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Rant - Head fuck!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I dont know if this is a rant at the power you females possess and how easy it is for you to fuck our heads up.

Or a rant at what pathetic, feeble creatures us guys are.

I believe I've grown immune to the cock teasing female types, and even keep clear of the ones that give the impression that with a couple of drinks and a little work you could easily work your magic, but grrr, recently I've encountered a new species.

A very pretty, incredibly nice, thoughtful, intelligent and interested young lady, who despite not once making a suggestive comment, once implying any hint of anything other than friendship has penetrated right through to the centre of my head and refuses to move.

I started talking to her purely because she seemed like a decent gal, i've not spent hours talking to her for months, just the odd conversation here and there, then suddenly it was like, *click* she is gorgeous, she's fantastic and she needs to have my babies.


It's like she has all this power, over this poor pathetic little male, but she doesn't have the slightest clue, which means i can't just think "cock teasing bitch"

I wasn't and am not looking for a new relationship, i'm perfectly happy, but I can't get her out of my head!

I think the lack of alcohol abuse over the past couple of weeks/months has allowed all these pathetic preditory human senses and emotions to awaken, I think the only course of action is to go out this weekend and drown them with alcohol!!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mr Orange wrote: »
    I dont know if this is a rant at the power you females possess and how easy it is for you to fuck our heads up.

    Or a rant at what pathetic, feeble creatures us guys are.

    I believe I've grown immune to the cock teasing female types, and even keep clear of the ones that give the impression that with a couple of drinks and a little work you could easily work your magic, but grrr, recently I've encountered a new species.

    A very pretty, incredibly nice, thoughtful, intelligent and interested young lady, who despite not once making a suggestive comment, once implying any hint of anything other than friendship has penetrated right through to the centre of my head and refuses to move.

    I started talking to her purely because she seemed like a decent gal, i've not spent hours talking to her for months, just the odd conversation here and there, then suddenly it was like, *click* she is gorgeous, she's fantastic and she needs to have my babies.


    It's like she has all this power, over this poor pathetic little male, but she doesn't have the slightest clue, which means i can't just think "cock teasing bitch"

    I wasn't and am not looking for a new relationship, i'm perfectly happy, but I can't get her out of my head!

    I think the lack of alcohol abuse over the past couple of weeks/months has allowed all these pathetic preditory human senses and emotions to awaken, I think the only course of action is to go out this weekend and drown them with alcohol!!

    bless ya ..

    Maybe you're feeling a little lonely and subconsiously you start looking at female friends and weighing up whether they are girlfriend material or not

    if she's not very flirty with you i doubt she has a hidden agenda to break into your mind and make you think about her

    this is a propa cheesy line i heard from somewhere sometimes if someone is on your mind maybe they are supposed to be there
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ah yes, a decent, respectable, likeable human being who's not interested in your willy....

    Always a killer, that one.

    It's the fact that you're not looking for a relationship; they always come worming out of the cracks as soon as you get happy being single...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bless ya ..

    Maybe you're feeling a little lonely and subconsiously you start looking at female friends and weighing up whether they are girlfriend material or not

    Thats the bad thing, i'm in a long term, what is honestly, very happy relationship with my perfect match, hence why even when im out drinking with the lads I distance myself from any playful flirting so i never have to use the line "but i was drunk!"

    I think you may be half right though, before my relationship i had a fair few females friends, now I don't really have any, not because i'm not allowed any, just because being in a relationship i've not really been in the situations where I get closer to the fairer sex, perhaps thats the reason why... not been close to random females as much lately, (but as described later, she's not the only one in the group i've spoken to...)

    if she's not very flirty with you i doubt she has a hidden agenda to break into your mind and make you think about her

    I know, i don't believe she is even aware of what she's done, which makes it worse, if she did then i could push her away and think "Bitch!" but she's done absolutly nothing wrong, and nothing to suggest she is interested, or that if i let her know i was interest she would recipricate, so pushing her away would just be really childish! To be honest, it's really strange because we're not even "close mates" just two people in a group that have got talking, so it's really bizarre and unnatural she's had this effect, theres other people in the group we've both spoken to more than each other! Odd!
    this is a propa cheesy line i heard from somewhere sometimes if someone is on your mind maybe they are supposed to be there

    VERY Cheesey... but i like it :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mr Orange wrote: »
    Thats the bad thing, i'm in a long term, what is honestly, very happy relationship with my perfect match

    Oops :) Ignore my previous post, didn't realise you were already with someone!
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