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i cant stop thinkin about her

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
im 16 i just left skool........

Ok, i met this gal wen i was in yr (she was yr8) 9 and we started talkin, she was a real nice gal (intelligent, good lookin, funny) she was nice to me and showed an intrest i me, i started to develop an attraction 2wards her, i think she liked me too but she wouldnt admit it. But then things changed after a month and a half, she was starting to b nasty to me (she was 13 at the time i think i was 14)and this eventually led to her bullying me for 2 and a half yrs.

But then things did improve btween us and we bcame m8s again, she said she was sorry and i believed her, i never felt any hatred 2wards her even wen she was bullying me. Anyway i noticed that the feelings i had 4 her were returning and i again started fancying her. I sent her txt msgs hinting that i liked her and she said she liked me too in tht way and she said we should go on a d8 2gether, i sed yeah. But the next morning i came home from work and i found out tht she had replyed sayin tht she had already got a bf, and they were seeing eachuther since XMas (so they been going out 4 10 months i think now, assuming there still 2gether), i felt like complety used and chewed on, and we kinda stoped talkin 4 a lil while (not falling out though) and i did call her again. But My bro was chatitng up a v.special m8 of mine, i got real jelous and ending up smashing my phone up, along wif her number, and i avent talked to her since.

The thing is that i cant stop thinking about her even thoguht she led me on ( i dont h8 her, i h8 what she did to me), i even dream about her sumtimes and its wrecking me up a bit.

Could i still have feelings for her and not even realise it. (i hope not, cause i really like a gal on the net at the mo, and i dnt want it to ruin things)

Time if advancing slowly, feels like crap.

Love advancing slowly, feels like a eternity diviness.

Time advancing fast, feels great.

Love advancing fast feels like an eternity of nothingless.

Either way ur screwed.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    soz this is continued.......

    tht net gal i like is gr8 to me, shes kind, loving,sensative. Basically she everything i want. And im worried that all this fiasco wif the girl who led me on, cause its starting to get to me and i only have feelins 4 this net gal, nd only her i dont seem to want any1 else, but i get all jelous wen she metions all thse guys she knows, and i end up being nasty to her a bit. I think its putting her off me, even to b m8s, but she means too much too me, and id b devestted if i lost sum1 like her, i think ive fallen 4 her big time and i want to meet her wen im older. I just want tht other gal out of my head

    Time if advancing slowly, feels like crap.

    Love advancing slowly, feels like a eternity diviness.

    Time advancing fast, feels great.

    Love advancing fast feels like an eternity of nothingless.

    Either way ur screwed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ok this is my view on the subject
    4 starters its obvious by wot uvesed about the girl that ure in love wiv her still but u wnt admit it until ureself bcoz she hurt u so badly!! <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/frown.gif"&gt;
    ure in lust wiv this other girl not love bcoz uve never met her b4 & ure not sure if u eva will, she will respect ure decision. I think u shud go 2 this gal who u stil have feelins 4 & find out wot these feelins r, the internet girl will understand i sure then if u decide ure still in love wiv this gal then im sure the net girl will stay friends wiv u or vice versa <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;
    gud luck wiv wot u decide i hope it turns out 4 the best!!

    If u have a good soul u can make sum1 happy!! If u can make sum1 happy ure a good person & a good friend!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mate i aint tryin to be harsh to you or anything seeing as that u have been fuked about, but this is an internet gal not one that u see everyday and u cant love someone unless u spend more than a hour chatting to them over a chat room or MSN. If you really love this gal from skool then go and see wat she says. Don't ask her out straight away but take time to be mates wit her again and then if anything developes, then ask her out. This way you will know if your feelings are true and if she has any for you. You may have been fuked about but this mite have been cos she had paniked cos she liked you and this otha boy and couldnt decide so fuked u about until she decided. Not nice i no but we all do it. The easiest way is to ring her be mates, and then ask her to meet up. I got the girl i love by doin that, but she neva fuked me about. M8 take ur time and think about it dont just jump rite in. Cool Calm and collected wen chatting to her. No pressure one girl and there is millions but the one u love is alwayz the nicest so dont cok up. Hope i could be of help. Good Luck
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my god john, is it me or do u have the same stories to tell but the person changes all the time, why dont u just not have feelings for them till u really know the ins and outs of them, that way u wont get used so much! stop been a pannyweight and listen to ya mind not ya heart. usually the mind is more right than ya heart!!!
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    I do belive that this post is a bit DEAD considering the problems (that I wont go into) resulting from this and similar posts.

    A weekend wasted, is not a wasted weekend! <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/nogood.gif"&gt;
    Weekender Offender 
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