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Copyright and the internet.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Downloading music and films etc.

Right or wrong?

On the one hand, it's depriving those industries of sales and revenue. That might just make them more competitive though, with only bands that can perform well live making a living at it and all the shite that's sold through mass marketing at the moment going the way of the dodo.

On the other, there is no loss, the information is copied and the original remains untouched. What's been lost is a possible or potential sale. I am sure a lot of people will download stuff they vaguely like but would never ever buy though.

And then there are two other issues related to these -

Downloading for yourself and downloading to sell. I can see quite clearly that the "potential sales" argument is much, much stronger if you start to copy and pirate than if you retain only for yourself. I still am not sure about it all though.

What do you think?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you took a photograph or composed dome music and someone stole it and used it to represent their own work, or to represent something like a paedophile site or just something you disagreed with - and whatever they did with it you never saw a penny for your creative work...

    would you care?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    would you care?

    I don't think I would, to be honest. The word "stole" here is the bit I am confused over. If I had a cloning gun, shot your TV and made an exact copy of it for myself and yours was unharmed it woudn't be theft, would it?

    You have to lose something for it to be theft I think. The other thing is I would have to know that it had happened, and on the internet you can't always or even often tell.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Theft is theft is theft .... all one needs is a moral compass.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Downloading music and films... Right or wrong?

    Well it is illegal...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    it's theft if it's copyrighted and it's for sale but you take it without paying.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    True Blue wrote:
    Theft is theft is theft .... all one needs is a moral compass.
    So long as the 'moral compass' tells the right answers of course.

    Would that be the same moral compass that, for instance, maintains that all crime should be punished apart from when one fancies breaking the speed limit, because one enjoys going as fast as he likes?

    Is property theft if one's moral compass tells so?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Theft is theft is theft .... all one needs is a moral compass.

    Let us know when you find one, RK.
    Well it is illegal...

    The law is for sociopaths like RK who need actual barriers because they don't have any empathy or redeeming human features. Theft is wrong, even children will tell you that. Making copies isn't stealing, because nothing has been taken.
    it's theft if it's copyrighted and it's for sale but you take it without paying.

    Well yeah, but that's the whole point. You don't take anything. You copy, which isn't the same thing at all. Walking out of HMV with a DVD is theft. Creating a new one isn't theft, it's unlicensed creation maybe or something.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Theft is wrong, even children will tell you that. Making copies isn't stealing, because nothing has been taken.

    Well yeah, but that's the whole point. You don't take anything. You copy, which isn't the same thing at all. Walking out of HMV with a DVD is theft. Creating a new one isn't theft, it's unlicensed creation maybe or something.

    I don't think theft has to invlove the removal of something physical to be defined as theft. I think it's perfectly possible to be capable of stealing someones intellectual property for example.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    To quote an old interent joke:
    "Piracy is teh communisms!!!111one"

    It's theft. But like I give a shit? I am not rich enough to afford everything I want. I actually will, no shit, at osme point buy all the CD's i've downloaded. I want the jazzy little booklet, and it just isn't the same as having the real thing, you know? The bands deserve our money, although, hardly shit-all of what you get goes through to them. Theiving big private commerce takes it, when all they fagging did was release it.

    About time Bands said enough is enough, and did the CD's themselves. Could sell it cheaper, AND get all the money they deserve.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    About time Bands said enough is enough, and did the CD's themselves. Could sell it cheaper, AND get all the money they deserve.

    This would work if they didn't require the financial backing of the record companies in the first place to market their material to an extent that it become profitable for all parties involved.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This would work if they didn't require the financial backing of the record companies in the first place to market their material to an extent that it become profitable for all parties involved.


    looks at how it works, it's legalised extortion, songs i download i dont buy eventually i would of never bought anyway so does it matter anyway, and the albums i have bought

    and legal downloads = muggers, cd album + inserts and ability to do what you want with it (including sell on) £6, downloading an album (with drm restrictions) £8

    eta - its legal to buy from russian mp3 sites at 5p a song as their music copyright law doesnt cover the internet
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    looks at how it works, it's legalised extortion, songs i download i dont buy eventually i would of never bought anyway so does it matter anyway, and the albums i have bought

    and legal downloads = muggers, cd album + inserts and ability to do what you want with it (including sell on) £6, downloading an album (with drm restrictions) £8

    I don't doubt that the artists, especially newly signed ones, do get butt fucked with regards to the money they make. The point i was trying to make was that to give the bands enough exposure to later become big enough to pull some punches with regards to contracts etc then they'd need the finanical backing of a large label to start them off. I'm not saying it's fair, because it isn't, but it is capatalism at it's finest.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't doubt that the artists, especially newly signed ones, do get butt fucked with regards to the money they make. The point i was trying to make was that to give the bands enough exposure to later become big enough to pull some punches with regards to contracts etc then they'd need the finanical backing of a large label to start them off. I'm not saying it's fair, because it isn't, but it is capatalism at it's finest.

    the music industry is really fucked though, its an arse raping on the memo they sign to agree to sign a contract at a later date especially, but you'd be unable to be signed then

    its like pleging your allegiance to fight for an army since you dont even know what youll be doing at the end of it all

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How can some people not think it's theft? You are getting something without permission, without paying for it. So what if you wouldn't have bought it anyway. If you went into a shop and stole a CD, d'you think it wouldn't be wrong just because you wouldn't have actually bought the CD originally. Okay, so nothing physical is being stolen, so what if you bought the CD, copied it then returned it to the shop? How's that different from photocopying a book? If you're not willing to pay for the music, then you can't want it enough. If you can't afford it, well boo-hoo. Work harder, make more money.

    I've got to say that a lot of it is due to the music industry being completely incompitent in using the new technology to sell their music. And the film industry is going the same way. I think a lot of the DVD piracy (and computer game piracy) in this country has more to do with the ridiculous amount of time we have to wait to get the product after it's release abroad.

    I hate all that anti-piracy software on CD's though. I've paid for a CD, I should be able to copy it to my computer if I want to.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    By law, you are allowed one backup copy. But the anti-copy bulshits stops us doing it. Cunts.

    It is theft - But I see it as righteous theft. If it wasn't for the need for stupid middle-men companies we'd get it at a reasonable price. But no, "Publishers" or "Leeches" mean it gets racked up.

    I love Steam for that reason, gaming wise - hopefully, from now on, they can cut out the publisher! No more stupidity! Hopefully, cheap stuff, if valve can get it well established enough to tell Sierra to fuck off.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Only a bit related, but why are DVDs so much more expensive than videos?

    Video cassettes are far more complicated to put together, whereas a DVD is pressed, printed and whacked in a box.
    I'm aware that the assembly of media may not have a huge impact, but it seems a bit silly to pay twice the price for something so much simpler. Special features or not (and you can't fast-forward through all the crap at the front).
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