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paranioa and anxiety

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Working in a school, i've been accused of something but all they tell me is that there as been an allegation, wont tell me what.(nothing sexual)
For the last 6 weeks i've been under investigation for blood in my urine, i've had a cystocposy,ultrasound,ct scan, blood/urine tests and still haven't had any results,
As you can imagine throughout the last 6 weeks i've been terrified of the worst, my nerves are shot.
Last week I collapsed at school crying and sobbing and had to be taken home.
The doctor has put me off school indefinately and put me on medication.
I still dont know what i'm accused of and now I really am struggling.
I keep imagining all sorts of scenarios which are making me paranoid and feeling sick with anxiety, although I know its early days for the medication to work i'm not sleeping more than two hours at night.
I really am struggling and the worst thoughts are going through my head,, i dont think I can take much more.
I think i'm just crying for help by writing this so please any advice on how to cope would be welcomed.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi i am not surprised that you are feeling anxious with two really big worries hanging over you its bound to happen, you must be feeling really scared and helpless i'm so sorry for you. Maybe you should visit your gp and let him know how worried you are about the results of your test surely he could hurry things along 6 weeks seems an awful long time to have to wait. The same goes for your work really is that nomal that they don't tell you what is going on that seems really unfair it would make anybody ill with the worry. You certainly need to get your sleep sorted 2 hours a night is not healthy and lack of sleep will just make all your problems so much worse, i think you really need to go see your gp and explain that you are really struggling. Not much practical help that i can give to be honest but keep posting because there are some great and wise people on here.
    Stay strong and always remember there are people you can talk things through with, even just putting it all on a post here can help.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi louisk

    I only went to the doctors last Friday and she did say it would take two weeks for the pills to have an affect.
    I asked then about the results, all she said was that it could take up tp 6 weeks for the result of the ct scan which was the critical one, its only 3 since i've had it done.
    I just think the school issue was the straw that broke the camels back, you need to work in a secondary school to understand that there are literally hundreds of false allegations on staff in my city alone. I know in my mind if i'd done something wrong i'd know it.
    Thats the crux of the matter, they are not allowed to tell you until its been investigated, they collect evidence and then speak to you. I was stressed with the medical issue, this is too much.
    My head is full of ifs,buts and maybe's and believe me any school will hang you out to dry to cover their backs.
    Secondary schools are jungles these days with every toerag knowing their rights and i've yet to meet a parent who doesn't believe every word their child says, truth or lie.
    A collegue of mine was accused of assault by a pupil when he intervened in an assault by the child on another, the parents where'nt satisfied with the schools investigation and called in the police, what happened? my collegue was completely proved innocent of any wrongdoing and even now 9 months later has been unable to recover from the experience, i have my doubts he'll teach again, what happened to the boy who accused him, absolutely nothing and he's back in school happy as larry.
    I fear this could happen to me

    I know i'm rambling but its helping just writing this down, any coping stratergies that anyone can give will be thankfully recieved.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thats ok you ramble away i know it helps to get it all out, you are in a difficult position for sure :impissed: I guess that the schools are over protecting the pupils in some ways i mean they have to react in the childs favour just in case there is something going on but it is so unfair and a really flawed way of doing things. It is going to be a long few weeks for you thats for sure i guess all you can do is try to distract yourself maybe you could try going for really long walks to give yourself the space to get your thoughts in order, you certanally need to find something to occupy yourself otherwise you will just sit and stew for another 3 weeks.
    Let us know how you are getting along maybe we can help you through in some small way over the next few weeks.:wave:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Lippy49

    Firstly, welcome to Thesite discussion boards, it's exactly the right place to get your feelings down in the written word and seek support and advice. You've already been given some great advice on your thread.

    Sound's like you know deep in your heart that you have done nothing wrong in your work, but the anxiety and stress this has created has compounded on your health and wellbeing and made you question yourself.

    Some of the information on this page may be of some help to you? Check out the 'realated articles' and 'next steps' on the right hand side of the page. They have some great links to additional and relevant information.

    As has been said, it sound's like you need to keep yourself occupied - go out for walks, meet up with 1 family member or friend a day, start a new hobby, read a book, exercise, learn to cook new dishes to eat or spring clean where you live are just some ideas.....

    Take care and let us know how you get on. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks Harry

    I know i've done nothing wrong and after reading the paranioa explanation on the site its spot on how I feel.
    The problem is knowing it and being able to do something, i'm finding very difficult.
    I think time will tell, I am trying to fight the anxiety and really dont want to sink into depression.
    I keep thinking this may be happening and that may be happening, the other problem really is i'm always the strong one as head of my family and I feel a failure being so weak.
    If I can just get it into my head that i'm ill.
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