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Am I being shallow?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ok, new guy problem :rolleyes:

I consider myself the type of person that takes people as they find them - I don't make judgements about people without getting to know them first, and when it comes to relationships I'd give anyone a chance - regardless of age, gender, religion or looks. At least I thought that's what I did...

I catch the last bus home after work every night; the bus journey's 30mins and as I'm always the only one on the bus most times, I've got to know the drivers pretty well. There's one in particular who's great - really funny, sweet and always gets me to stand with him at the front of the buys and chat for the entire journey. He's told me he likes me, and after a couple of weeks of him asking for my number, I gave it to him and we've been texting over the past few days (well...he's been texting, I replied!).
I know for a fact he likes me and wants something to happen between us, but the thing is although he's a really sweet guy, I'm not attracted to him in the slightest. Well actually that's not true; he's got nice eyes. But he's way older than me - in his 40s I reckon, and like I said I dont fancy him.

I think it could be the age putting me off...it's an issue with him and I've told him that, but he says I should give him a chance. My friends think this too, and say i should at least go out with him to see if we get on and stuff.

What do you guys think - am I being shallow, and should I give him a chance?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think you're being shallow, if you simply aren't attracted to him then a relationship just wouldn't work. However, if you get to know him, you may become attracted to him.

    Obviously if you are a lot younger than him, you may be looking for a different kind of relationship than he is. I'm not saying that you won't want the same things, but it's a possibility given the age gap. Also, bear in mind that you may have different interests etc..

    I say, maybe go on a date, and see how it goes.
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    smitherzsmitherz Posts: 968 Part of The Mix Family
    How old are you?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    alasia wrote:
    What do you guys think - am I being shallow, and should I give him a chance?
    Nope. You don't decide who, why and to what you are attracted to in a person. Are you hoping that there'll be some sort of revelation that will occur that will make you instantly attracted to him? There won't. And if you 'give him a chance' in the hope that you will become attracted to him over time, you'll only hurt his feelings more when you finally realise it isn't going to happen.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    your not being shallow. If your not attracted to him your not attracted to him!!

    Why did you give out your phone number? I think its given out the wrong impression.

    Sounds like you get on well so why not text him and invite him out as a friend?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you're not attracted to him you can't make yourself be attracted to him, and whilst everyone says its the personality not the looks, that is quite often bullshit. You can be friends with someone you find unattractive, but if they don't float your boat then you could never have a relationship as a relationship without sex is just a friendship.

    If you get on with him don't burn your bridges, but please make sure that you don't lead him on anymore. It's not fair.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    alasia wrote:
    Ok, new guy problem :rolleyes:

    I consider myself the type of person that takes people as they find them - I don't make judgements about people without getting to know them first, and when it comes to relationships I'd give anyone a chance - regardless of age, gender, religion or looks. At least I thought that's what I did...

    I catch the last bus home after work every night; the bus journey's 30mins and as I'm always the only one on the bus most times, I've got to know the drivers pretty well. There's one in particular who's great - really funny, sweet and always gets me to stand with him at the front of the buys and chat for the entire journey. He's told me he likes me, and after a couple of weeks of him asking for my number, I gave it to him and we've been texting over the past few days (well...he's been texting, I replied!).
    I know for a fact he likes me and wants something to happen between us, but the thing is although he's a really sweet guy, I'm not attracted to him in the slightest. Well actually that's not true; he's got nice eyes. But he's way older than me - in his 40s I reckon, and like I said I dont fancy him.

    I think it could be the age putting me off...it's an issue with him and I've told him that, but he says I should give him a chance. My friends think this too, and say i should at least go out with him to see if we get on and stuff.

    What do you guys think - am I being shallow, and should I give him a chance?

    how exactly is that 'being shallow' in your opinion?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No, you're not being shallow. Being shallow would consist of you taking a dislike to his hair colour or his fashion sense. It doesn't consist of not being fond of age gaps. Not wanting to go out with someone 20+ years your senior is perfectly acceptable. If you don't fancy him, don't start a relationship with him, tell him. (Just think, how awkward would your bus journey's be if you starting going out and then broke up a month later?)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There's nothing wrong with being picky, If you dont fancy him you dont fancy him, simple as that. Just let him down gently.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Char_Baby wrote:
    There's nothing wrong with being picky, If you dont fancy him you dont fancy him, simple as that. Just let him down gently.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks for the replies...been busy with work so I didn't get a chance to read this thread since I posted, but on Friday Phil (bus driver guy) asked me to stay on the bus until we got to stafford (I usually get off at wolverhampton, 30 mins from stafford). I decided to stay and chat to him, and spent the rest of his shift chatting to him. Turns out he's a lovely guy. I went back to the depot with him and ended up staying at his that night. I made it clear nothing was going to happen (because I'm not into one night stands) but we stayed up most of the night talking - all the cliches! lol.

    I had to be in work the next day at 4pm, so he dropped me off on his way to work (which meant he got in work 2 hours early!) then asked if he could pick me up after work. I spent the last few days at his place, with him taking me to work and picking me up in his car after he'd finished work at midnight...and I just got home!

    He really is lovely...giving him 'a chance' did work out well; I really like him now, and I think he likes me. I've even met his mum (just cos she lives opposite him!) and spent Sunday in the pub with his friends. Turns out we have got quite a bit in common - and I'm staying over at his again at the end of the week :D Yay!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aww I love a happy ending :heart:

    I wish you all the best with him
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    As long as it doesn't move too quickly and burn out I'll be happy. He's a honey:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    mmmm I used to think like that, but after a while i've come to realize that a girl can catagorize a man when they first meet them and in a way refuse to be attracted to them. Like "he's nice but I don't fancy him or anything", if he's quite charming, funny, genuine and the rest of it and brings down that catagorized barrier/gets some intimacy in there then he may get seen in a different light.

