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HELP.....before i do something stupid!!!!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

Hiya <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/biggrin.gif"&gt;
I know this might sound abit like i dont trust my boyfriend(Fiance), you'll see why i've done this! I had to know, and the Truth hurts!
I noticed that my boyfriend had all these girls email address and phone numbers all over his folders(he doesnt know that i know) and then all these really sad cheesy lines, that he wouldnt say to me! Then i noticed when he got his new phone he had stored there numbers all in it! So i had to find out more so i went into his emails and there it was....LOADZ of emails from all of these girls, i was heart broken! BUT i had to know! So the other night we stayed up talking we got chatting about chatrooms and that, he said he never goes in them, (yeah right >:I ) i said when i do go in them i tell the guy i've got a boyfriend (coz i do), and if they ask for a pic i send 1 of me and my boyf! I know it's only email and chat BUT its not the point, when i'm not with him how do i know he's not calling these girls?? I know what his friends are like (sort off)! While i was in his account i was chatting to this girl as him, she seemed really nice, and all these girls pictures..they were really nice looking, i'm now scared that as he's had cyber(which isnt the same thing...i know) that when we're doing it, he could be thinking about them! I'm really scared! I would say something, but he would just give me the cold shoulder...he does all the time when it comes down to talking(it isnt his strong point)! I cant tell him coz he'll know ive been nosing, he doesnt have a clue that this is ripping me apart!! what should i do???? Im scared if i tell him, he will hate me, and deny it all! And if i dont i might end up doing something!
Love Miss_Kxxxxxx


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Did any of these emails suggest that he was seeing or physically interacting with these girls?

    If not, he should leave you, you aren't worth it. No guy deserves to have his girlfriend snoop through his private stuff.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree with the first part of kza's posting - u shud find out the exact nature of his 'relationship' wiv them b4 u go charging in accusing him of cheating on u. it cud well b that there is a perfectly innocent explanation 4 all of this and he is jus friends wiv them, u no?

    so find out exactly wot is goin on an take it from there, yeh?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kza that was a wee bit mean. MissK, if you and your man are serious, he shouldn't be keeping friendships with other girls from you. That in itself is wrong. But, if you are at all possessive he may hae been scared to mention them in case you flipped. But whatever u do don't tell him you snooped. Where the names on the folder hidden or lying around where u could see them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just realised he is your fiance. Bloody hell girl just ask him! You should't be engaged to someone you a) can't talk to things like this about and b) have doubts about whether u can trust him.
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