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General whinge

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
What do people think of the following situation?
It's all finito now... but just wondering what peoples' reactions are.

Anyway... the girl, i've known her for about a year now, we met online of all places, random browsing on one of those profile websites... I personally thought she was very attractive, in addition to being seemingly rather intelligent.
Anyway, we talked, got to know each other a little better... we joked about the possibility of meeting up for random sex... of having a relationship. I think we both believed it was never ever going to happen, but still... Anyway, she started seeing someone (six years her senior) and I got a major crush on someone who is still currently my best friend... so she told me about how wonderful her relationship was with her boyfriend... and i moaned about how miserable I was, to the point where she actually got really pissed off with me and suggested I jump off a bridge...
Anyway, her and boyfriend started having difficulties in October... she wasn't exactly the most faithful person, she slept with other guys while they were together, not very often but it happened more than once to say the least. Anyway, she didn't feel like it was working out so they went on a trial separation and eventually split up. I was talking to her while this was happening, she suggested something along the lines of 'why can't I meet someone like you who isn't messed up and leeching off me' to which I eventually suggested we give it a try.
Anyway, after much deliberation we agreed to try and see what happened once she sorted her head out (she felt that she needed to stop thinking along the lines of random sex because she wanted commitment...), around this time I went on anti-depressants... she told me it was a stupid idea, she was partly the reason I came off them again after a week, the other being I decided I didn't need them and they were making me feel nauseous. Anyway, early December she suggested I came to visit her of an evening, she decided it was time we met. After putting it off, I finally made the decision to go and see her at uni one Friday afternoon/evening. She offered to put me up and 'nurse' me as I was feeling a little rubbish - but assured me beforehand that we would most certainly not have sex... although after meeting her, we had dinner, went back to hers and ended up sleeping together.
Anyway, I lost my virginity to her... and then we had sex lots more in the morning. When I departed she was on cloud nine and so was I - she described herself in her Facebook status as 'rather loved up'... anyway, we msned, texted and called for the next three days until on Tuesday we decided that I would go up and see her again. So I did - we had a lovely evening but when we finally got to bed, she said she really wasn't sure, that she felt it was 'rushed' and that she didn't want to do it like this. So I left her the next day, feeling a little down because I wasn't sure what was going on.
She insisted that we certainly wouldn't necessarily be together before we even slept together... but she seemed to give off signals that suggested so afterwards. Come seeing her again, the signals had gone. She said she needed time to sort her head out before she could commit to me, she needed to make sure she could be what I wanted rather than rushing into it and hurting me later on. Anyway, she said we would discuss it after new year.
Running up to new year, our conversations became increasingly confusing, with her saying things like 'I don't think I can do this, i'm not ready' and then saying 2 minutes later 'we'll talk in January, you come to my birthday, I come to yours, I come to your RAG ball and before you know it we've been together 2 months', as well as 'the more I think about this, the more I feel it's not going to work' and 2 minutes later 'see me in January, kiss me lots and i'll come round to my senses'.
My friends were telling me things like 'she sounds like a slag' and 'you'll only get hurt, cut all ties' but I hoped it would work out. So I saw her yesterday and she finally said that she likes me but she just doesn't feel the spark... and something happened between her and a guy on New Years Eve... so that was the end of it all.

Personally I still feel a little confused and upset by the whole thing but I know that's probably a little silly.
Just wondering what people think.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Stay away tbh, getting involved with someone who doesn't know what they want and sleeps around will only get messy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Now i'm upset because I thought I wasn't just randomly having sex when I lost my virginity... but apparently it was just a one night stand...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not much you can do about it now tbh. Live and learn - stay away from confused people and cheaters.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My friend said I should get over her by going out and sleeping with some random...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If your friend told you to set yourself on fire would you do it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sleeping with someone else isn't going to get rid of the pain. It will just be another regret. Not a very mature approach to take. Let time be the healer.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Stay well away from her.
    But don't just sleep with random people. Go out on the pull, meet some girls and flirt with them and see where it ends up, that'll help you get over her.
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