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Blair and his apologies...

Recently, Tony Blair apologised to two families who were wrongly jailed for IRA bomb attacks on pubs in Guildford and Woolwich in 1974. Click here to read: BBC News > PM apology over IRA bomb jailings
Now, my thread doesn't have much to do with this. What I'm asking is, as Blair has made an apology for this, could he perhaps spare his time to say sorry about some other things? Such as:
  • Taking Britain into a war on the basis of a lie.
  • Presiding over the lowering of standards in education.
  • For failing to improve the health service.
  • For the disaster that was the Millennium Dome.
Just to name a few. Anything else he should apologise for?
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    For being such a fucking cunt and subjecting us all to his verbal bullshit?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Politicians can't spend all their time apoligising. Thing is, at the end of the day, he's done a better job than a lot of people - made a couple of mistakes (some rather large) but that's not *just* his fault. He makes very few decisions, he's got a cabinet to do that for him, and they have their advisors and civil servants.

    Onwards and upwards, and by the way, I don't agree with some of your statements, in my honest opinion, the health service has improved. People are acheiving higher in education (grades are still getting better with each year).

    But anyway :p I think it's nice that he's made peace with these families. No doubt mainly because of politics; shows him up as a nice guy, but he's still human underneath which I think most people forget. He's probably one of the most hated people in the country, but he's just a guy with a family and goes to work to run the country; and compared to some people doesn't do that bad a job.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote:
    [*]Taking Britain into a war on the basis of a lie.
    [*]Presiding over the lowering of standards in education.
    [*]For failing to improve the health service.
    [*]For the disaster that was the Millennium Dome.
    Just to name a few. Anything else he should apologise for?
    the milenium job was a tory project that he was stupid enough to continue or couldn't get out of cos it was to far gone.
    the health service has improved massivelyh!
    i use it regular for my daughter ...do you use it often enough to notice the differences i have?
    education ...i'm not sure you can actualy blame a government ...the war ...he should be jailed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote:
    • For failing to improve the health service.
    • For the disaster that was the Millennium Dome.
    The first one's simply not true, and I hardly think it's fair to blame Blair personally for the Millenium Dome, which in actual fact has been beneficial to that local area, which was in need of regeneration anyway.

    He should apologise for the war, and he should step down before the election.

    What he should really apologise for is allowing politics in this country to be dictated by the media, which are brainwashing the country to fit their own agenda. New Labour spin has been a catalyst for media cynicism and political apathy, which now mean that the government is able to push through unnecessarily draconian legislation without anyone holding them to account.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I see what people are coming from but the front page of the Daily Mail yesterday, in which the paper rubbished the decision and suggested Blair should apologise to the victims of the Guilford bombing, was disgusting and repulsive.

    The fact is the Guilford Four suffered one of the most appalling miscarriages of justice in history. Evidence was fabricated by Her Majesty's Police to convict innocent men. If that doesn't merit an apology from the government, what the hell does?

    And for the record, yes, Blair should be apologising to the public for many other things. The Iraq saga alone deserves half a dozen different apologies alone.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    I see what people are coming from but the front page of the Daily Mail yesterday, in which the paper rubbished the decision and suggested Blair should apologise to the victims of the Guilford bombing, was disgusting and repulsive.


    If the IRA were really interested in reconcilliation they would name the people whom were responsible.

    Having said that I fail to see what was gained by the whole episode, other than offering Conlon another chance to spout in the press. The Four (and the Maguire 7) were all cleared in a court of law - in a very public fashion - and this has done little except to appease those members of the IRA who are pissed off at being caught with their fingers very much in the tills of a bank...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Check your notes Luke. Blair and Bush said repeteadly they had conclusive evidence Saddam had WMDs and was in the process of building more. Remember the dossiers? Remember the 45-minute claims? Remember the student papers nicked from a website and modified? Remember the "evidence" presented to the UN?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lukesh wrote:
    I don't remember Blair ever saying that there was WMD. he ONLY said he believed it. The whole issue of WMD makes me laugh. Everyone should focus their attension on the rebuilding of Iraq not the issues to going to war. That can wait.
    Ffs Luke, he said it constantly for two years on end. Have you been watching the Alasdair Campbell News on TV or something???

    As for the WMDs, we should continue to focus on them, because this was the ONLY excuse given by the chimp and his poodle to break international law and wage an ILLEGAL war. At the time of going to war no warmonger appeared to give a shit about freedom or democracy or free elections. They just had to wage the illegal war to rid Saddam of his WMDs capable of destroying London in 45 minutes.

    The cries about human right abuses and democracy only came afterwards, when they were exposed as the liars they are regarding WMDs and threats to mankind.

    What selective memory you have Luke!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We can concentrate on doing more than one thing, can we not Luke?

    Aren't you interested in bringing criminals to justice after only a couple of years?

    If a member of your family was killed by a burglar and two years later you heard he'd been caught by the police, how would you feel if the judge said you should not bother prosecuting him and should instead concentrate in rebuilding your life and that of your family?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And I think it would help enormously if the Arab world saw that we are not hypocrites, and that Bush and Blair are brought to justice for their crimes- or at least kicked out of office and made to apologise for their lies.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Those are good things but we must NEVER allow people to forget what Bush and Blair did.

    Because it was both wrong and illegal, and has cost the lives of more than 100,000 people who would be alive today.

    The end doesn't justify the means.

    And besides, if we leave the chimp and his poodle alone, they might be tempted to do embark in further Imperialistic Crusades in Iran or Syria.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Actually the contrary is true. If you have nuclear weapons, the US will NOT attack. If you don't and you have something the US wants, you're in trouble.

