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my mate's a cunt

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
One of my friends at uni, who's from back home, is an absolute cunt when it comes to girls. He has a girlfriend who he's been going out with for over a year. He'll cheat on her every chance he gets. I just pass a blind eye, and it's almost like a comical thing among my friends. His girlfriend is stupid and naive to the point of annoyance (her stupidity really does grate). She doesn't have a clue and laps up his perfect boyfriend routine all the time.

It's a joke, and the severity of the whole thing hit me this weekend when he was whoring himself round a club, and pulled two girls. Then at the house party we went to, he got off with a girl in the bathroom while HER boyfriend slept in one of the bedrooms. Her boyfriend's a complete arsehole so I don't think my friend felt any shame for it. My friends were having a laugh when this girl and her boyfriend were kissing later - I then found out that she'd sucked my friend off in the toilets, he did what needed to in her mouth, and you get the picture why they found it funny (sorry, gross I know).

His behaviour is actually pretty disgusting, and while I try not to care, I think what he does has started to have an adverse effect on the reputation of our small friend group as a whole. Just little things I've noticed with girls who know what he's at, thinking we're all Irish player cunts, who are not to be trusted. I'm not one to change him, he can do what he likes, but he is a total cunt when it comes to girls. He's a good friend, but fucking hell, I don't want to be tagged with his reputation!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    tbh mate it will probably get you more action (if thats what you're after?).
    From my experiences ive got a mate who is the same but when i was single it used to work to my advantage because he would bring girls over, he'd pull one, i'd pull the mate. Even though 9/10 times the girls will have heard of the reputation they didnt seem to care..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nah, I wouldn't be looking to get girls through him. It's just a problem at parties and things. When we arrive some of the girls seem very weary of us, when most of us are great guys! His reputation does seem to be rubbing off on the rest of us.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He does sound like a bit of a womeniser.

    Have you tried talking to him about the whole G/F issue? 'Coz thats just rude.

    Its totally wrong to do all that stuff with a g/f but if he was single it would just seem a little slagish not a lot else.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He'll stop being a nob when the time takes him. Probably when he likes a girl and she brushes him off.

    The damage to your reputation is what you should be worried about- people do talk, and people do tarnish groups with the same brush. Not really sure what you can do about that- the fact that you let him do it and not tell his bird will go down badly with others.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can't really do much other than sympathise. I know that if I were in your shoes I would have told his girlfriend about it by now, but I can be a really hardfaced bitch in situations like these, and of course a mate is a mate no matter how much of a twattish lothario they've turned into. I suppose it doesn't help that his girlfriend is a pain in the arse, so I doubt you (or anyone else) feels any real sense of duty to - or sympathy towards - her. I do know I couldn't watch her being humiliated at every turn (even without her knowledge, which I think is actually worse) and also I think it would more than take the wind out of his sails. Has anyone ever had a word in his earhole about what a total spiv he is?

    Basically all you can do is distance yourself from him a bit. Obviously being from the same place and hanging around together is going to make you an Irish player cunt by association. If you aren't willing to ditch him then all you can do is sit tight and wait for him to get his just desserts. He will.

    Is the girlfriend from home or did he meet her at Uni, just out of interest?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is the girlfriend from home or did he meet her at Uni, just out of interest?

    His girlfriend is from Edinburgh. He's even worse when he's back home and he knows there's absolutely no chance he'll get caught out. It's ridiculous, he may as well be single, then he'd just come across as a bit of a slag (as someone mentioned), and not a total judas cunt.

