislike face book.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Recently, I deleted my Facebook. I never used it and hated it, and I feel much better.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I like it, but probably because i'm not obsessed with it but use it to keep in contact with family and friends while i'm here in NZ.. it's a lazy way lol but it works! I don't really care about anything other than messaging friends, seeing events i can go to, and photos- i guess to me it's easier than having mutiple different programs (like msn, flickr etc) and everyone knows where to look/communicate.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why do people insist on putting every single detail of their lives on face book?

    I've never understood why people do this either.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yay how refreshing to meet people who hate Facebook!!
    I permantley deleted my account in May and its been brilliant i know who my real friends are!!!
    Most people use f.b as a way of being nosy or bitchy ( not all)
    In my case i broke up with my best friend we had alot of the same friends and because she is a psycho she would use their accounts to see what i was doing!!!! and these friends who let her are no longer my friends :no: x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I liked it a few years back before all the pokes, endless 'likes' and games took it over. And I hate how people put pointless details on their life on there. Personally I find it a great way to keep in touch with family and friends who have dispersed everywhere, and it's a great way of organising student groups/discussion etc. I also have a friends clear out every now and then, people that I hardly knew at school add me and then never speak to me. So I accept out of politeness if I'm in a good mood but delete them eventually. It's also funny that they readd you a few months later, obviously forgetting they had you and not realising that you deleted them!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i hate facebook for all the reasons people have already stipulated. but everyone is on it and people use it to contact me more so than text/email/phone call. so if i deleted myself then yeah. i'd be pretty bored.

    one good thing. it's a good way to secretly keep up to date with people's birthdays if you're a shit friend like me
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think facebook is boring, but inspite that, it let me chat with friends I hadn't seen since I was a little girl.

    Also if you want to meet people online, you can see their pictures and get to know them a little.:flirt:
    I also think that you can decide what to show so you can make it like a private thing.:cool:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    one good thing. it's a good way to secretly keep up to date with people's birthdays if you're a shit friend like me

    That would be me, too. Only know him for over 7 years and still forget his birthday.:o
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Melian wrote: »
    That would be me, too. Only know him for over 7 years and still forget his birthday.:o

    mine for about 13 years. :o fortunately she has come to accept my general shitness and belated presents. bahhh
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I love both Facebook and Twitter. I use them as just another way of communicating with the world around me.

    As I said in another thread where FB came up, about 90% of people I have as friends are those I would just interract with in another way without FB. This just means that we can do it more often. Our status updates are often in jokes or mini rants and usually end up being part of a conversation in the pub/office etc or are actually the consequence of such conversations.

    I also have family members on there, people that I rarely get to see these days. I suppose that I *could* ring them/write letters/emails to them. This is just another way of doing that.

    I don't, personally, see the point of any of the games and application, but then that's not what I see the joy of FB as anyway...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoK wrote: »
    I don't, personally, see the point of any of the games and application, but then that's not what I see the joy of FB as anyway...

    cant knock a bit of online scrabble. but everyone wants to play stupid farmville.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh I am one of those awful people! :D I hated it and couldn't understand it... then I got one. Now I just sit and play all the games all day. I don't use it to communicate with people, though I like to read what people write... found a few good recipes that way. It is good to help remember birthdays... and to realize you aren't as good of friends with somebody that you thought because she is 5 months pregnant and you only accidently found out thru facebook :\ Explains why she kept turning down going out drinking! Most of my "friends" are fellow game players, but I try my best not to harass others with it.

    I've yet to kill any children over farmville though, so I don't think I'm that bad.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    omy i love facebook :heart:
    you get the gossip without having to ask people and them thinking your nosey ;)
    yessss :d
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    flowergirl wrote: »
    Yay how refreshing to meet people who hate Facebook!!
    I permantley deleted my account in May and its been brilliant i know who my real friends are!!!

    Quote of the week :thumb:

    Something similar happened with I quit WoW. A few people carried on chatting with me outside of WoW while others totally forgot me even though I did chase.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I deleted mine for a week ! well, i thought this is it im badly hocked on FB and i need to detox my self ! after one week i couldnt take it any more i had to re activate my account as life was boring ! and my phone didnt stop ringing !! i have so many friends and it is cheaper to talk on FB and organize our events ! without FB i feel like humanity is going backward
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I deleted mine a few months ago!

    The whole thing felt like somewhere to show off and for everyone to have little shrines dedicated to themselves!

    The site is about making friends and being social I know but I didnt ever make any new friends and didnt really want to. Alot of people were just on there to show off their slutty pictures or show off about the AMASING NIGHT OUT I HAD OMG.

    I do not miss it at all :D

    Also, what is up with people putting pictures of me on there and then tagging me like I would be really pleased about it.
    'Oh thankyou so much for putting that online when I look like utter shit' and they act all innocent. Or pictures that my family will see and it made me cringe and feel a little paranoid TBH. I didnt like that one bit, now I dont have to know about it at least.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah Facebooks a strange one. I dont think i'll delete mine but i certainly dont use it as much as i did. I still dont understand how people can have 1000 "friends" on there. People do just seem to add basically everyone they come across in life, even if they arent friends. I dont see the point in all that!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh AND

    Oh I think what tipped it for me was when I thought 'what did people used to do before facebook? Send emails!' then I thought 'Oh and people used to call each other or send letters'.

    The fact that for a moment there I thought emails were quaint was a little pathetic lol. Plus, why must all my conversations be little soap boxes for all to hear, like my mundane conversations are so important.

    It reminded me of people on the bus who talk a little too loud so everyone can hear (wether they want to or not) about how drunk and wild they got last night. So obnoxious.

    Hahaha, im out now, alot of FB hate over in my corner *cracks up*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont think its thaaaaat bad, like alot of people have mentioned i think its a good way to stay in touch with your mates. Just an alternative to texting/calling. It is a snoopers paradise though!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    real men communicate over IRC :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    GoodFella wrote: »
    I dont think its thaaaaat bad, like alot of people have mentioned i think its a good way to stay in touch with your mates. Just an alternative to texting/calling. It is a snoopers paradise though!

    :yes: I have (sad, I know) made quite a few friends via groups and other people on FB.
    People do just seem to add basically everyone they come across in life, even if they arent friends. I dont see the point in all that!

    I don't either get the point either. A friend of mine had 1000+ "friends" and decided to go through his list and delete those who just sent Farmville invitations and the like.

    What really is the point of adding someone and then not talking to them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I agree with those saying its good for knowing where peeps are etc birthdays and regaining contact with those you havent seen in a few years.

    From my recenr experiences though i am defo starting to think its got to the point (for me and many others) where it does more harm than good. On that note I agree with (sorry to whoever it is) above who says they dont see the point in adding people just for the sake of it - neither do I.

    I was introduced to FB at uni which coincidentally was when it first started taking off here anyway. It was certainly a good way of making friends and also for getting to remember people from pics n that (which admittedly is handy when your a fresher and know loads of people at tht time!).

    Over time though I find the things people put on their status quite incredible and am careful personally to not put specific details or even to start ganging up on people as i have had people do to me simply because i supported what i believed to be a true cause on my status. It shows people for who they really are and i have recently had a major delete bringing me down to only around 50 friends. I do not care tht i dont have like twice as many because if people tht i have deleted were true friends and wanted to be friends they would add me back!

    So yes i have seen real bitchiness off fb and am seriously thinking of deleting my account, if temporarily. I am just fed up seeing people arranging to do stuff without me etc and people just generally being fake. I try to make effort in contacting ppp on it, there is not excuse, maybe the fact they dont reply is a measure of how warped the who thing is.
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