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Just abit down really.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey all. I just thought I'd post this thread to kinda get it all out of me really, no point to it at all.

Anyway, I have been feeling really happy recently, until I saw my ex today. The thing was it wasn't as though I could just walk past him as I had arranged to meet up with my friend at college and he was with her when I met her. Me and my ex have been argueing alot recently (those who read my thread about what his new girlfriend did to me will know why) and today when I saw him I didnt say a word to him, and he didn't say a word to me either. I then sent him a txt later on and said sorry for the awkwardness, and I have been feeling really crap since. I know I shouldn't as he is my ex for a reason and he has a new girlfriend now (who's brother told me they had split up as a joke and I got all excited :blush: and then we started talking about how much we miss the old days :( )

Anyway, it is my birthday just before christmas and I want to have some sort of get together, but I have this really horrible feeling no one will want to come as everyone has been really off with me recently, don't really know what to do with myself at the moment :( Just feeling abit crap really.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aww *hugs*. hope it helped to get that out of your system.... life has this funny way of jumping from highs to lows. one day we're on top o the world fit to cope with all things (good & bad) it may be chucking our direction, and the next - everything starts going down the drain. sounds like youve had a crappy day with the whole ex boyfriend situation. try not to let it get you down. just remember that its so easy to let ourselves focus on the negatives (ie. my ex is happy, im not. his g/friends a pain, no-ones gonna come to my birthday...) and its harder to focus on the positives especially when you feel there are none at that minute in time (even when there prob are quite a few when you start to think about it!). Focus your energy into organising a quality birthday bash and a top nite in or out with your close mates. it'll be fab!
    take care x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks, I feel abit better today. Think I just had a really shitty day. One good thing is that this really fit dude at college asked my friend for my number and said i was really cute! hehe. I'm not gonna get too excited tho as it'll turn out to be nothing, but still :D.

    I'm still thinking of what to do for my birthday...any ideas anyone?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by **grunge gurl**
    I'm still thinking of what to do for my birthday...any ideas anyone?

    retail therapy with a group of girls?
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