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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
i was in a car accident yesterday and i cant move :(


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeh went last night by ambulance. Had to go on the spinal board thing cos ive hurt my back and pelvis and leg.

    havent broken anything but its still so painful. the car is a write off. glad its not mine.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    cars are shit. get well soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks kaffrin, yeh its put me off cars.

    im really shaken. every time i think about it i keep shaking, i cant sit up without feeling dizzy.
    i dont think its quite hit me properly yet. i keep seeing it all happening in slow motion

    has anyone else experienced similar? i dont know how to deal with the mental side of this. I keep thinking about if i had died. me and the driver are so lucky to be alive and not seriously injured.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    was it in lincoln? how did it happen?

    just try and be appreciative that you're okay.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Eeep, hope your ok :(

    if your still feeling sore and everything pop down to your gp they mgith be able to give you something for it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hope your ok! :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *hugs* Hope your ok :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    was it in lincoln? how did it happen?

    just try and be appreciative that you're okay.

    yeh was in lincoln near riseholme. my friend decided to show off and do over 60mph its a 60 speed limit, there was mud on the road cos of the farm and it was raining. we hit a metal post doing 60mph, the car spun many times, broke alot of fencing.

    thanks everyone, im, gonna go back to the hospital tomorrow if im not any better by then.

    im gonna fail all my exams because of this :crying: got so much to do at the moment, 3 assignments and revision as well as lectures.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    yeh was in lincoln near riseholme. my friend decided to show off and do over 60mph its a 60 speed limit, there was mud on the road cos of the farm and it was raining. we hit a metal post doing 60mph, the car spun many times, broke alot of fencing.

    thanks everyone, im, gonna go back to the hospital tomorrow if im not any better by then.

    im gonna fail all my exams because of this :crying: got so much to do at the moment, 3 assignments and revision as well as lectures.

    eesh, you were very lucky then. sorry you're not feeling any better :( and i'm sure your lecturers will take into account what's happened to you. so was everyone else ok, and are you and your friend still talking?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    eesh, you were very lucky then. sorry you're not feeling any better :( and i'm sure your lecturers will take into account what's happened to you. so was everyone else ok, and are you and your friend still talking?

    im not saying much to her. shes taken it too far this time.

    she got off lightly with whiplash. shes out carrying on with her life and i cant even move from the couch. almost fainted while tryintg to get to the toilet :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    im not saying much to her. shes taken it too far this time.

    she got off lightly with whiplash. shes out carrying on with her life and i cant even move from the couch. almost fainted while tryintg to get to the toilet :(

    y'see i quite often do 70mph odd on the a15, and you always think 'i'll be alright' but then one day i guess i might not be. hope you're feeling better soon x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    i dont know how to deal with the mental side of this. I keep thinking about if i had died. me and the driver are so lucky to be alive and not seriously injured.

    that's all you need to think, that you were lucky. Don't go into the what if's. What's important is that you are ok, and it's pointless to agonize over what could have happened. Just be glad that it didn't.

    You can learn a lot from this... your life is precious and you need to take care and look after yourself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    has anyone else experienced similar? i dont know how to deal with the mental side of this. I keep thinking about if i had died. me and the driver are so lucky to be alive and not seriously injured.[/QUOTE]

    Not a car crash no, but a robbery at my work, i wasn't hurt (thank God) just bruised my wrist when they pushed me out of the way to get to the till. For weeks it kept going through my head, what if? What if they'd had a weapon etc. I was lucky! It happened again only last week only this time there was a weapon! Just give yourself time. Talk to someone about it as well, that should help. Other than that theres not much you can do, but its true, time is a great healer.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've been in an accident too - very minor but the car was technically written off even though the damage looked really minor

    These things at least teach people to be a little more careful in the future and wear their seatbelts.

    Hope you get better soon. :wave:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The mental side of things gets easier. I was in a car accident at christmas and wrote off my car on the M4. For a while afterwards I was extremely nervous in cars and I kept running the scene through in my head. But gradually my confidence came back. I still have little wobbles where I get nervous, but it does get easier as time goes on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    These things at least teach people to be a little more careful in the future and wear their seatbelts.

    Hope you get better soon. :wave:

    thankfully i was wearing my seatbelt. if i wasnt im pretty sure i would be dead right now. Hopefully this did teach my "friend" to not show off when it can risk peoples lives.

    i keep thinking about if i had taken it off briefly to take off my hoody or something, that would of been it.

    my injuries are starting to heal now. if i have plenty of painkillers in me i can just about walk around with a little support here and there.
    still keep feeling really sick and still feel dizzy and faint all the time.
    it hit me today really. every moment im on my own i end up crying and shaking. so im going home from uni tomorrow so i can rest it up with my family for a few days, im worse when im left alone.

    went to the crash scene, the car broke a sign post, bent over this other wierd metal post thing, smashed rather alof of fencing in and theres glass everywhere.

