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Sex gossip

Can anyone out there please help this researcher?
"Hi, my name's Tillie and I'm working on something called the sex book for the chapter on teenagers. TheSite.org have given me permission to ask you guys a few questions - answers from males and females are welcome."
The questions:
Has anyone ever gone behind your back and told people that you're 'frigid' or not very good at sex? Why do people call girls slags?

You can post a reply here on the boards, or if you'd like a bit more privacy, send an email to: nmimel@inweb.co.uk
Remember to include your name or nickname, your age, and whether you're male or female.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im 20 and im female i have slept with 7 men none of them have ever gone behind my back and called me frigid and that i was no good at sex if they would have i would have probly done some damage to them hehehe!! no seriously um i do not know why girls are called slags.

    firstly from a womens point of view if you go around just sleeping with anyone and there father then i think that um its not a slag how can i put it well its not very mature and you will eventually get classed as a slag if u have had sex with sum 1 then u had sex with his mates and so on and so on!

    me im the sort of girl who will go out not looking for nothing if i get it then thats a bonus i dont class myself as a slag just sum 1 who likes to have a laugh and as i said if it comes along then i will take it just like men if a bird offered it on a plate they would take it even if they was with sum 1! well id say 70% of the male population is like that not every male does it sum actually stay faithful but in this day in age it is not likely. I think everyones out for a bit of fun really.

    um thats my theory if i have offended ne1 sorry thats just my opinion!!

    [This message has been edited by bluey (edited 10-09-2001).]
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