    I never think many genuine girls lead men on, they just wait to be lead.

    Fuck off with your "How girls think" encyclopedia you use. It's such tosh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1983 wrote:
    Fuck off with your "How girls think" encyclopedia you use. It's such tosh.

    You go girl *does hand movements* :thumb: ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok next question; (lol) - do you think starting seeing someone then staying at their place for 4 days - then going home for a day only to stay at their's again from thurs until sunday (as will be happening this week) is a bit weird? As in, is that too much time to spend together? He keeps suggesting I stay opve ranother night and I agree because I like him - and atm I miss him when I'm not with him - but I've never spent this much time with any other guy I've been with. Not when we've only been seeing each other for 5 days, anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    alasia wrote:
    Ok next question; (lol) - do you think starting seeing someone then staying at their place for 4 days - then going home for a day only to stay at their's again from thurs until sunday (as will be happening this week) is a bit weird? As in, is that too much time to spend together? He keeps suggesting I stay opve ranother night and I agree because I like him - and atm I miss him when I'm not with him - but I've never spent this much time with any other guy I've been with. Not when we've only been seeing each other for 5 days, anyway.
    If you wanna take it slow then it's way too much.
    Also agreeing all the time to what he wants, in the end he may think you are a sap. It may not be right but it's natural to feel like that if a person sees you all the time, makes me think they havent got their life and eventually i feel stifled. I'd say cut your time down. 2 nights a week if u r taking it slow.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In the earliest stages of most of my relationships I've spent a hell of a lot of time with the person. Some would probably say it's too much to spend 4-5 days at someone's house, but it all depends on the situation and how eager you are to spend time together. I'm driven nuts by boyfriends after a while if we're spending too much time together, but at first I love the whole idea of being holed up in their home getting to know each other and creating a really strong sense of intimacy. As the relationship progresses obviously the dynamic changes, and you need to go back to respective social lives and time apart.

    Bad as this sounds, I guess it also depends on where you stand on the physical side of things. I wouldn't stay at a romantically interested bloke's house for days on end if we weren't getting down to it, I don't think.

    As VV said, it depends how slowly you want things to progress. I basically think that if you want to spend time with him then do it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    alasia wrote:
    Ok next question; (lol) - do you think starting seeing someone then staying at their place for 4 days - then going home for a day only to stay at their's again from thurs until sunday (as will be happening this week) is a bit weird? As in, is that too much time to spend together? He keeps suggesting I stay opve ranother night and I agree because I like him - and atm I miss him when I'm not with him - but I've never spent this much time with any other guy I've been with. Not when we've only been seeing each other for 5 days, anyway.

    Thats how I started out. Went home the night we met, stayed the weekend, went to my place to grab some clothes, stayed another week... From day one I ended up spending far more time at his house than I did my own.

    But its all in what your both comfortable with. If you both enjoy spending that much time with eachother then go for it! It shouldn't be about whats weird or proper, its about what your comfortable with and what makes you happy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my_name wrote:
    But its all in what your both comfortable with. If you both enjoy spending that much time with eachother then go for it! It shouldn't be about whats weird or proper, its about what your comfortable with and what makes you happy.


    Do what you're comfortable with.
    Personally I like to spend a lot of time with girlfriends, pretty much all through the relationship. Even after 5 years with my ex we would see each other 5 or 6 days of the week, and she would stay over 2 or 3 of them.
    With my current girlfriend we see each other 4 or 5 days of the week, but she doens't really stay over much. Many people think this is a lot of time to spend with someone, but i'm happy and they've been happy so I don't see the problem.

    As long as you are both happy then it doesn't really matter whether it's once a month or every day.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks guys.

    It's just that I've never spent so much time at any of my previous boyfriends' houses - I mean, Phil's mum lives around the corner from his house and he takes her newspapers over to her every morning. I went with him on the saturday (after spending my first night with him on friday, although we've been texting and talking to each other for a few weeks as friends). - it felt a bit weird, but his mum was fine with it and seems lovely. I've also spent time in the pub with his mates and got on with them really well. It's just all this stuff we've been doing is normally what I'd consider people to do after they've been seeing each other for a while.

    It does feel comfortable though - I don't feel awkward at all being at his house, and although we share a bed at night and I have slept with him (once or twice, not every night though cos I want to make sure he's not just in it for the sex! lol), we do normal stuff during the day - one of us is usually working that day (usually both of us) so we'll stay home and watch tv or play with his cat (also known by me as Evil B******!), or go shopping/around town. It's 'boring couple stuff', but it actually feels ok, and doesn't feel like things are moving too quickly.

    And as for not always doing what he wants, he wanted me to meet him after work today but I said I needed to go home and eat/change/see my mum first, and that I'd meet him later. He also won't see me much next week cos I've got plans, so it's not like I'm changing my plans for him or anything:D

    Anyway I'll shut up now, otherwise I'll start rambling on about how great he is! :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    alasia wrote:

    Anyway I'll shut up now, otherwise I'll start rambling on about how great he is! :rolleyes:

    Awww :D:heart:
    Best of luck to you two.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hehe, thanks *blushes*

    Off to meet him now - I'll see you guys in a week! lol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    good for you and well done for taking the risk and going for it :)

    like everyone said so long as he doesnt take it for granted that you will be there when he wants you and your happy then go with it
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