    thanks for everyones comments it does me good to read them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    has anyone else experienced similar? i dont know how to deal with the mental side of this. I keep thinking about if i had died. me and the driver are so lucky to be alive and not seriously injured.
    Last November, i was ill with tonsilitis and alone in the house so i had a bath. while i was in the bath we were burgled and i managed to lock the door just before someone grabbed the handle and violently pulled it (it was unlocked so if mum came home she could come in and help if i needed it). then i had to go into my room when he was downstairs, grab my mobile, crawl out onto my balcony in a weensie towel and call the police. while i was waiting for them, he was in my room, ergo about three feet away from me with a door half made of glass in between us. if my curtains hadn't been closed, he;d have seen me. longest twenty minutes of my life. i think the way i got over it was to think that a) i'm okay now, i'm alive and i wasn't hurt b) i did the sensible thing-so if you still hurt in like, two days, go to hospital, and c) cry if you need to. i did, and i don't generally cry. but i was scared, and it helps. also, do whatever you need to to make yourself feel secure and happy again-no one will criticise.
    Hope you feel better, hon.,
    Amsy xxxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hope you get well soon, as I'm sure someone has previously mentioned, time is a great healer.

    not only will this have caused immense physical strain on your body, I'm sure it will have drained you mentally as well. It will take a good while to get over the shock and realisation of the events, but you will be back on your feet good and well soon :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hello again, yes this thread is back!

    since my last post i have been to hospital again, where the doctor was again foreign and doesnt seem to understand what im saying. he said its bruising

    i went to see a doctor today and finally i have been diagnosed, its not bruising at all!! i have nerve damage called sciatica. Last night i suffered a *really* bad pain (as in i cant breathe and yelp in pain) when i moved into a dodgy position in bed, and something moved in my back. the doctor said i probably had a slipped disk and it was this putting pressure on my nerves. Not suprising as the car hit a post doing about 60mph, spun and left the ground then landed.

    so after all that i finally know whats wrong and how long i will be recovering. I have to have at least 2 weeks off uni which means i am going to miss 2 of my exams and some assignment hand in dates.

    its made me feel a hell of a lot better to know that a doctor finally has realised im not just bruised! it made me feel horrible when at 2 trips to hospital they treated me like i was fine and sent me home with some pain killers, no xray, and when i could not actually sit up or stand.

    Im still really weepy but am recovering at home now.

    The only thing i need to sort out now is all my extentions for uni work, mitigation forms, and im also going to put in an accident claim.

    Thanks for everyones replies its good to hear other peoples stories.

    I'll live!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    hello again, yes this thread is back!

    since my last post i have been to hospital again, where the doctor was again foreign and doesnt seem to understand what im saying. he said its bruising

    i went to see a doctor today and finally i have been diagnosed, its not bruising at all!! i have nerve damage called sciatica. Last night i suffered a *really* bad pain (as in i cant breathe and yelp in pain) when i moved into a dodgy position in bed, and something moved in my back. the doctor said i probably had a slipped disk and it was this putting pressure on my nerves. Not suprising as the car hit a post doing about 60mph, spun and left the ground then landed.

    so after all that i finally know whats wrong and how long i will be recovering. I have to have at least 2 weeks off uni which means i am going to miss 2 of my exams and some assignment hand in dates.

    its made me feel a hell of a lot better to know that a doctor finally has realised im not just bruised! it made me feel horrible when at 2 trips to hospital they treated me like i was fine and sent me home with some pain killers, no xray, and when i could not actually sit up or stand.

    Im still really weepy but am recovering at home now.

    The only thing i need to sort out now is all my extentions for uni work, mitigation forms, and im also going to put in an accident claim.

    Thanks for everyones replies its good to hear other peoples stories.

    I'll live!!

    You should be fine with your extensions and stuff I' m a Lincoln Uni and they are pretty good, one of my mates broke his wrist and got a 3 week extension for his dissertation and other things. My housemate is at riseholme campus doing animal behaviour and she got a few extensions when her parents were splitting up.

    My car accident was a minor one, it happend about 3years ago now and I still hate it when I'm in a car driving with anyone else who is turning right and also when I'm driving I have to wait till there is a big gap before I go.

    Maybe when you make your claim they will be able to pay for counselling or something for you.

    Hope you feel better soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    i keep thinking about if i had taken it off briefly to take off my hoody or something, that would of been it.

    but isn't that true of lots of things, every day? i know you've come a bit too close for comfort, but if you stop and think 'what if' every time something scary happens, you could drive yourself mad.

    what ifs mean nothing. you're ok. you didn't take off your seatbelt. you didn't get more seriously hurt. you didn't die. think about that every time you get the scared feeling. which you will, realistically. but try not to let it take over.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kaffrin wrote:
    but isn't that true of lots of things, every day? i know you've come a bit too close for comfort, but if you stop and think 'what if' every time something scary happens, you could drive yourself mad.

    what ifs mean nothing. you're ok. you didn't take off your seatbelt. you didn't get more seriously hurt. you didn't die. think about that every time you get the scared feeling. which you will, realistically. but try not to let it take over.

    yeh i think im over that part of it now. I know im lucky

    i still keep doing things i cant control like crying, inability to sleep and kinda spacing out but hopefully they will go away with time.

    the anger has set in now. im angry that my life is upside down and theres nothing i can do about, and im angry that if people were more careful then this would not of been happening to me.

    i can see it as a learning experience now. i will never hesitate in asking somebody to slow down or telling them they are an idiot if they are showing off, because i will in the future know that if i dont it could cost me my life
    i will also be such a careful driver when i get my licence.
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