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On average...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
how many hours sleep would you say you have a night (or in any 24hour period for those of you who sleep in the day and stay up all night)?

I probably have around 7 hours at the most during the week..I think I need more though.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Probably about 3 and a bit, then another 3 or so, I very rarely sleep more than 3 or 4 hours in a stretch.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Anywhere between 5 and 7. I always aim for 8, but never do.

    I need more sleep, I'm tired. Although the commuting I do probably doesn't help.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Usually around 6-7 hours.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    about 8 wen im at college, now its the holidays, its gettin more and more every nite, i had between 10 and 11 hours sleep last nite, dint wake up till gone 12 today
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    Anywhere between 3-17. :|

    For example Friday night I went to bed at 4am and woke up at 7am, Saturday I went to bed at 9pm and woke up 1pm Sunday.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mia16 wrote:
    about 8 wen im at college, now its the holidays, its gettin more and more every nite, i had between 10 and 11 hours sleep last nite, dint wake up till gone 12 today

    Unless I am on nightshift I find it impossible to sleep after 10am - no matter how tired I am. I had a friend that went to sleep at 1am and never got up til 4pm! 15 hours sleep!!

    I am terrible - I wake up feeling tired - later on in the evening I go to sleep fot a couple of hours - thereby I dont fall asleep till 3 in the morn and then have to get up early feeling tired... and the vicious circle continues.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    7-8 at the moment.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bout 6, would prefer more like 10. but not much i can do. i feel horrible when i wake up in the morning! at weekends i can sleep until someone wakes me up, especially if ive been drinking
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    7-9 hours for me.

    Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    3-12 hours....i'm a seriously speradic sleeper, and i suffer from really bad nightmares too so that does help, and i'm prone to over sleeping when i do sleep.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    JsT wrote:
    Anywhere between 3-17. :|

    For example Friday night I went to bed at 4am and woke up at 7am, Saturday I went to bed at 9pm and woke up 1pm Sunday.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Panthro wrote:
    Unless I am on nightshift I find it impossible to sleep after 10am - no matter how tired I am. I had a friend that went to sleep at 1am and never got up til 4pm! 15 hours sleep!!

    I am terrible - I wake up feeling tired - later on in the evening I go to sleep fot a couple of hours - thereby I dont fall asleep till 3 in the morn and then have to get up early feeling tired... and the vicious circle continues.

    I'm exactly the same, unless nightshift is a factor then I always get up around 8am, regardless of what time I went to sleep. Usually I'm still tired but I like to keep myself in the routine, and just make up for it the following night by going to bed earlier.

    Usually I get about 7-8 hours sleep a night, it seems to do the trick!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    normally about 8
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Doing Long day [7.15am - 9.15pm] tomorrow, wednesday and thursday - In university on Friday - roll on saturday when I have a day off [sleep-day probably].

    Life as a student nurse is not easy :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Recently it has been around 9-10 hours. I find that sleeping is a good way to pass the time-the longer I sleep, the less waking hours there are in the day.

    I had to get up early recently though, but found it hard to get to sleep at night, so it ended up at about 4-5 hours for those days.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't know about average which let's face it is a crap measurement because about the guess is going to be wrong for about 98% of the time.

    What I can say, with 100% confidence is that no matter how long I sleep, it's never enough. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    about 8 - 12 hours. Although no matter what time I've gone to bed, and no matter how long I've slept, I'm always more tired if I get up at 11 than I am if I get up at 6/7. Suckeh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    7 and a half hours the last week. I have been redusing it from 8 and a half slowly over the past 7 months, I am seeing if I can't sleep less (to have more waking hours). My goal is to see how many hours I can sleep, while still felling ok. A freak experiment, I guess.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    varies at around 6-10.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    about 7. I go to sleep around 11 - 11.30, but wake up at 6am because of my BDD :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    about 7 1/2 hours during the week, i only had about just over 5 last night though
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    9 or 10, but I usually wake up for a bit around 3am and then go back to sleep for some reason...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Usually between 7 and 8
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i used to have about 3 hours sleep but now i need to be up fresh ready for work in the morning i have been aiming to get at least 8
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    On average between 8-9.
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    Usually about 6 hours. It can go up to 10 if I'm really tired or down to 2 or 3 if I stayed up too late and I have to wake up early.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm messed up in that regard

    a bit like bong, i'd get a few hours sleep at a time, it's weird for me because when i wake up after a few hours i never feel tired, i have to force myself to sleep, so mentally i'm always awake but physically wrecked, then some days i'll just sleep for 10-15 hours...it's weird like
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I love sleep it is the ulimate form of peace to me. Though lately i haven't slept to well or to long. Though before if I would sleep about 7 hours because of school. Though now that it is summer i could sleep for 10 hours
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