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I dont know really...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
So I was speaking to someone the other day, someone who i did feel for, and i knew she did feel the same, but she was with someone at the time so i never did get together with her. We went our separate ways, but still remain in touch. This was a few years ago

Anyway.. back to the point spoke to her for first time in ages (live in different cities now and been extremely busy with work) but anyway, the weird thing is that whenever ive gotten in touch with her, she always saying shes thinking about me, but she was recently telling me how she has a new boyfriend and that she wants to move to another part of the country with him etc, and basically life is all fine and jim dandy. But then she's asking about my love life etc. Told her straight that there's no one in my life at the moment. But the thing is that after speaking to her, i just thought to myself that i dont think anything will happen now, i missed my chance not being upfront before, and it did kind of feel like she was rubbing my nose in it, but all day today at work, just been thinking i may just leave her be for a while, maybe even for good. As i say, when i finsihed speaking to her, i didnt really feel anything after,felt slightly pissed off she rubbed a bit of my nose in it, but those feelings have subsided now.

I think its a shame thinking like this, because she has been a really good friend,but i just dont know if i should just leave her be and just stop speaking to her again. Theres the possibility i may see her in the city where i live, but Im basically stuck on what to do.

Sorry if a long-ish rant, but has anyone else been like this, debating whether or not to just drop someone from their life.

Any suggestions much appreciated


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why should you drop her from your life? Can you not just be mature and be friends? You never even got together in the first place so she's hardly 'rubbing your nose in it'.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not too usre how to explain this, but:

    Explain to her that you'd appreciate if in future she didn't rub your nose in. (I had to do this and it never worked...)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No what i meant, was that she was just going on and on about how wonderful life is at the moment, and it just did my head in basically, ok its fine for a bit, but to go on and on.

    What i mean is that i just feel now that i dont "know" her anymore like i used to, and now that I hardly see her these days, i may just call it quits and see what life brings.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Everybody goes through ups and downs in life, I'd personally hate to think I was rubbing anyones nose in it when I was having good times, but even when I'm on a downer then I still want my friends to be really happy.

    Don't feel you have to cut her out of your life if things aren't going the way you want them to with her, friendship is a wonderful thing.
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