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The Ex,The New one or single????TORN!!!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Thanks for clicking to read.Hope I don't bore you too much as I really need your help and advice.
Right brief background....
I was with my ex for 4.5yrs.For the last 6-9mths things deteriorated.We took each other for granted.We got bored.I saw that he never supported me or encouraged me to do anything.Everything I did,I made him unhappy about and it seemed like he never saw things from my point of view and never understood me.
In the meantime,I was mates and we clicked and had lots in common.Started out as a great friendship and then feelings began to develop.We never flirted or anything as he had a girlfriend so the friendship was genuine.Just really really got on and then I realised my feelings were really strong
When things went downhill with me and my ex I was thinking that it needed to end as it just didn't fell right and then once I had feelings for someone else,I thought...my god I really need to end this.I didn't end it to be with my friend.It just purely made me think that who I was with is isn't right.
So we split and stuff and so did the friend and his his girl and naturally we got closer.
The difficult thing was that I was still getting over a break up as I really loved my boyfriend and then when I saw my ex again recently,things went further and now I'm torn again.
The two guys are totally different.I couldn't say who was better as they both have a lot to offer.
I am finding it so hard to rationalise these torn feelings.I was fine before things went further with the ex but at the same time,I feel so much for my friend who is now obviously more.
How can I do the right thing.
I can't believe how much of a coward I am.
My ex knows that I have cheated and he says that he still wants to be with me.I believe that If I gave my heart to one of them it will be a long term committment.It's make or break with either of them now.
I reckon that maybe I should just be on my own but it's so hard to turn away from feelings.
What on earth should I do.What questions should I be asking myself to make make things right.

Thanks for your time.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wish i had those problems.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd probably stay with the guy I was with at the moment. The reason being, there was obviously good reason for breaking up with your ex, and if you got back with him the same circumstances could arise...and your boyfriend at the minute sounds like he treats you well! :)

    You really shouldn't have cheated though...:(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No one can tell you who to be with, its easy enough for people to say 'an ex is an ex for a reason' but sometimes time apart can change you and make you realise what you had together. This isnt your only dilemma though you have this other guy that you have feelings for too, which makes me think that you need time on your own to work out what you want.
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    BunnieBunnie Posts: 6,099 Master Poster
    The decision is yours, you need to think who you can see yourself with in the long-term, and who brings out the best in you.
    Don't look at it as it being definately for the long term, you need to just play it by ear.
    You and your ex split for a reason, if you feel you get passed the problems then fine, but if not, or if they are likely to arise in the near future, perhaps it is time to let go.
    You may feel like this towards your ex because of the long time you spent together, and the memories you share and wanting that back, rather than actually him.
    Keep your chin up hun!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm in exactly the same position.

    Things deteriorated with my boyfriend of 2.5yrs towards the end of last year, at which time I formed a friendship with a guy I worked with. Long story short - after about four months of bickering daily with my ex, I'm now with the guy from work.. and currently full of half-regret and guilt for not giving my relationship with my boyfriend my full attention and trying harder to work out our problems.

    I think I should have had more time on my own and more space to work out what I truly wanted. At first my ex wanted me back but now he seems to be getting fine without me, which just makes me feel worse. The guy I'm now seeing has been understanding, but he's so lovely I don't want to hurt him.. :(

    Sorry - this probably hasn't been of any use whatsoever! :(
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