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is it possible to ever achieve real independence?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
So I've been working in the big wide world for just under a year now and I have to say it's not for me, having the same routine everyday is just way too monotonous, i'd go so far as to say it's soul destroying........now maybe i just haven't found the right job, but i've got a feeling we weren't designed to run like robots.......am I the only one who thinks "fuck I don't want to work everyday til I'm 70 and drop dead", what kind of existence is that? i look into people's faces on the commuting rush everyday and i don't see a single happy face (apart from the odd couple), i can almost feel their misery and it definitely doesn't help put me in the right mood at the start of the day, i try to block it out with music and keep smiling but it's not easy........so if everyone's so miserable then why do we all do it? can nobody see another way out? sure we all have to live but at what price? what defines quality of life - is it having the nice car and the big house, or is it getting the most out of everyday and really exploring all the possibilities life has to offer?.......i think half the problem with this era of specialisation is that we have all turned into useless mechanised parts, just able to do our little bit to keep the world turning, but take us out of the machine and we are helpless to look after ourselves, so noone thinks there is any alternative, and we all plod along to our graves.........

recently I have been looking for ways to beat the system, I know I can't do this shit for another 40 or 50 years........so realistically, apart from winning the lottery, what are the options open to me? i thought about just dropping everything and going off to work on some farms and communities to become more self-sufficient, so that I have more freedom in how I spend my time, I have to be my own boss to a degree because how else do you get any real sense of self-achievement and self-worth? sure i've done well to get a degree and land a decent job working for an ISP, but at the end of the day I am a slave whoever I work for if it's not for me, my labour is not fairly rewarded otherwise because that is the nature of a profit-oriented world, everyone at the top screws over the little man........

I think maybe I would like to do voluntary work because I did a lot of that when I was younger, and it is very rewarding to help others.......but another part of me says I need to sort my own life out first, make sure I am financially secure and then worry about everyone else........a selfish mentality I know, but it's hard to get out of the trap I am in because I have bills to pay, and that is the bottom line......

So if I am to beat the system from within I have to start my own business, which is impratical in reality because to raise the capital I would have to go to a bastard bank and get myself into a load of debt, so that is out of the question........I was talking to my flatmate this evening (which is probably what brought this all on, so it's his fault) and he was saying you have to find ways to cheat and steal from the system because it cheats you, which I think is cynical in one sense but very true in another, in my mind the whole system is designed to prevent the mass population every amassing any considerable wealth, because then we wouldn't have to go to work everyday, and the whole thing would just collapse.........now I'm not going out to rob a bank or anything like that, but I would like to find a way that doesn't involve me spending years of my life making some bastard at the top rich.......I am going along to have a look at a property venture with a friend next week which sounds promising, there is money to be had in real estate if you know what you're doing so maybe that's a way out.........also buying and selling stocks and shares, but again you really need to know what you're doing and have enough disposable income to chuck around, which I don't yet.......

I'm not quite sure why I'm posting all the ramblings in my head, I'm not even high so I do hope you'll forgive me........I'm just curious, does anyone else ever think about this kind of stuff? is it possible to achieve real financial independence without becoming a criminal? i think i understand the criminal mentality better now, does it make them a bad person because they don't want to be told how to live or when they can retire?.........am i mad, or just someone who has escaped the social conditioning........? i think at the end of the day, i just want to be happy and do my own thing........(and if your wondering - no, j hasn't hacked my account :p )


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I see what you're at. We're just cogs in the machine. Just another brick in the wall. All sorta teenage angst sorta shit but it's true. What really is the point?
    I think it's a mian reason why people get hammered every weekend. To escape the daily grind. Ah well, you'd love it it everyone just stopped, but who would they be rebelling against, themselves? :chin: :shocking:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The way capitalism works to keep you enslaved is by getting you to work towards goals that you can never achieve.

    Theres alwats a better car, a better house, a better PC a better breakfast cereal, just around the corner. Or so the promise goes....

    Most suppporters of our state capitalist system like it not because of the freedom it affords them, but because one day they might get to become a master instead of a slave. The chances of doing this are a little better than winning the lottery, but it's the same kind of hopeful re-rolling of the dice and inevitable disapointment.

    Perhaps you should look at the idea of needing lots of wealth to be happy.

    The only problem you then face is the simple fact that although you might be willing to leave others alone, the state will not leave you alone. Maybe you work out you don't need so much money to live well on, you just need food and shelter and those things are pretty cheap and can be easily obtained with a little imagination and part time work.

    This would leave you with lots of time to read, play, get drunk, make love, watch sunsets and all the stuff that makes life worth living.

    Except, ofc that the various tax men make sure you have to earn too much so they can take it off you. You also have a soceity that (in general) simply won't understand or accept that being relatively poor is a valid choice. So the pressure is pretty strong to keep you playing that game you know you have already lost and know is no good for you.

