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another work / love question

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
hey guys I need a few thoughts on something before I have a go...
there's a girl at my workplace who I've fallen for...I've had tons of crushes but never before like this and it's wrecking my head trying to think what to do. I'm 20 and she's 3 years older, but we have a laugh in work and the age bit has only cropped up in a few conversations about the old cartoons or whatever. We don't always talk as she's a bit further up the office from me, and when I get a print out (right next to her desk) I always try to initiate conversations but it doesnt always work. she thinks I'm funny which is different to most girls who meet me and seems to enjoy talking with me but soemtimes she's kinda lookin at her screen and keeping it short. I feel like I've failed something drastic when she doesn't respond to my chatter, but a passing smile in the corridor makes me high as a kite.
I think she knows I like her in a big way as she's caught me staring enough times, but sometimes I've noticed her looking (although maybe she was checking to see if I was staring at her again) and once or twice i noticed she blushed.
at my work it's a strong team spirit - we're like a family, but the girl is seperated from it a little because shes in a different section.
basically I'm asking if by reading this it seems I have a chance - I've tried to include all the little things I could remember her doing that seemed to feel right, but I'm not great with girls so I need a little advice. I'm worried I'm misinterpreting the signals I'm getting.
sorry for the long post and thanks a lot for any thoughts :thumb:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This is excalty how am feelin at work , but what if it all goes wrong i keep askin my self, ill look a dick at work every week x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    End of the day you'll only know if you ask her.

    the age difference shouldn't be a problem...only the same as me and my fella and we also met through work. Just be sure that the company you work for don't have any issues with people dating colleagues.

    I wouldn't worry if she's a bit short when yout ry and make conversation in work...have ya ever thought she might be busy concentrating on something and not want distracting. I barely ever talk to my fella in work, even on IM's that we both sit signed into all day. It's a case of arranging lunch, helping if either of us get stuck on soemthing we think the other will know, or saying goodbye at the end of the day and maybe a quick discussion of what to do that evening. It's not from not wanting to talk, it's purely from being too busy to talk.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks a lot for the responses...You got it bang on holliepop and being as I'm facing her everyday I'm worrying a 'no' will cause awkwardness (not for her probably but no matter how hard I try to carry on as normal I go to pieces when I see a girl whose previously turned me down... I guess lookin at me it just reinforces their decision :banghead:

    Kazbo thanks for that as well. I've thought it's where she's busy (and she is VERY busy) whereas I'm always wandering about chatting as part of my job... well maybe I should feel even better for a smile, chat etc as she doesn't seem to have time for anyone else, but hopefully it's not in a little brotherly kinda way.

    well I'm off now but once again thanks guys... I'm gonna try getting things closer this week so it's helped a lot to know the bad signs I've been getting might be all in my head. :thumb:

    ah dear :heart::love:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Am too much of a chicken to go ahead with mine, half of me looks at me phone and thinks text him but half goes NOOOOO
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