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Cat Questionaire.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
1. You're thirsty. Do you...

a. Have some nice, clean water that's been put in a crockery bowl to keep it cool.

b. Have some of that nice kitten milk, made especially for kittens so they don't get sick.

c. Drink any old shit from the bird bath/pond/puddle etc.

2. You're feeling peckish. Do you.....

a. Have some of that tasy fish in sauce of meaty bits in jelly from those lovely people at Whiskas.

b. Have some of those crunchy nibbles. Different shapes and tastes for kitteny cats from those lovely people at Whiskas.

c. Eat the first thing that crawls/flies/slithers past you or maybe some grass then throw up on the duvet later.

3. You're not feeling well (probably from the crawling thing/grass you ate earlier). Do you.....

a. Throw up in a secluded place with as little fuss as posiible.

b. Throw up in the kitchen. Not nice but at least that laminate flooring/lino is easy to clean and it won't stain.

c. Make a huge fuss (preferably when the humans are eating so they feel sick too) and go through the motions as if you we're trying to throw up a battleship, run away when they try to pick you up and throw you out the back door and puke behind something that will involve moving lots of funiture to clean it up.

d. Be very quiet and secretive and do it on the carpet/sofa/duvet so it can be trod on/sat on/lied on later.

4. You're feeling playful. Do you play with...

a. One of the multi-tude of brightly coloured, expensive toys you've been bought.

b. That multi-level cat scratching post with added dangling.

c. Some random bit of crap you found on the floor. String/sweet wrapper/insect carcass etc.

If you answer all c or d. You're one of my cats and how the hell do you know how to use my computer ?


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