    North Korea is a great example. It is a far greater "threat to mankind" than Iraq could possibly hope to be. Yet the chimp hasn't had the balls to do anything about it. Why? Because the chimp knows NK has a much stronger military than Iraq, and has had a couple of nukes for some time.

    Bottom line: the only way to protect yourself against the warmongering USA is to acquire yourself some nukes.

    As for the number of the dead, I don't know where you get your figures from but I can assure you that the number of people Saddam could have killed in those two years time would have been about 20 times smaller than the number of people the "liberators" have managed to kill since they invaded Iraq.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Personally, I think there's something very hypocritical in the USA telling other people to get rid of nuclear weapons when they have the biggest arsenal in the world. Maybe the US should say "okay, you get rid of a certain amount of weapons, we'll get rid of a certain amount of weapons". But neither side it seems has the common sense needed to sort out the problem.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lukesh wrote:
    north koera is a serious threat, i don't understand why the us hasn't interfeared.

    um, because north korea have nukes, isnt that obvious luke? it's the only thing keeping them safe.....
    the us continuing this pressure on iran is good as it could prevent them from making any future weapans.

    lol, you must be naive, they've seen how iraq didn't need to have WMDs to get attacked, they're thinking shit we better get some asap, if anything bush's rantings about the axis of evil is only accelerating the paranoia....
    why doesn't iran use its common sense and stop any more action into building more weapans. this then will prevent the us from attacking. if the us did attack then they would obviously want to grab its oil.

    if the u.s. wants to invade nothing will stop them, but nukes will make them think twice.......that's why they want to get in there before iran have the capability....iran is using common sense they've signed weapons and oil contracts with russia and china they're not hanging around......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've just noticed something funny here; America invades people for having (or developing) nukes, but at the same time people do exactly that to stop America invading them! Quite funny actually :chin:

    And the ends don't justify the means, but what's done is done, no use crying over spilt milk, always look on the bright side of life, etc etc etc
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    North Korean nukes? they mean nothing. with SDI, the US could squash their military without batting an eyelid.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    North Korean nukes? they mean nothing. with SDI, the US could squash their military without batting an eyelid.
    With attitudes like this, it's no wonder the world is getting more and more dangerous.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    North Korean nukes? they mean nothing. with SDI, the US could squash their military without batting an eyelid.

    Dream on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lukesh wrote:
    I know, lets all abandon the weapans and no one can attack anyone. :)
    That would be a great start.

    Apparently a review of Britain's nuclear deterrent is due soon. They will have to decide whether to continue with it, in which case an update of the current system will have to be carried out at incredible expense.

    It'd be fantastic if Britain does the sensible thing and phases out its nuclear deterrent.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    If the IRA were really interested in reconcilliation they would name the people whom were responsible.

    Having said that I fail to see what was gained by the whole episode, other than offering Conlon another chance to spout in the press. The Four (and the Maguire 7) were all cleared in a court of law - in a very public fashion - and this has done little except to appease those members of the IRA who are pissed off at being caught with their fingers very much in the tills of a bank...

    first of all i'd like to say that things don't work like among the IRA, in their handbook touting is condemned, punishable by death, the IRA will never name names, simple as, and people have paid the price for it

    i think this whole bank raid thing is a bit dubious, no-one has been arrested, no official evidence for IRA involvment, only the word of the chief constable, but saying that the IRA would be the only group capable of such a hesit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    no official evidence for IRA involvment
    I think for the chief to publically accuse them there is probably plenty of evidence.

    The whole Northern Ireland situation is a joke. Never before has devolution seemed so appealing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    first of all i'd like to say that things don't work like among the IRA, in their handbook touting is condemned, punishable by death, the IRA will never name names, simple as, and people have paid the price for it

    Then they need to change, if they are to be taken seriously.

    Really, is that actually an acceptable excuse?
    i think this whole bank raid thing is a bit dubious, no-one has been arrested, no official evidence for IRA involvment, only the word of the chief constable, but saying that the IRA would be the only group capable of such a hesit.

    Oh it's dubious alright. Doesn't mean that they didn't do it though, does it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh it's dubious alright. Doesn't mean that they didn't do it though, does it?

    have you got proof they did it? it really seems to me that something really fishy is going on here, only two months ago the IRA were willing to give up all weapons, disband completely, now them and SF have been effectively kicked out of any future process on the basis of a man's word, Anglo-Unionist conspiracy, maybe??????
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    have you got proof they did it?

    Nope, but then it wasn't me who said that they did it ;)
    it really seems to me that something really fishy is going on here, only two months ago the IRA were willing to give up all weapons, disband completely, now them and SF have been effectively kicked out of any future process on the basis of a man's word, Anglo-Unionist conspiracy, maybe??????

    Of course, it could be that they are guilty as sin, but that the proof comes from "intelligence" sources which are inadmissable.

    However, in that context perhaps Blairs apology can be seen as the sop to the Republicans that it actually is, rather than an admission of something which the UK had already admitted to.

    Like I say, given that the UK Govt can come clean occasionally, what stops the IRA?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Like I say, given that the UK Govt can come clean occasionally, what stops the IRA?

    i don't think the two situations are comparable, the Uk government is recognised world-wide, it's their responsibility to apologise for miscarriages that have already been proven. the IRA are different, they have a stigma attached to their beliefs and tradition, they won't simply admit it even if they did do it. i'm just really dubious of this "intelligence" that implicates the IRA, it hasn't been made public and no arrests have been made, and to make it worse, at a time where the process is at it's lowest appeal. no one wants to go back to war but the irish and british governments and PSNI aren't doing their best to prevent this.
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