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Splitting up with your bf

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ive been with my bf for over a year now, well we never put a date on when we got together we just gradually did, he was my best friend before we got together and we always had a "thing". Now i dont want to be in a relationship any more, sounds selfish but i'm only young and he's the type that thinks we'll be together forever etc and i just dont think its fair to stay in the relationship when im feeling like this.

Lately things have just changed, the main problem being not too many people know about us as things were abit messy with ex's and things and it was just easier for people not to know, sounds strange being together for this long and know one knowing =S

I dont know what to do, if we split up it would have to be a 100% no contact any more, as i know for a fact we would never be "over" if we still stayed in contact. Also i tried to end it not so long back, and he started guilt tripping me saying he wasnt going to be here tomoroow etc, and what are you meant to say to that?! I hate hurting people or making anyone upset and cry but surely if i dont do it now its going to be alot worse in the future?

Just another one of my rants really but im sure there must be others who have been in this rubbish position lol,



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just be honest with him. make your mind up and dont back down. otherwise it will hurt you both more in the long run, and its obvious you want out of the relationship.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just be honest with him. make your mind up and dont back down. otherwise it will hurt you both more in the long run, and its obvious you want out of the relationship.

    Agreed. You've just gotta do it. Yeah it'll hurt him for sure, but he'll live and he'll be stronger for it in the end. And you're right about one thing - if you definately want out, then yeah, the sooner the better. And good thinking about cutting all contact with him - hard for a start, but much better for you both in the long run - will save you both alot of pain you don't need. Trying to stay friends after a relationship hardly ever works...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    From past experience, if you do split up with him, give yourself time to get over him! In the long run, it'll be harder if you don't. Good idea about it being it together, if there is always going to be something there! When i broke up with my ex, we decided to be good mates, as we were close before we got together. He then decided as it was me who ended things, that he couldn't be friends with me as it was too hard, we have just started to talk again, 1 YEAR later! It hurts, as you must've been close, but everything has to come to an end! If its what you really want, then do it, be honest and don't let him talk you out of it! good luck x
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