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Am I An Idiot?!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Basically, i've been with my boyfriend for coming up to two and a half years and lived with him for the past year. Last wednesday, we were supposed to be going to the cinema and instead of getting his stuff together he turned around to me and said, completely out of the blue, that he was breaking up with me, packing in his job and moving back to Essex to live with his mum. Obviously i was pretty devastated and went on a mildly self destructive rampage for about 5 days.

As we were still living together (for the next month until we work out our notice periods), i decided that i would at least try and be civil to him. We talked a lot about the breakup, both on the Thursday and Sunday of last week and a bit of this week (i say talked... trying to get anything from him is like trying to get blood from a stone). Basically, i established in my mind that he was fed up with being skint, working long hours, hating the people he worked with and then disliking coming home and having other responsibilities (and having to deal with my moods!). When i approached him with this, he confirmed it, and said it was all a combination of factors which had made him throw in the towel.

Last night we discussed if it would be better if we were living apart. We've served notice on the house and we've both handed in our resignations at work and are heading back to Billericay and South-East London respectively. He said he was prepared to give it another go and see if it worked better like that - with his close friends about and less responsibility as he'll be living at home.

The thing is... i know we were quite young to settle down and move in together etc. But while this doesn't really feel like a step backwards, am i silly to expect his feelings to change because he'll be at home? Should i just get out now while the healing process has already started? I do want to give it a go; i think he's worth it. But am i letting my heart rule my head, and being an idiot?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmmmmmmm well I think in matters of love you have to follow your heart and if it is worth it, at least try and then you will know.

    It would be rubbish to just leave it and then always wonder if it may have worked if you had tried.

    It could work better without the stress of living together, I know when I lived with a b/f we got fed up of each other. Dating is nice when you don't live together as you want to see each other and look forward to it.

    You're not being an idiot. No-one can say whether it will work out but if you both want to I'd say you should give it a go at least.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmmm, I can see where he is coming from so I believe it may be worth giving it a shot, As you are, im young, settled morgette, long hours work and responsabilities etc and I can see how it can get to him,

    maybe this could be best and could save your R'ship,

    Good luck
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm not sure, tough one!

    If he feels like that living with you now, who is to say it's gonna be any different in 2-5 years time?

    would you continue living apart forever if he was never "ready"?


    most of the reasons he gave weren't based around you, more him and his situation.

    so maybe back at home, where he is famililar with people (family n friends) things may change

    only one way to find out .... x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have to say, that sure as hell its up to you. I dont think any of us can really predict whats going to happen. It might be good and then it might not be. Honestly you if you stick with it then tell us how it went. It's just a ground i have never coverd as well as most of us.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Matty wrote: »
    I have to say, that sure as hell its up to you. I dont think any of us can really predict whats going to happen. It might be good and then it might not be. Honestly you if you stick with it then tell us how it went. It's just a ground i have never coverd as well as most of us.
    And? I am pretty sure she knows its up to her, shes asking for advice though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, thanks guys. I do really want to give it a go, and if i didn't, i'd spend my whole time thinking 'what if?'. I just want to check that i'm not getting myself into a silly situation purely because i do still love him. I don't want to be taken for a ride, basically.

    I'm going away tomorrow for a week as well, so that'll help me put some perspective on it all i hope.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you an idiot for wanting your relationship to work? No, of course not.

    But, if you are going to date, and you are going to work at the relationship then you need to know both of you are actually going to do that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What, as in him as well?

    He seemed to be pretty happy about this compromise. He was very upset about the whole thing; more so than he thought he would be i think.

    His problem is that he's not very good at decision making, so when he makes one he sticks with it, whether it's a good or bad one - just for the sake of having made a decision. Which is fine, but not when you won't admit that your own decision making skills are making you unhappy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What, as in him as well?

    He seemed to be pretty happy about this compromise. He was very upset about the whole thing; more so than he thought he would be i think.

    His problem is that he's not very good at decision making, so when he makes one he sticks with it, whether it's a good or bad one - just for the sake of having made a decision. Which is fine, but not when you won't admit that your own decision making skills are making you unhappy.

    Yes, him as well. Obviously if you arent going to live together it might be easier to drift apart so you need to know he's serious about the whole dating lark, which by the sound of it he is - so thats good.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why not have a little break till you both move away and then see how you feel when living apart. If you miss him and he misses you, then give it ago. You could always go back from the start and "date" eachother.

    However if you're both living seperately and you dont miss being with him, then dont go ahead with it.

    Personally i think you should make the decision about whether to give it another go, after you've both moved out. And no, your not an idiot for wanting it to work.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah wrote: »
    Personally i think you should make the decision about whether to give it another go, after you've both moved out. And no, your not an idiot for wanting it to work.

    There is that. But then we'd have to spend the next month living together and not being together. And that would be fvcking awful.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    he was fed up with being skint, working long hours, hating the people he worked with and then disliking coming home and having other responsibilities (and having to deal with my moods!).

    I really struggling to see the difference between that and my life TBH

    I'm going to be a little contrary here and suggest that you consider things after you've moved out and possibly avoid contact for a week or two. You will have a better idea of how you feel about each other then. I worry, for you, that you may just be settling for what is "comfortable" rather than what you actually want/need...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's clear you want him but are the factors that drove him away going to cease forever?

    I mean lets say your relationship bounces back and becomes great again (fingers crossed!!) but what's to stop you two moving in again in 6months-year time and the same thing happening all over. Sorry don't mean to sound like Lord Gloom (just my mood at moment :impissed: ) but you have to, to a degree think long term before you get back together properly.

    Lets say he gets better job and that'll remove being skint and hopefully hating the people he works with! Is/was there anything else making him want the relationship to be over, other than your moods?! You've said getting information from him is hard but surely he owes you the truth.

    I'm in no place to give advice as I'm just as confused but I do hope it works out for you!:)
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