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Does he like me or is he just playing with me?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
There is this guy that I have been hanging out with at school for about two months. When we first started hanging out we acted like we were just friends. A few weeks after we started hanging out,we both found out that we were single and looking for someone. When my friend found out she suggested that this guy and I should go out. The guy responded by say we should. Ever since we both found out we are single, this guy started getting closer to me. For example:

We started hanging out more
He started to hug me goodbye
He started to take my hand and wants to hold it sometimes
He sometimes puts his arm around me
He now sits next to me or near me in the classes we have together,
He teases me playfully Eg: tickling, pocking, and by saying things.
He gets energetic and silly around me
he says hi and flashes me a smile when he sees me
My friends say they have seen him look at me when I am not looking at him
He sometimes walks me to the station after school.

This guy and I exchanged phone numbers, but eventhough he now has my phone number, he does not call me much. Last friday night I went to a restaurant with this guy and some of my friends. We sat beside each other that night and I noticed that his legs and knees were leaning towards me under the table and then he placed his had on my knee and started feeling and rubbing my knee and leg. Later that night we played a car racing game at the restaurant. After I finally beat him at the game and won, we stopped playing. When my friends left and we were alone, he put his arm around and held me close. While doing this he asked me what is most crazy/outrageous thing I have ever done. After we went back to our table and he held out his hand to let me know that he wants to hold my hand. At this time we were still alone. When my friends came back, he let go of my hand. Later while my friends were there with us, he he tried to slightly lift up my shirt and tickle my side. He tried to tickle me a few times. Then he started to rubb my back. When we said bye that night he told me to give him a call.

When I called him this week I asked him if he would like to get together and do something, he said that he is not really up to it and that he has been staying home and doing nothing and has not felt like calling anyone.

I also noticed that this guy will only get close to me when my friends are not around and if they are around he will only get close to me when my freinds are not paying attention or do something like under the table where they can't see.

Do you think this guy really likes me and wants to be with me, or is he just playing with me.

If I could get some opinions, it would be greatly apprectiated.

I am sorry that this story is sooooo long.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd say he likes you. From what you say he's given all the signals of someone who has a crush.

    Just the 2 points that you raised.

    1) He has your number but doesn't call that much... He's a guy, therefore he has an in-born fear of telephones. It's in their genes, I swear to you.

    2) He doesn't touch you when you're around your friends. Well, there are two possible reasons for this :
    a)Either you failed to mention in your post that you're a 3 headed monster-type and he's embarassed to be seen with you, so he doesn't want anyone to think he might like you.
    b)far more likely - he, like you, doesn't quite know the state of things and doesn't want to get anyone else involved until you've worked out what's happening.

    I suggest you just let things happen naturally & see what develops from it.

    Hope this helps!

    Semper ubi sub ubi
    <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.freakygamers.com/smilies/s/kao/otn/pangel3.gif"&gt;
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you just playing with him maybe?

    What else do you expect him to do? I mean until you are "together" anything more full on, would just be depriving you of your space, it would be like he is "staking his claim" or something. He is obviously keen, and a good bloke as he wants to get to know you first.

    I hope you're returning his signals cos if you don't he will think you are just playing with him. Ever tried unzipping his fly and sucking his dick? If not, don't complain that hes just playing with you. What did you expect? Engagement ring?

    I am in the same situation, I have a girls number, we have met in a disco several times over the last weeks. She never rings me, and I ring her about once every week and a half cos until we are "together" I don't want to invade her space. I don't touch her in public cos I think thats tacky and cheesy I need to get to know her mind before I start playing with her body.

    And then her friend accuses me of playing with her cos I don't ring that often and haven't made any moves.

    So I told her last time what the story was. I think she looks really good, I told her I can't say anything about her personality because I still don't know her personality. I told her I want to keep seeing her and get to know her better, she said yeah thats cool, your a nice guy too, I like talking to you I want to keep seeing you and get to know you better.

    So then shes dancing with this dude, kissing him on the dance floor, and the next night goes home with him, with the barest minimum of conversation...

    I asked her the next day what he had that I didn't. She told me that I made it sound like I wanted friendship more than a physical relationship. I guess she was right. And the other guy made it clear to her that he was interested in satisfying her sexual needs more than I was.

    I think your dude wants friendship more than a physical relationship with you, or he would have fucked your slippery minge by now.

    And I think you know this, if it had that physical chemistry, one of you would have made a move by now. Especially you, since your the one writing the question on the internet.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kza, how mean can you be??

    Girl, i say you let things take a natural course, but give as much interest as you would like to receive from him, don't invade his space, but also talk to him so u'll know where you both stand, don't be afraid to bring up the conversation, coz u don't want to be left wondering.. what if?? could we have?? TAlK to him, thats probably the easiest way......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Kza, that is pretty mean, but I see your point, there are two sides to every story, and CutieShy, that's the problem.

    You can quite convincingly and informatively tell us on this board what your feelings and problems are, but why not try doing the same with your guy?? Because of course you don't wanna give too much away or assume anything he doesn't right?? So tell him you'd like to talk seriously about the two of you sometime soon, which'll give him time to think about it too, and hopefully result in some meaningful conversation about where you're going with this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have 2 agree wiv snow white. the most likely explanation by far (that he doesn't do these things wen ur friends can c) is that he is either A) a bit shy, and altho he is comfortable doin these things wiv u he doesn't like 2 b seen doin them by sum1 else - he might think ur friends dont like him or B) he's not quite sure where he stands and doesn't want 2 push u incase he's got the wrong end of the stick . . . sexual assault charges being wot they r these days.

    ave u been making ne moves like that bak 2 him? if not then u shud either start making them or get him in 4 a talk and tell him wot u feel bout him. otherwise, he might jus think that U r playin wiv him.

    but 2 answer ur original question - yes, i fink u can b 99.9% certain that he really likes u and isnt jus messin round. also, like sum1 else said, he seems like a nicer sort of guy as he is bothering 2 get 2 no u b4 he goes rushing in . . . . .

    gud luk . . . .
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi This is cutieshy and I would like to thank you for the replies that were gven. Some of the replies have really helped me.
    I really appreciate it.

    Thanks Again
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