    Just some thoughts....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Paranoid ramblins, I reckon.

    But yes, people get too caught up in the whole idea that wealth = happiness. And because of that they miss out on the true happy events of life- watching your children grow up, seeing the world, being with your partner, watching them grow up and mature.

    It's a shame.

    Personally I don't mind being a cog. It gives me time to do things that I want to do. I don't thing there's anything wrong with just keeping your head down and getting on with it. There's no conspiracy, it's a fact of life that some people have more things than you, and some people have less.

    Voluntary work is one way of getting over yourself, definitely.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ~Apollo~ wrote:
    So I've been working in the big wide world for just under a year now and I have to say it's not for me.....

    I empathise with you greatly. I don't like the idea of seeing my life stretch out in front of me, constantly working for someone else, 5 days on two days off for a life time, it's incredibly depressing.

    I agree with Klintock's take on the idea of seperating yourself from the idea that money is necessary for happiness. Like Kilntock says, part time work will afford you with the money you need to live simply day to day, the rest of the time can be spent doing whatever you like. If you're canny enough you could learn a skill that pays well enough for you to work part time. I've been working in web design for 3 years and i reckon it'll only take another 3 till i've got the expertise to go freelance.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i did escape the system to a large degree for quite a long time.
    through crime.
    i know of others who are perfectly happy to live off the state on meagre benefits ...buying second hand and not ever dreaming of winning the lotto.

    to maintain my comfort level ...i have now gone into business and this is realy my first propper job!
    the paper work the tax man the vat man the customers etc etc ...are all grinding me down slowly.
    i have decided that another year down the line and i'll retire.

    to have a good income though doesn't always need quakifications and endless hours.
    there are self employed plummers earning a grand a week for thiry hours.
    window cleaners pulling five to seven hundred pounds a week.
    man and van for hire pulling about the same.
    these kind of jobs require little outlay.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks for the advice everyone, i do know that money doesn't equate to happiness but i guess it's just not that straightforward, as klintock says society (and therefore women) in general don't accept that being poor is a valid choice, women like a successful man and looking into the future i would like to be able to provide for my family and give them everything i never had, but at the same time i want to actually be there to raise my kids and not be stuck in an office somewhere.........i'm just very confused about where i want my life to go, and i feel really stupid because i said to myself i wouldn't end up like everyone else, yet i just realised i've tied myself down with all the little comforts, and even if i wanted to go into work tomorrow and quit i couldn't........i haven't exactly got any debts (apart from student loan :lol: ), but every month i have all these outgoings, 420 quid on rent, 60 quid on car insurance, 50 on student loan, 50 odd quid on sky/broadband/phone etc, plus 101 other little direct debits, so im in a position where i have to work just to keep on top of everything, i've been done like a kipper......the real bitch is that i can't go out tomorrow and cancel everything either, thanks to the invention of contracts.....

    i know a fair bit about IT but just not sure if it's enough to cut it on my own, freelance networking and troubleshooting maybe, but i'd have to have a much more modest lifestyle, so i think i need to exercise a bit of control in the coming year.......have just started a new job so been splashing it around a bit, i think i'll have to stick it out for a bit and get some cash together, then bite the bullet.......it's just so hard not to get caught up in it all, i even saw it coming and i couldn't stop it.......i guess you live and learn.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what job are you in?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    as klintock says society (and therefore women) in general don't accept that being poor is a valid choice, women like a successful man

    They also like funny men, happy men, and otherwise attractive men. I think you are doing women a great disservice by picturing them all as money hungry codependants. You ever think that maybe it's the sort of personality that usually gets rich that also attracts women?

    You know, risk-taking, confident, out-going, adventurous etc.

    What qualiies do you need to go and fulfill this dream again?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what job are you in?

    i work for a business ISP in canary wharf managing a data centre, where we host websites for all sorts of companies like blockbuster, sony etc.......don't get me wrong it's not a bad job, i just can't see myself doing it for the rest of my life.......
    klintock wrote:
    They also like funny men, happy men, and otherwise attractive men. I think you are doing women a great disservice by picturing them all as money hungry codependants. You ever think that maybe it's the sort of personality that usually gets rich that also attracts women?

    You know, risk-taking, confident, out-going, adventurous etc.

    What qualiies do you need to go and fulfill this dream again?

    thanks klint but you do me a dis-service by assuming that's how i see all women, i don't i was merely pointing out security is a big issue for a lot of women......obviously other qualities are attractive, and i'd like to think i have most of those so i should focus more on that i guess.....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Welcome to the Doom of modern life. You weren't born into the "aristocracy", so the chances are you will never achieve those superwealth levels that allow true independence. Unless you invent a weapon, communication system or some sort of medical breakthrough.
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