    I think he just likes the security of his relationship and he must have some affection for her to stay with her for over a year. He's more or less been cheating on her from day one though. And Briggi, I do kind of feel sympathy for his girlfriend but she is incredibly annoying, and if I'm honest I wouldn't care if she just pissed off. She's just one of these ditzy types who'll sit and pull out her split ends, or bore you to death telling you about some shite film she saw :yeees: . It doesn't help matters that she was born in Hong Kong before moving to Scotland, and therefore has developed a bluff mixed accent which never fails to make my brain hurt. You can imagine comedown sundays aren't too fun with her about. :banghead:

    We've had words with him before but you can't really tell him what to do. We actually nickname him 'Dog' because he's such a dog, and yes we do call him that in front of her, but unsurprisingly she doesn't pick up on it. I'd never tell her what was going on, no way! You can't do that to a mate. He's fucked up a previous relationship with a girl at home, by doing similar sort of things. If he goes on like he is now, I'm sure it's only a matter of time. For instance, I heard that if the boyfriend of his latest conquest finds out what happened, he'll definitely tell my friend's girlfriend. I can't really distance myself from him because he lives with all my best friends, and he is still a good friend from home, regardless of his cuntish behaviour towards girls.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you told her you'd get rid of her...that'd influence my decision. I doubt its affection, its more just an easy shag if his pulling doesn't work one night.

    You're his mate, you're gonna be seen in the same light. Normally you could distance yourself, but not this case- being seen to pull him up would help your reputation, though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi there :wave:

    It can be very hard to be honest about feelings towards a close friends, but talking to clear the air, even if they don't change, can always help and make a big difference. I have attached an article about friends going bad, so hope this can help.

    Good luck
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    If you told her you'd get rid of her...that'd influence my decision. I doubt its affection, its more just an easy shag if his pulling doesn't work one night.

    You're his mate, you're gonna be seen in the same light. Normally you could distance yourself, but not this case- being seen to pull him up would help your reputation, though.

    I understand where you're coming from, but there's no way I'd do that. It may help my reputation with some of the girls, but what about my reputation with my friends? No chance, I'd never do anything like that.

    Another thing I thought about was that if/when she finally does find out through someone, she's so in awe of him, and so naive, that he could probably make her think they're lying, or come up with something ridiculous to keep her with him. Its crazy the things she does, calling round and tidying his room, when he's not even there! Always making him dinner, and she's always so worried about what he thinks. Like she'll show us what she bought him for his birthday, and anxiously ask us 40 times "Do you think he'll like it? I dont know if he'll like it, do you think he will?". It's beyond a joke.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have to say Addict that the thread was a relief. For a minute I thought that one of your mates was a blue.

    You are right, he's a cunt. She'll learn.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have to say Addict that the thread was a relief. For a minute I thought that one of your mates was a blue.

    You are right, he's a cunt. She'll learn.

    May be a stupid question, but what's a blue?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    blue as in true blue
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Man City fan.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Addict wrote:
    One of my friends at uni, who's from back home, is an absolute cunt when it comes to girls. He has a girlfriend who he's been going out with for over a year. He'll cheat on her every chance he gets. I just pass a blind eye, and it's almost like a comical thing among my friends. His girlfriend is stupid and naive to the point of annoyance (her stupidity really does grate). She doesn't have a clue and laps up his perfect boyfriend routine all the time.

    It's a joke, and the severity of the whole thing hit me this weekend when he was whoring himself round a club, and pulled two girls. Then at the house party we went to, he got off with a girl in the bathroom while HER boyfriend slept in one of the bedrooms. Her boyfriend's a complete arsehole so I don't think my friend felt any shame for it. My friends were having a laugh when this girl and her boyfriend were kissing later - I then found out that she'd sucked my friend off in the toilets, he did what needed to in her mouth, and you get the picture why they found it funny (sorry, gross I know).

    His behaviour is actually pretty disgusting, and while I try not to care, I think what he does has started to have an adverse effect on the reputation of our small friend group as a whole. Just little things I've noticed with girls who know what he's at, thinking we're all Irish player cunts, who are not to be trusted. I'm not one to change him, he can do what he likes, but he is a total cunt when it comes to girls. He's a good friend, but fucking hell, I don't want to be tagged with his reputation!

    What goes around comes around, my friend was a bit like this no way near as bad, but when he got a mad stalker it taught him a good lesson.
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